Artificial true magic......WHAT???!!!

after ikki returned to the dxd world from his trip he found out that not even a single hour has passed since he left mt. fuji , he was right now not in the mood to investigate this anomaly so he tossed it aside deep in his mind, he then took out the time dragon slayer lacrima from is dimension and brought out incursio.

"Hey tyrant you there??" asked ikki to which the dragon responded grumpily

"What do you want ikki??" said the dragon, he was very upset with the latest actions of ikki, when he saw bring out incursio in his fight against that strange woman with horns on her head he was very excited for the fight but ikki forgot about him and started to beat that woman into the ground , although disappointed he did not say anything, in the mean while he went through the memories of his partner and got to know that the weakling of a woman was actually a goddess, he was shocked speechless at the weakness of a god,when they were pulled into the fate universe, yes he went through all of ikki's otaku memories including his memories about himself, he was again excited when incursio was brought out again to fight the fake king of heroes , but again ikki forgot about him and used his old moves from dbz , this caused the dragon to be very grumpy at his lack of battles after acnalogia that fake dragon.

"Can you make it so that i can use the lacrima without the need for ethernano ???"asked ikki , the dragon slayer lacrima was heavily reliant on ethernano to function although ethernano is just another name for mana there id a great difference in the mana in dxd universe and fairy tail universe, the density of a single particle of mana in dxd is over a hundred times more potent that ethernano, that is why ikki was being cautious before he merged with the lacrima .

"Better yet, i can make it so that you can use ki instead of mana to use it's powers , but the downside is that you won't be able to merge it with your body , instead , you will have to make incursio merge with it and then , every time you use your armor , you will have access to the time powers of the dragon" said the tyrant to ikki,

ikki then proceeded to merge the lacrima with the armor , after it was done merging , the tyrant began his work, he modfied the armor to absorb all the powers of the lacrima making it into nothing more than a hollow crystal which can store magic. he then proceeded to directly link the power with ikki's soul so that ikki can use the power of time at a single thought.

after the merger was completed , ikki realized that the power of the magic was amplified by a million times while using his ki for activation. before the modification the dragon slayer of time would only be able to access one single time line in the world, he would be able to speed up time for everything aside from himself but had an upper limit of 1000 times, the same was applied for making time go in reverse as well , but after modifications ikki could freely access the infinite branches of timelines at will and he did not have any limitations on how fast he can make time go faster or slower or in reverse, the only problem was that it would take tremendous amount of ki to travel to a different timeline ,but that problem was solved thanks to his void ability which used almost negligible about of ki , suddenly ikki thought of something

"Hey , wait a minute, the ability to see infinite number of timelines ,and the ability to travel between them, isn't it the same as the second true magic, kaleidoscope from the fate series ??" he mumbled to himself with a stupefied expression , while the dragon had also come to the same conclusion.

"hehehehe,,hahahahah,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ikki started to laugh like a maniac, if his wife of his daughters were nearby, then they would have immediately flee from that place and abandon the planet , because it is the same laugh that ikki has when he is about to make a prank on a global scale, last time when he had that laugh , the entire population of devils were found to be wearing a magic girl costume that they simply could not remove no matter what,the same thing happened to the olympus as well, but instead of magic girl costumes the male population was stripped of their power and clothes , they were thrown on to an island filled with gay people and the female population were forced to look in a mirror 24/ 7 while looking at their reflection which looked like a cross between a dinosaur and weird frog.

"With this power i can troll,,,, the greatest troll in history HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" he would not stop laughing until the evening of that day


meanwhile , somewhere in the fate multiverse,

a certain troll vampire can be seen seriously looking around his office while making multiple bounded fields around it

"Why do i feel as if my life is about to become very miserable in the coming days???" he mumbled to himself while eyeing a certain pair of girls fighting among themselves while another group of three little girls can be seen sighing at the first pair of girls,, these girls were none other rin and luvia along with illiya, kuro and miyu, shirou could also be seen wearing an aron and coming out of the kitchen.