The secret of the heavens


ikki and yasaka kept walking through the airport entrance ignoring all the reporters who were tryong to swarm them , fortunately airport security and their own bodyguard , which happened to be karasu soldiers in disguise held them back.

they had already gotten used to the attention they gained from the mortal side of the world.

although it had sometimes caused them troubles like kidnapping attempts on their daughters they were swiftly resolved after ikki brought out his crazy overprotective father mode again in which he destabilized the economy of an entire country until they surrendered the kidnappers on a golden platter.

in the past 8 years souma industries became an unrivaled corporation , it owned over 80% of the entire world in someway , whether it be through agriculture or communications or weaponry or technology or medicine or arts, there was nothing that souma industries had no influence on.

even now the flight from which kuroka was travelling was a personal jet belonging to ikki.

after some time of waiting in the lobby the parents watched as a beautiful girl of about 24 years walk out from the entrance to the runway, when she spotted the duo she left her luggage and immediately pounced on her parents

"I missed you guys sooo much nya" said the cat girl while accidentally using her verbal tic.

"hahaha well you have gotten big, and judging by your grip not just in your height either" said the saiyan to his daughter who started to pout .

" well no mater how i train , i am unable to surpass you afterall" said the cat girl

" hey you will first have to defeat a god of destruction only then can you actually stand a chance againest me " said the saiya towards a now depressed catgirl

"so, how are shirone and kunou??" asked the girl towards her parents to which ikki grumpyly replied

" They both left for kuoh this morning , seriously , if i did not have a meeting with those weakling angels , then i would have made sure that a certain dragon did not get his claws on them, well, at least they have ultimate class youkai with them as bodyguards so there should be no problem " said the saiyan, yes, ikki had forced a group of three youkai, to follow his daughters in secret so that they won't get involved with the storm of trouble caused by a certain dragon and a certain ruin princess.

meanwhile a certain perverted trio was watching the girls changing room from a peep hole but suddenly felt a chill as if they were being watched by a group of hungry predators

seeking to destroy their manhood. It also did not help that the three youkai ikki sent happened to be woman as well.

"I hope Odin did not cause any trouble for you right" asked a now serious ikki.

"Believe me, he doesn't have the courage to look me in the eyes anymore, but the Valkyries were very friendly with me , i even became best friends with one of them called rossweiss i will show her pictures later"

the family started heading towards their car which was a Mercedes maybach 6 cabriolet.

" well let's get you home, i still have to attend a meeting with those weaklings"

said ikki

after dropping his wife and daughter at home he headed towards a nearby church where a beautiful woman with long blond hair and ocean blue eyes was waiting for him.This was precisely gabriel one of the seraphs, after their first meeting ikki ignored all other angels aside from Gabriel because he felt a connection with her, slowly they became friends and started to become closer , however Gabriel had secretly started to harbor feeling for him but did not want to cause problems for a married man so she stayed silent, but there was also another reason that she did not want to fall from grace because once an angel consumates their marriage they will fall from grace due to gods system.

"hey ikki it has been a long time since we met"

"yes it has been 6 months since we last met"said the saiyan towards the angel , they both then started to walk towards a teleportation spell in the church which transported them to the seventh layer of heaven where the main core of gods system is located.

there standing and waiting for them was non other than michael himself .

"hello ikki-san , welcome to heaven " said michael warmly to a indefferent looking saiyan.

"well , let's get down to busines shell we" said ikki ignoring the twitching face of the archangel and a sighing beautiful seraph.

"of course, this way" said michael and guided them towards the center of gods systen.

During the last eight years , ikki spent a lot of time analyzing the DNA of the humans of this plane, as a genetic scientist without equal he immediately found issues with the said dna , he found that the code of the humans in this universe contained an extra pair of chromosomes which were dormant or forcefully supressed, what was the purpose of these chromosomes he did not understand, During the same time Michael had proposed a deal which would help strengthen the bond between youkai and angels , he would allow ikki access to an artifact which according to Michael predates their god himself and ikki would help them create a way for them to reproduce without the need for marriage .

Michael then led them towards a place where there existed a small fruit similar to an apple with a small bite taken out of it .

"This is the forbidden fruit which god had forbidden adam and eve from eating but due to the temptation of sentience caused by a wreached snake" said Michael with some venom in his voice.

as ikki started drawing close to the fruit it suddenly started to float in the air and a single image was suddenly transmitted into his mind , it showed a desolate landscape, a humanoid being could be seen watching towards a small speck in the sky which then zoomed into the speck to reveal it to be the earth.

"What the hell was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted ikki towards a stunned michael.

"I do not know , but whatever it was it sent some sort of a energy signature towards outer space" said Michael seriously ,

ikki now fully turned towards the serious archangel who was being stared at by his sister

" What are you hiding from me Michael" said ikki with serious voice.




Boomed an mechanical voice from deep underground of the martian surface