Story Telling

After a few minutes of silence, Bella broke the silence.

"Don't you think you being Overlord, the protector of Goldema, will spread? Don't you think someone from town spread the message around?"

"I hope they did, I hope every town I went to in the past year remember me and realize why I helped them."

"About that, can you tell me what happened during that year and a half? I think it would be a great way to pass the time, what do you think?"

"Anything for you, my dear, where do I start? Ah, I know, when we left the village, a year ago, we headed north once more, into dwarven lands, we arrived in the town of Banfoyun, a gold mine town, we arrive and noticed that the dwarves weren't the guards, but the guards were humans with legion gear and uniforms, it seemed odd to us that they would allow humans to guard them," Gold began as the elemental beasts slowly pulled the carriage forwards.

"But how far was that from the town?"

"Your town? A few days, like one or two days," Gold shrugged and she leaned on his shoulder, "And something that also surprised me in that town, was that there was no guild system building, something that the legion hated, so I assumed that something was going on with the legion and the control of the dwarven lands, I spent a night at the inn and the manager told me of what was going on, but he also told me that I shouldn't try anything because it would cause more deaths than anything."

"Wait, don't the Legion of Solar hate other races? Like Diamyos, Elves and Reptilians?" Bella asked as she grabbed a canteen of water.

"Yes, but I paid the entrance tax, they didn't care about the ethics or their ideology, only about money and power, they are terrible creatures that this realm never deserved, now they are gone, at least, for a while."

"Wait? What?"

"I came back to see you once the legion was defeated," Gold smiled and kissed her cheek, "I needed to have a reason to protect this realm, it used to be power and greed instead of doing the right thing, but after I met you, I didn't need that as a reason, I had someone to protect, well, I wanted to make this place better for you, and the people around me, you showed me that I couldn't just depend on myself, when you took care of me, I realized that, and I fell in love, I don't know, it was just something that I was never taught or shown by anyone else."

"You don't need to flirt with me, darling, I know that you love me, and I love you, you don't need to flirt like that, or exaggerate it."

"I am not exaggerating," He smiled and turned to look at the road again, "Well, I guess my story will wait just a little bit," They noticed a group of bandits cut off their path, "Good day to you."

"I noticed that you have a lot of chests in the back of that carriage, what's in there? Money? Ores?"

"We are moving, good sir, we don't have much money, and there is just food and our things in there, no money."

"Um, boss," One of his men tapped him on the shoulder.

"What? Can't you see what I am doing?"

"Um, that's why, I think I recognize that guy."

"What do you mean? Are you sure? Tell me, who is this guy?"

"Um, I think I do, ever heard of the story of the Overlord?"

"Yeah, but what's with this guy? How do they connect?"

"That guy has scars on the human part of his head, and he had a reptilian side as well, those green and blue scales, and those fucking eyes, the red and purple, I loved that legend as a kid and I think that we might have just tried to attack the protector of Goldema," The man explained pointing at Gold, "I would back down boss, if you attack him, I prefer just leave now and not see you guys die."

"Are you sure?"

"I agree with your friend there, I am Overlord, Protector of Goldema, I recently got rid of the Legion of Solar, I have accomplished my task and I will continue to," Gold began a short monologue, "If you believe me, just leave now and I won't seek to kill you, but if you want to stay and try to rob us, well, I hope my father will receive your souls and not disregard them like," He paused, "And send them to hell."

"Please, e-excuse me, Sir Overlord," The men bowed like their boss, "I, I mean we are sorry to have disturbed you, I am very sorry, please continue, we won't block your path and spread your name and your accomplishments."

"Well then, I thank you," The horses began moving again, "Have a good day."

Gold and Bella continued on their path and Bella turned around and looked behind them and then sighed and took a drink of water. She looked up at the sky.

"Hungry?" Bella said turning around and looking through the crate of food, "I am."

"Do you want to stop and eat, or do you not mind?"

"I don't care," She began chewing on a bit of dried meat, "What did you do in the dwarf town? You didn't finish."

"Where was I? Ah yes," He continued his story telling, "So we decided to challenge their authority but I didn't just think of just that small town, I made it public using some dwarven race magic, the tier 3, Blade of Adamantium, the dwarves all turned their heads as I summoned that blade, I killed the legion guards and let one of them escape and warn the puppet that the legion had set up to get massive profit from the dwarven mines, gold and diamonds, but aside from that, the dwarves praised us and gave me the title of king."


"Dwarves have a sort of tradition to give the name of their saviors or leaders the extra title of King, but I wasn't done with the legion, I still had to get rid of their power over the region."

"Why the legion?"

"The Legion of Solar was a cancer on this realm."

"Oh, well that's a blunt way to put it."

Months prior, "King! The legion are moving troops down towards us!"

"Sound the war gong, we fight now, or we die," He mumbled under his breath, "Super Tier Magic, cast Perfect Warrior," His robes vanished and a suit of armor formed around him, "Camille stay with D. B., and Miia, well, don't get cocky, now follow me," He walked towards the advancing Legion of Solar troops, "Anything to add to this visual?"

"Mages and footmen, mainly footmen, but there are elementals with them," Gold turned as the troops ran out of their tents.

"Today, we fight for freedom! The Legion of Solar has stolen it once before, but no more! I will lead you into this battle! Remember one thing, Fight or Die by the hand of the Legion, now or later," He put his hand spread towards the ground, "I, King, summon the weapon that will bring pride to the dwarves, Dwarf Tier 4, Blade of the King," The dwarves had their eyes locked on the floor and a small mound lifted towards his hand as his arm strained, "Come forth, Fury from the Mines," A blade carved itself out of the mound of stone, it was a simple, double-edged sword with a red and blue tainted blade and a black hilt. He grabbed it and pulled it from the floor and rose it as the sun made it shine, "For freedom," He turned and ran towards the legion, followed by D. B. with Camille on his shoulders and Miia. The dwarves shouted and charged after him, towards the Legion of Solar. The Legion of Solar troops moved slowly, only walking as the dwarves charged at them. Camille and Daryu Boros surrounded themselves with a silver aura and Daryu Boros leapt forwards and slammed his axe into the ground, rupturing the ground and causing a massive tremor, slowing the legion soldiers, some of them showed panic on their faces and the dwarven lines slammed into their lines. Miia hopped around slicing through the soft flesh of the legion men. The generals barked orders at their dying men as the dwarven metal crushed them. Gold was in the frontline along with the dwarves and hacked and slashed forwards with Fury from the Mines. He slammed the blade into the ground and two hands of stone closed around the archers and the mages behind the footmen. Screams erupted from the hands and then silence as blood oozed out of the hands, shortly after the elementals collapsed.

Soon after, the dwarves cheered atop the defeated legion, Gold rose his blade in the air and the dwarves bowed in front of him. He put the blade back into the ground and the ground took it back.

"Today, all of you have fought for the freedom of your people, you fought for the freedom of the people of Goldema, and I thank you, take back your mines, take back your homes and stay strong against the Legion of Solar, they are nothing but a cancer on this realm, I swear that I will get rid of them and restore peace on this realm, for I am Overlord, Protector of Goldema," The dwarves rose and cheered for him, "Thank you, honor the men who died to defend these lands, now and forever, they are heroes like you all who fought bravely today."

"That is what happened?"

"Well, yeah," He looked up at the sky, "I think we should stop soon, I don't think travelling by night will do us any good."