poll results

okay , so i went over all the messages and comments and have come up with a winner and a sub plot after volume 2 where the first season of dxd would end so , without further delay the winner is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gabriel,,,,,,,,,,,,,with a total vote of 32 out of 50 and also i have decided to add serafall as well but her advances will not bear any fruit with our saiyan until volime 5 so this is the result

p.s: on a side note i have already started working on the atg fic so i am going to give you guys a hint about our mc so that you can give your views on this,,, so , the mc will be a moder day esper with god level abilities and will have a certain power from the series a certain magical index , he will be quite op in the blue polar star , so please share your views on this fic ,,,, seeya