An Envious Father

They were all seated around the table, except for Nikholas. He walked into the room and left a bunch of scrolls on a demon maid's arms.

"Excuse my lateness, sir," He said as he sat down, "I am very busy recently."

"You are forgiven, D. B. is guarding the palace, so he won't be eating with us."

"Master, he doesn't eat at all."

"Camille, please don't interrupt," Bella said as the demon maids brought in the food, "Your master was speaking."

"Forgive me."

"Sir, you want me to make sure we had some drinks," Nikholas added, "Should we start? Or later?"

"Whatever you think," He said with bringing up why, "Make sure it is the best you have."

"Of course, but should it be strong or soft?" Nikholas asked as he called a demon maid forwards, "Bring me the alcohol that I asked for."

"Yes, Lord Nikholas."

"What is this for?" Bella asked, "Why are you smiling at me?"

"I did tell you that I would make you try some, did I not?"

"Is this the first time mistress drinks?"

"Yes, Miia, would you like some as well?"

"N-no master, I-I don't really like it, do you remember what happened last time I did?"

"It was hilarious, well, I guess more for us then."

"Um, I have a question, Nikholas."

"Of course, ask away."

"Um, I don't know how to ask this."

"About the alcohol?"


"How it feels?"

"More or less."

"Well, it's been a long time for me but you might feel a little dizzy and the samples I prepared for you, my lady, are the ones that your husband prefers, but of course, you can always ask for other types."

"Bella, you'll see, maybe you will like it."

"Here you are, Lord Nikholas," The demon maid said as she placed several bottles on the table, "Devil's Drink, Bloodwater, Amber Flame, Snowfall, Glimmering Moon and Soul Water."

"Thank you," He said as he scanned each bottle, "Sir, pass me her glass," Gold slid her glass over to him, "Let's start weak, what do you think, my lady?" She looked at Gold and then back at Nikholas and shrugged, "Devil's Drink is only 3 degrees, but it is good, so maybe it will slid by," He slid her the glass and put the bottle down and served himself the Amber Flame and served Gold the Snowfall and slid him the cup. She nervously twirled her cup, she smelled it and placed the cup to her lips.

"Here goes nothing," She tipped the glass and downed the drink. She looked at the glass puzzled and then placed it back on the table.

"How was it?"

"Not too bad."

"Feel dizzy? Or are you fine?"

"A little shaky," She said as she ate a little bit, "But not too bad."

"Mistress, you are better at holding yourself than me."

"Miia, you are a lightweight," He said as he took a forkful of food, "Camille, you look down, why?"

"Huh? No it's fine, I am fine, master."

"Are you sure?"

"Can we talk about this a little later?"

"Sure, sure, of course we can, I have nothing planned for tonight," Bella turned his head towards her, "Well, this evening."

"Okay master," She said as she began eating, "Did you chose this dinner?"

"Bella did."

"My lady, another round?"

"Sure, what is next Nikholas?"

"Bloodwater, white or red?"

"I don't know," Bella looked lost, "What's the difference?"

"Ah, I forgot, you never did this, it is just the grapes used, some are red the others are pale green," He got up and placed the two bottles in front of her, "Pick one."

"Um, this one?" She turned and looked at Gold. He nodded and Nikholas called the maid again.

"Bring us the correct glasses, will you?"

"Yes, Lord Nikholas, shall I serve them as well?"

"Just a little for the lady, and a normal amount for me and Overlord."

"Very well, Lord Nikholas," He walked back to his seat and sat down.



"What are you working on that takes up so much of your time?"

"That room you asked me to make, I am re-furnishing it and also renovating it."

"I see, thank you."

"Here you go, Lady Bella, red and white."

"Um, thank you."

"And here is your red, Lord Nikholas and your white, Overlord."

"Thank you," Nikholas said as he smelled the Bloodwater, "Perfect," He took a sip and put it back on the table. Bella hesitated to pick one to start with and Gold placed a cup in her hand and tapped his with hers and drank some of his. She looked at the glass and took a drink and grimaced as she swallowed the liquid.

"Not a big fan, my lady?"

"No, not at all, this is so bitter."

"Maybe you can try the red as we eat?"

"Darling, how can you like this?"

"Habit, but it's been a long time, it is 13 degrees so you are doing a good job of holding yourself," He kissed her cheek, "You are doing fine."

"I think I am going to eat a little before we continue," She said as she began eating, "I feel a little light headed."

"That is normal, honey, it is your first time but I am going to admit," He leaned in and whispered, "I don't really want to have sex with you when you are drunk."

"I guess, but it isn't to bad for the moment," She said as she wiped her lips with her napkin, "Is it okay if I ask for the next part of the meal?"

"Of course, my lady, we were waiting on you to call the next part," Nikholas said as he signalled to the other maids that were waiting in the room, "Bring us the next course."

"Yes, Lord Nikholas," One of them said as they took their plates. They walked out of the room and others entered with more plates, "Boar with fried potato dippers, boiled carrots, grilled onion and a gravy sauce."

"Very well," Nikholas said as he took a bite of the boar, "It's good, tell the cook to work on his-,"

"Nikholas, don't be harsh," Bella interrupted, "It is amazing."

"Yes, my lady."

"Honey, you should drink some of this with the meat, it fits."

"O-okay, if you say so," She drank some and coughed, "This is worse than the last one."

"You clearly aren't a Bloodwater person."

"Maybe we could make her try the Amber Flame or Snowfall? What do you think, master?"

"I think we should wait a little," He said as he looked over at Bella. She seemed a little wavy in her seat. Nikholas snapped his fingers and a demon maid walked over and placed two glasses in front of Bella. She bowed her head a left them.

"Darling," She said sounding a little shaky, "Which one do you prefer?"

"You want to continue?" Gold laughed, "Well," He downed his own drink, "I prefer this one, Snowfall," He pointed at the glass of transparent liquid, "Try it if you want."

"Okay," She grabbed the glass and drank the entire thing before Gold could do anything. She stood still for a moment and then seemed seemed a little shaky. Nikholas chuckled silently smiling, Gold leaned over and saw her cheeks slowly turn bright red then a little darker red. She turned to face him and looked at him blankly. Her eye was halfway closed and she swayed in her seat. She moved her chair closer to him and tilted her head and looked at him.

"Bella? Are you okay?"

"You look, look, really cute you know," She said sounding drunk.

"Nikholas, I think that you can take this back," He pointed at the glass, "She is drunk."

"I, I am n-not drunk," She said moving her head much to close to him, "I am fine," Miia gasped as she leaned forwards onto him and sat on his lap and pulled him into an unwanted kiss.

"Bella!" He pushed her off of him, "Can you at least warn me?"

"Do you not like me anymore?" A tear ran down her cheek, "I, I, I thought... Why?"

"What do you mean? Of course I love you, you mean everything to me, I wouldn't do this to you," He kissed her cheek, "Let's go to the room, what do you think?"

"You want to? Ohhh, let's go then," She said slyly.

Bella was sick for the next few days. Gold sat near her, reading books for the library in the room with the demon maids coming every now and then to check on Bella as a massive storm raged outside the palace. He got up when her heard someone running up the stairs. Nikholas had sprinted down the stairs and barged through the door.

"Sir, a man wants to see you, now, on the top floor," He panted.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know but he beat Daryu Boros with a single finger, and a single hit, he said the Protector of Goldema needs to raise to meet his fate, his destiny awaits" He explained.

"Keep Bella safe, I deal with him," He sprinted up the stairs and up to the top floor, an open space that was above black storm clouds. He walked towards the man standing near the edge of the roof. Gold stopped and the man began speaking.

"It's been a long time, but I've come back to take back what is mine," He began, "You are no longer needed in this realm, I will take you spot once more, I only needed you to make people respect me."


"Yes, me, I will take your place and no one will notice, I can take your body and then banish your soul," He laughed then continued, "Like your mother's soul."

"Don't bring it up, you piece of shit," Gold grit his teeth, "You only think about yourself, never others, have you ever thought of that? Huh? Or is that to much to ask from the 'supreme' god, you are more hated than the Legion of Solar was, they respect me, they couldn't give two shits about you."

"They respect me more than you."

"You can think that but it isn't true, you are more like the demon king than a savior for these people, you know that, yet you try to come here, beat up one of my servants and now you want the people, that I fought to protect, to respect you? You are out of your mind."

"You are hypocritical, my son," He turned around to face Gold, "You blame and shame me for greed and the lust for power but you, yourself do the same, hunting for power and fame."

"You are wrong, and that you know," He paused, "Isn't Runatra enough? Do you need more?"

"I am taking back what is mine."

"Answer the question."

"I don't need to, my son."

"Answer the fucking question!"

"No, my son, I am only here to take back what is mine."

"Runatra doesn't need you anymore, does it? Do they not believe in you anymore? Are you that useless and that pathetic?"

"You die now, God tier magic, cast Dead End," He said as a ball of pure darkness formed in front of his hand, "You can't survive this, you soul will perish and you will be banished," The ball flew towards Gold, who didn't move, "I see you accept your fate, DIE!" The ball flew and slammed into Gold, creating a cloud of black dust, "What can I do to torment his soul?"

"Think of that later, old man," He said as the dust cleared. His right arm had purple glowing markings that lit up with each heartbeat. The marks moved up his neck and took the place of his scars and both his eyes were black with golden pupils. His robes had been ripped off, leaving him in his pants. The missing robes revealed his scarred chest. His heart glowed under his skin with a black light and showed itself on his bare chest.

"Interesting, you blocked the spell that killed you mother, ha! But now I will end you," He put his arm out, "God tier magic, cast Dead End, dual cast," He lifted his second arm and two balls of darkness formed in front of his hands. Gold lifted his finger to the sky and a small ball of light lit at his finger tip.

"Protector's magic, cast Defense of the People by the Rejection of Evil."

"King is calling for our help!" A dwarf shouted as he ran through the streets of their town.

"What do you mean? King is here?"

"No, he is casting the Protector's spell," The dwarf said as he slammed a mace into the war gong, "He helped us, we need help him!"

"What do we do?"

"Call for FURY!"


"Everyone! King needs our help! Follow me!" He held out his hand above the ground, "Blade of the King, We call for you, Fury of the Mines!" A small mound of stone rose and carved out the blade, "Go find King and help him defend us!" The blade lifted from the ground and flew towards the Southern Peaks.

"Elder! Elder! He is calling for us!" An elven girl hurried to the doorway of the elder's home.

"Who is?"

"The man who saved us, the Protector of Goldema!"

"What do you mean?"

"He used the Protector's spell!"

"Bring everyone out here, we need to stand and fight with him like he did for us," The elder elf said as he walked out of his house towards the glowing ball in the middle of the square, all the elves rushed out and gathered near the ball, "Channel all of the magic you can use into that light, it will bring it to the Guardian, he needs our help!"

Two massive balls of darkness slammed into Gold as he channelled his magic, he was flung back but still held the cast of his spell.

"Gold!" He turned his head and saw Bella rushing towards him, "Who is he?"

"My father," He paused, "Come here."

"O-okay," She walked over to him and he held her in his arms and lowered his finger towards the Creator. He kissed her cheek and then let go of her and ran as the ball enlarged in his hand. He leapt towards the Creator and slammed the ball into his chest. A massive beam of light fell from the heavens and struck them. He was blinded by the light. He lost consciousness as body dropped to the floor, next to a fading soul. The spell got rid of evil, even if the person who created it was the target of the spell. He had killed the creator.

He awoke, in bed, with Bella looking over him. His vision was blurred and his body felt numb. Her voice slowly broke the ringing in his head.

"Gold! Darling!" She shouted, "Gold! Speak to me."

"B-bella," He sat up, "What happened?"

"Was he the creator?"


"He, he is dead," Bella looked shocked, "B-But who will be the creator? Who will make destinies? Who will create life and take it?"

"I will, he was my father, now I take his place, Runatra doesn't need him, this is the only realm that needs him, or a Creator, but I won't be cruel, or two-faced," Gold said as he sat up, "How long was I asleep?"

"A few days, but there is a surprise for you," She said as two demon maids helped him into a wheelchair, "Come on, it is in the courtyard."

"I don't need this," He said, getting up from the chair and walking next to Bella, "What is this surprise?"

"You'll see, darling, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it now?"

"I guess you are right," He said as they walked outside, "Oh, this is what you were talking about," Thousands of people of all the races of Runatra were gathered in the massive courtyard of the palace, they all turned to looked at him and Bella.

"Master, how are you?"

"Oh, I am fine, Camille, come here, Miia," Miia snuggled against his leg and his four servants joined them. The crowd cheered as he rose his hand and fell silent as he began talking.

"I, Overlord, Protector of Goldema, or Sir Gold for some of you," He chuckled, "I called for you when I needed your help and you helped me like I helped you. I thank you, now you may live in peace, without harm being caused to you by any superior being, for the Creator, my father, an evil being, is dead," The crowd gasped, "I will protect this realm and its people if it's the last thing I do! Thank you all," Bella leaned over and kissed his cheek, he turned to her and moved her head closer to his, "I love you."

"I love you, Gold," She pulled him forwards and they kissed.

"Sorry to interrupt," Gold let go of Bella and turned and saw four figure standing in front of them, "As you are the new creator, our responsibilities pass on to help you."

"To help me? Who are you?"

"Sona Wisesoul," One of the two woman spoke.

"Omega Vividheart," The man standing next to Sona, he was missing an arm.

"Hugo Dove," The other man spoke.

"Esral Valiante," The woman holding his arm spoke, "We were the counselors of the creator, we now serve you, Creator."

"Call me Gold."

"Of course, shall we speak of the realm?"

"I have a lot to learn I guess."

"We are here for the benefit of the realm, we can help you at the start."

"Gold, don't forget about me," Bella tugged his arm.

"Of course not," He leaned down and kissed her lips.