The eight years of bliss

after ikki got rid of the future problem, he spend as much time with yasaka as possible, after an year ikki proposed to her and she accepted it, he gifted her with a ring made from a blue diamond which was cut in the form of an ape pounding it's chest , the ring itself was made from a newly made metal from souma industries called as adamantium , yes m ikki used his otaku knowledge and his inner scientist to create an unbreakable metal but he kept it a secret for now, he had a matching engagement ring with the diamond cut in the form of a 9 tailed fox .

after they announced their engagement to the supernatural world , there were many reactions , but the most interesting one was from the youkai counsel, they had adamantly refused to acknowledge the engagement, well , until ikki made them think otherwise with some threa-*ahem* persuasion.

the marriage was done in September of the same year , many different supernatural factions came for the wedding , including the devils , but for some reason the crimson satan refused to look at the couple and immediately left after hurriedly giving his congratulations. Serafall and Ajuka had better manners and stayed for a bit , while ajuka was busy making plans with azazel who now sported a black eye thanks to a certain saiyan for making perverted jokes on his beloved, while serafall was now looking at yasaka and the 3 girls sweating bullets after trying to seduce a bored looking saiyan who were giving her deadly glare while leaking killing intent.

Odin and the Norse faction , along with Zeus and the Greek faction had also arrived but strangely refrained from making any noise or talking as if their every move could cause their demise,

speaking of the girls , ikki had made true on his promise and started to train the girls in hand to hand combat along with ki manipulation, while their ki capacity was abysmal compared a normal saiyan but their improvement in hand to hand combat shot through the room , they could now hold their ground against the likes of piccolo , it may not seem much for him , but for the rest of the supernatural world it was a complete disaster , well there was an incident when the girls heard their parents talking about the past and how Zeus and Odin would sometimes annoy their mother , needless to say these girls after going through the hellish training regime by ikki had inherited his temper , so immediately they flew off towards Olympus where they caught Zeus off guard while he was reading smut and beat him into the ground then they left the pitiful god of thunder and headed towards Asgard where the old pervert received the same punishment , but their rampage did not end instead they headed towards every known pervert god and then proceeded to beat them up.

Finally when they headed home to their parents they saw a furious kyuubi and a proud looking saiyan. "WE REGRET NOTHING!!!!" the three said in unison ehich earned them an earful from their mother a proud laugh from their fater.

after the marriage ikki forced the devil faction stay while rest of the supernatural world got the hint and left to their homes.

"In six years of time , my daughters will be joining the kuoh academy , so you devils better protect your territory correctly because if something happens to my child , well , let's just say this world will have one less race to worry about , oh and also i will not be paying any fees and the boarding fees is to be taken care of by your pathetic family as compensation for your incompetence" said more like ordered the four satans who nodded as if they were chicks eating grains.

after that the next 8 years were in peace , ikki spent most of his time with his wife or with his children he would sometimes drop in his company to check up on their secret projects.

in those years , souma industries became the number one powerhouse in every feild possible , from medicine to weapons to mining to energy ,from education to employment , there was no field which was not touched by souma industries , this made ikki the richest man alive, he started having a stron urge to imitate a certain billionaire and make a suit of armer but refrained from it, this world was already crazy enough ,

like this time went on until ikki calculated that it should be the time for canon to start but he did not know how the story would go because of his interference

"Well , let's hope issei is not a pervert , because if he is hehehehehe" laughed ikki with an evil grin