The pain of a pervert

after ikki came back from heaven with a headache, he immediately collapsed onto his bed and groaned. The information he got from Michael had his head spinning, to think that the humans in this universe were created by reverse engineering dna from an ancient species is mind boggling .

"I should forget about it for now and head to kuoh academy, i need to talk to zeoticus regarding the deal" he mumbled to himself .

Just like heave , underworld also wanted to have a deal with the youkai, ikki wanted the devils to give him a set of evil pieces and provide free boarding , food , shopping and schooling for his daughters while he would help the devils by providing a single mana furnace to each of the remaining pillar families , however he also set a limiter on the furnace such that if the devils were to ever attack a youkai with then it would immediately stop working and will not activate until a set of instruction were given by ikki himself. he also demanded that the true perpetrators of the nekomata massacre should be handed over to him , to which despite their protest , they reluctantly agreed.

after a few minutes we could see a handsome man walking into a school filled with teenagers,he headd directly into the principle office ,

"Ah!! ikki-san , please have a seat " said a man with crimson red hair while taking out a bottle of wine from his desk.

"Hurry up gremory , i still have to visit my daughters " said ikki towards the man known as zeoticus gremory.

"Of course, all expenses for your daughters have been taken care of and they have been given a credit card from which they could buy literally anything in this world, they have also been given a mansion near the school as their boarding, and their schooling is also completely free" said the gremory towards a now satisfied ikki.

"okay then , will be going " said ikki and immediately left without giving him time to reply,

"Honestly, i would have thought that marrying yasaka would help him calpm down his temper and personality problems but it appears it was just my wishful thinking"


after leaving the office , ikki came across a certain trio of perverts who were sitting in the corner of a classroom and shivering as if they were in the arctic.

"Hey kids , what are you doing here " asked ikki while acting like a concerned adult

"w-we were just trying to take a p-peek at the girls b-but then we saw those two d-demons headed right for us w-w-with big cleavers and kendo sticks s-so we ran away and are hiding here " replied the host of red dragon emperor

"Demons??" asked ikki confused,to which the boys looked at each other and replied.

"shirone and kunou souma, those two are transfer students that arrived yesterday, every time they see us peeking at the girls t-t-they would threaten to tern us into eunuch and feed to sharks, the worst thing is that they hit as if they are somekind of martial artists , matsuda here was in pain the entire night " said ikki pointing towards the said boy, while ikki had a proud grin.

"Let's hope that you don't cause trouble for my daughters anymore mister hyodo , because next time instead of my daughters i will be the one to administer the punishment" said ikki with a predatory grin which caused the boys to shiver even more.ikki then left towards his daughters leaving behind the terrified trio.

"Hey , i remember him now that's ikki souma the chairman of Souma industries"

"SOUMA, isn't that the same last name of those two demons, wait, that man said daughters...."said issei with a horrified face.

"""SUCH MISFORTUNE!!!!!!!!!""" shouted the trio while a certain unfortunate imagine breaker sneezed in another universe.