Dinner in their New Home

"Wait, there are 3 baths?"

"Yep, hot, cold, and the mix of them, so warm."

"This is amazing, it feels so good, it feels so nice, huh, what are you doing?"

"Massaging you, like you do to me," He said as he massaged her shoulders, "Do you like it? Or do you want me to stop?"

"No, no, keep going, it feels great, keep going," She closed her eyes and leaned forwards, "How did you get this good?"

"I don't know, I am just doing what I felt when you did it to me."

"Can you do it a little more to the left? A little higher, right there, thank you."

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"I, I don't know, maybe something rich, something delicious, I don't know, maybe something with sauce, some vegetables, meat like duck, or maybe boar, maybe some salad before, with some liver, with carrots, tomatoes, and with a like salad dressing, oh and maybe something cold as desert, something cold with something hot, like a chocolate cake with some iced cream," She began fantasizing, "Do you think that is possible? Or is it too much?"

"I think that is possible," He sat next to her and clapped, a demon maid walked into the room and bowed her head, "Can you ask for dinner to be prepared?"

"Of course Overlord, what would you like?"

"A mixed salad with goose liver spread on small toasts as an entrée, some boar with nice sauce and well-cooked vegetables, make a decent amount, and then as a dessert, some chocolate cake with some strawberry and vanilla iced cream," Gold said, "Oh, and ask Nikholas to prepare some of alcohols for dinner, for me, her and himself."

"That will be done, Overlord," She bowed her head, "Is there anything you need in the room?"

"No, not right now, thank you."

"Of course Overlord," She said as she left the bathroom and closed the door. Gold gently turned Bella's head towards him, he moved forwards and softly kissed her lips and smiled. He leaned back and sighed.

"Isn't this great?"

"Is this palace built on the highest peak?

"Yep, it is, Nikholas told me about it, maybe I could ask him more about this place, and what rooms there are here and things like that, I think this place is built in the same way that my old palace in Nazeriklyi, I think he decided to make it the same way."

"Where is Nazeriklyi?"

"Oh, I forgot, it was in the wiped realm of Terruna, a sister realm to this one, but my father failed and decided to get rid of it and make this one."

"It failed?"

"Twice, I was only in the second one," He said, "But forget that, isn't this place nice? Aren't these baths great?"

"This is amazing, the baths are amazing, there is a hot and could source that mix into this one, and I didn't think there would be both on the same mountain."

"Are you hungry?"

"A little," She said as she got up and waked out of the bath. Gold observed her as she walked, naked, to the towels, she noticed that and hid herself with the towel, "Stop staring at me, you pervert," He turned around and chuckled, "What?"

"Nothing, nothing, I don't know why you are ashamed," He laughed, "We already had sex twice, I think that I haven't miss any part of your body, all of it is beautiful."

"I still don't like you staring at me like that," She said as she dried herself, "Maybe you could show me around?"

"Sure," He said as he walked out, "Tier 3, cast Control Wind," A gust of wind blew across his body and dried him. He pulled on his pants and put on his ring and his robes appeared on him, "Are you coming?"

"Yes, just one second, let me put my stockings on," She said as she hurried to finish getting dressed. She hurried out of the room to his side and put her arm around his, "You show me around, I have no idea where everything is in this place."

"Lift or stairs?"

"Lift actually, it is pretty cool."

"After you," He held the door open as she walked in, "Let's go to the first floor, the ground floor."


They walked together out of the lift and through towards a large room where Nikholas was sitting behind a desk, reading through scrolls and writting down things into other scrolls. They walked up to him and he put his papers down and pushed up his glasses. He took a drink of an amber liquid and put his glass down.

"How are we doing, sir and my lady?"

"Pretty good."

"What can I do for you?"

"Is this place built like our old home?"

"Precisely," Nikholas smiled, revealing his oversized canine, "Do you want me to show you around or do you remember?"

"I think I can remember," Gold said looking around, "This is your room, I assume?"

"More or less," He took another drink, "Yes, you could probably say that, this is more of an office, I am working on papers for hell and managing the demons I am using, so an office."

"Well, I guess this is where we will come to find you, am I right?"

"Absolutely," He said as they headed to the door, "Have a nice visit."

"Thank," Once they left the room, Bella turned to Gold.

"Isn't he a little shady?"

"He is a demon, of course, but he is my servant and I trust him, he wouldn't lift a finger against me," Gold kissed her cheek, "What do you want to see first?"

"Maybe we can go see the living spaces? Are there gardens?"

"There should be."

"Are there flowers? I love flowers," She said with a cheerful glimmer in her eyes, "I only had a small amount of them in my room back at my father's home."

"I could always ask for some more if there aren't many of them."

"Thank you," She said laying her head against his shoulder, "Maybe we can go see the dining room?"

"Follow me, it should be just around here."

"Wow," She said as they walked into the dining room, "How is this place so massive?"

"Nikholas really thought of everything," He said as he walked down the room, "I wondered why this table was so wide, he put two spots at the end of the table, for you, and for me."

"How did he know about me?"

"I don't know," Gold said as he looked around the room, "Do you like it?"

"I guess, honestly, it seems a little big for just us two."

"Well, it is for us and my servants, we have a table for us in our room if we want to eat alone," He said as he walked next to her, "Let's go see the gardens, I wonder if how they are."

"Sure," She said as she tugged his arm, "Do you think I could have some water?"

"Just clap and ask for it."

"O-okay," She clapped and a demon maid walked in, "Can I have some water?"

"Of course, Lady Bella, I will get it right away," She bowed her head and left the room.

"Is it true that you prefer girls to serve you?"

"Not really, Nikholas exaggerated it but demon maids are better than demon servants so, in a way, I do."

"Did you have gardens when you were in, um, Terruna, was it?"

"If I remember well, we did but I only lived there to get away from my father and enjoy a human body," He sighed, "My relationship with my father was better, he cared for me and my servants but well, let's say it hasn't been too great since then."

"What happened?" She said as 2 demon maids opened the doors to the gardens, revealing a massive, perfectly tended garden, with flowered hedges that lined the paths and rose tangled fences that separated the garden paths from the cliff that overlooked the bare wastelands around the southern peaks, a fountain rose in the middle of the gardens. They walked together silently for a while, stopping every now and then when Bella wanted look at and smell the flowers of the garden. She seemed happy with her new home. Gold sat down on one of the benches and sighed. She sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"He never accepted my Goldemian mother's soul into his realm."

"What does that mean?" The demon maid walked next to them and lowered a tray with a glass of water, "Thank you."

"Well, when she gave birth to this body, well, her destiny ended, so she died but instead of opening her the doors of heaven, he left her, in oblivion, in the void, she is still there, wandering," A tear came to his eye, "That was the last straw."

"Can I hold you?" She said as she hugged him, "But how did you find out?"

"She came to me, in a dream and told me about what she had lived through."

"Is she still in the void?"

"No, in hell."

"Why hell?"

"I had Nikholas give her a spot to give her soul a home," He wiped his tears, "Where she wouldn't be punished or suffer like other souls in hell."

"You are so kind," Bella kissed him, "That is why I love you."

"Master!" He noticed Miia running towards them, "How are you?"

"Hello Miia, I am doing fine," He said as he rubbed her head, "I actually had something to tell you."

"Yes, master?"

"I talked with Bella about our little interactions."

"Yes, master?"

"Well, we came to a little compromise."

"For me, master?"

"Yes, for you Miia."

"Then what is it, master?"

"Do you want to tell her? Or should I?"

"If he rewards you, with whatever that is further than a simple kiss on the cheek," Bella glared at Miia, "He has to obey my every will for an entire day."

"Huh?" Miia tilted her head, "Why would he do that?"

"Because he is MY husband and you are only his servant!"

"Bella," Gold grabbed her shoulders, "Calm down, I am not going to be rewarding her all the time, it is only every now and then."

"Master," Miia looked up at him, "Thank you! You would do that for me? You are so kind! I love you, master."

"Don't get too touchy."

"Forgive me, mistress," Miia smiled at her and sat at her feet, "Do you like the gardens?"

"Um, well, yes, I see you do as well."

"I like them because there is always an amazing smell and always something to chase or to play with."

"What do you mean?"

"Like a butterfly or a like insect."

"You are so cute," She rubbed her head, "How old are you?"

"Me? I don't know, do you know, master?"

"Mm? Oh, if I remember you were something around 21 or 22, in human age, or a little younger, probably like you, Bella."

"When you say that you mean her reptilian body in this realm?"

"Of course, her soul is around 220 something like that."

"And yours?"

"Me? My soul is 247 years old," He leaned over and kissed her cheek, "But that doesn't matter, I love you even if you are still a young soul."

"Miia, how is your room?" Bella asked her as she rubbed under her chin.

"I share one with Camille, mistress," Miia explained, "Even if she is always trying to charm me, it is fine."

"Charm you?"

"Yes, mistress, master said she was a succubus-elfic druid thing, I don't remember, so she tries to take advantage of me with her magic."

"O-okay, but wouldn't she kill you afterwards?"

"I don't think so, mistress, and us servants, we can only die if our master dies, don't ask me why, I didn't really understand when master explained it to me, I am not that smart."

"Don't say that," Bella said as she patted Miia's head, "Can you leave us for a little?"

"Yes, mistress, are we eating together, master?"

"Yes, and you mistress chose the meal, hopefully you like it."

"Okay, have fun!" She said as she took off through the gardens.

"She is like an animal."

"Yep, I agree, but that doesn't matter, she has human feelings and reactions."

"Clearly," Bella said as she got up, "Yawn I think I am going to take little nap before dinner in our room, so you can do whatever you want."

"Do you remember the way?"

"I think," She kissed his cheek, "See you later, darling."

"Bye, honey."

He went to the underground floor where Daryu Boros's room was. He felt the ground tremble as he neared the room's door. He opened it and saw Daryu Boros training with a new weapon. It was his guardian weapon but instead of an axe, it was a long katana-like blade. He swung at targets, slicing right through them and then spun and smashed through a target. He put his sword's tip on the floor and it disappeared. He turned around as Gold began clapping.

"Why did you come down here, my lord?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to train."

"Sure if you are up for an ass kicking, my lord," He said as his axe rose from the ground, "Are you going to use that armor again?"

"Nope," He said as he reached into a tear in the air, "With this little thing," He pulled out the same dagger he had used before, defending Bella's town.

"The Blade of Twilight," Daryu Boros's eyes glowed red, "Unbreakable and bound with the user's soul, and it gets stronger the more pain your opponent that you marked is in."

"I never knew that, now, how do you want to lose? Quickly or slowly?"

"I don't count on losing, my lord," He leapt forwards and spun, swinging his axe horizontally at Gold. He ducked out of the way and rolled away from him. Daryu Boros slowed himself with his wings and turned around and stared down Gold.

"You don't have the strength to stop one of my blows, so you dodge."

"If you want, I'll stand still."

"So I can hit you?"

"Be my guest," Gold lifted his blade and held it pointing down as Daryu Boros leapt through the air. The two blades collided and a massive clang resonated through the room. Daryu Boros strained his arms and noticed that Gold was barely straining his body. He hopped back and stared at Gold.

"How did you stop it?"

"I am a demigod, I did use a little bit of magic."