Calm Night

"Sure darling, if you want," She said as Gold turned off the path and stopped the carriage near the side of the road, "Are there any tents or something?"

"Nope," He said as he turned around and stood in the back of the carriage, "But I did prepare some blankets and I have some pillows for us, there should be enough space here," He moved the chests to the side, "See? Plenty of space."

"If you say so, but it's a little cold," She said rubbing her shoulders, "Is it just a thin blanket?"

"You always have me, you know," He smiled at her, "Hungry?"

"Sure," She sat down against the chests in front of Gold as he rummaged through the crates of food. He placed a plate in between them and pulled out a few things to eat. He turned around and sat down.

"Is that enough? Do you want me to cook? Do you want something else?"

"No, no it's plenty, I am not that hungry," She yawned, "I am just so tired."

"Let's eat and then get to bed," He said as he hung the lantern above them, "Just a little light, there, that's better."

"Are you trying to make this romantic?"

"Maybe a little, but also I just want to see you better."

"Okay, you are really trying to make it romantic."

"You don't like that?"

"I never said that," She said as she took a bite of food.

"I missed calm moment like these," He sighed and looked outside, "Before I came back to see you, I didn't really have much time to just stop and enjoy my life, or enjoy such a beautiful view," Bella blushed.

"Stop flirting all the time, I don't need so many compliments, it makes me uncomfortable!" She snapped and then instantly realized how she had sounded, "I am sorry, I just lost it, I am sorry, I didn't want to shout at you."

"Don't worry, I realized it," He leaned over and kissed her cheek and then sat back and took a bit of food, "What did you do when we were apart?"

"Um, well, not much, my father tried to get me to marry an Ojami prince, one of the many, but I refused," She sighed.

"How many princes are there?"

"Not really princes, just like royal family and then, like rich families, you know, to help our town grow and stay afloat, but even so, I didn't love any of them."

"I wonder for whom," Gold laughed, "I never asked you but, are you fine with leaving your town and joining me, days' worth of travel away from your home?"

"I, um, I guess so, you know, I am with you."

"I think we should get to bed soon, if we want to travel a good amount tomorrow."

"Okay, darling," She said as he put away the leftover food and then he got up and unrolled a blanket and placed two pillows on the floor, "Oh, this is what you planned."

"Yep," He said as he removed his robes and his sandals, "Joining me soon?"

"Right now," She said as she untied her sandals, "Are we going to stop in a city?"

"Yeah, I think we might stop by the town where Clover and Lady Liz live."

"Why so?" She said as she rolled over to face him, "Who are they?"

"Clover is the girl, well, lady who accompanied me at the beginning of my journey," He turned and saw Bella squinting, "Okay, hey, don't you think I would have been more showing when she came to see me? She saved me, and if I did love her I would have showed it, but she and Lady Liz are a couple, so no, I didn't, and you are my only."

"If you say so," She kissed his cheek, "But why are we going there?"

"To restock on food, and water, and also I need to thank her for her help."

"Okay, how far from our home will we be then?"

"A little over a day, I think, but we are still far from there, it took me a few days to get to your town, so maybe 2 or 3 days."

"By the creator, that's so far."

"I asked you not to bring him up, you know I dislike my father, don't use his name to swear," Gold sounded cold, "Sorry, I sounded cold, but I hope you understand why."

"I am sorry, darling, I didn't mean to annoy you, and it just slipped off my tongue."

"Don't worry about it, we should get to sleep," He sighed looking up and the ceiling, "I'll blow out the lantern, goodnight."

"Goodnight," He sat up and blew out the candle, "Darling."

"Yes?" He lied down next to her.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I know," He turned and kissed her, "Don't worry, goodnight."

"Can you hold me?"

"Cold?" She nodded, "Come here," He kissed her forehead as she moved closer to him, "Goodnight, sleep well."

He blinked as he awoke early the next morning, Bella was sleeping deeply next to him, still in his arms. He smiled as she softly snored and tried to prevent him from moving away from her, frowning in her sleep.

"Bella," He whispered and gently brushed through her hair, "How do you get such beautiful blue hair, I wonder how it is possible to have this as your natural hair color."

"Darling," She groaned, "What are you talking about?"

"About your hair," He said as she blinked awake, "And how pretty it is."

"I asked you to stop complimenting me so much," She said as she sat up and stretched, "But thank you, yawn, do you want to eat something, darling?"

"Sure," He said as she crawled out of the blankets and put on her sandals and hopped down from the carriage, "There are some fruits, some bread and some other things, what do you want?"

"Anything really," She said as she stretched, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I guess so," He said as he put on his robes, "Did you? Were you really that cold? You were holding me tightly last night."

"Stop embarrassing me," She said before he helped her back into the carriage, "Can I have some water?"

"Yep, here."

"Thank you, where else did you go when we weren't together?"

"Ah, more storytelling, I'll tell you once we get back on the road," She nodded, he passed her a bit of bread and placed a bowl of fruits in front of them, "We still have a long time to get to the southern peaks, so plenty of time to tell stories."

"Who did you help during that time?"

"Well, I helped, um, the Dwarves, the Elves, the Orcs, um, Humans, um, Diamyos, I think that is it," He said before taking a bite from an apple, "Yeah, I think that is it."

"That's it?! That is a lot, and all of this because of the Legion of Solar?"

"Yep, they were a big threat to peace and freedom, I saw them as a perfect target to gain peoples' support, Sir Gold is one of the most loved men in the realm," He laughed, "But that isn't so important anymore, I have someone to look after."

"Stop it," She said looking down and blushing, "I can't be that important."

"You are for me."

"Isn't the view beautiful?"

"The sun makes this place look so beautiful, and there is a little breeze, it is so great," She said as the carriage wheels rolled forwards, tugged by the two elemental creatures, "I wonder how the palace will be."

"I wonder if Nikholas is going to make those stupid riddles again," Gold mumbled as rolled his eyes.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"No, I was talking to myself."

"Okay, can you tell me some more stories?"

"Of course, um, which one? Maybe I could talk about the Diamyo village."

"Sure, any of them would be fine, unless you don't want to and we can talk about something else," She said leaning back against the chests, "Anything you want, I might just fall asleep, sorry, I am just, yawn, really tired."

"Sleep if you want, don't worry," Gold laughed, "Sleep well."

"Thank you," She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.