Meeting a Troublesome fox

imperial palace, Kyoto, Japan

Right now we can see a grumpy young man who looked to be in his 20's glaring at a fidgeting young woman with 9 fox tails sitting on a throne

"So, you are telling me that i am on earth , in japan , and YOU are the leader of the youkai faction???" asked or rather shoted at the woman who nodded to his question

"ugh so troublesome"

the reason why ikki is so upset is because he instantly realized which dimension he is in, after all as a former closet otaku how could he not recognize the woman in front of him.No the real reason why he is upset is because the amount of ki he sensed from her is abysmal compared to any other creature from his universe , Hell even the weakest of the saiyans is stronger than her ,and yet she is the leader of an entire faction of supernatural creatures in a world where all supernatural creatures are real.

That's right he is in the Highschool dxd universe and he hated it every second.


Yasaka's pov

I sat there feeling as if there were pins on the throne while looking at the strange youkai standing in front of me , Honestly i have never seen a youkai who looks exactly like a human but has a monkey tail, and the scent he is giving off is overpowering my senses .

Just how is it possible for a being to smell so evil yet so restrained at the same time , It's as if his soul itself is being suppressed but that is not possible because only the dragon god duo is capable of suppressing someone as powerful as him.

while i was in deep thought i saw a flash of gold in my vision and before i knew it my precious daughter kunou was standing in from of the mysterious youkai.



while i was contemplating how to get back into my universe i saw the daughter of yasaka standing in from of me looking straight at me while taking a thinking face , If it was me from before my death than i would have immediately taken her up in my arms and cuddled her but after my death i no longer have such weaknesses , i sometimes wonder if i have truly lost my humanity in my search for power , if i have truly become a cold blooded saiyan.

" Hey mister , who are you and why are you glaring at my kaa-sama" asked the child who looked to be no more than 5 years old with 9 fox tails swishing angrily behind her.

"SO TROUBLESOME!!!!!!!!!" shouted a certain saiyan