side story 2: the secrets of the tablet

kuroka point of view

i had come back to kyoto a few days ago, i spent time with my family which i had dearly missed in the last few years , especially my parents,while thinking of my parents , i unconsciously looked towards my travel bag,

"Haaaaa, i am still unsure weather i should tell dad about the tablet or not" mumbled kuroka to her self.


it has been a few days since she returned from her college , but still she was very worried about the ancient tablet, the reason for her worry was that , whenever she was doing her training in senjutsu , the tablet would try to pull the chakra towards itself . kuroka was worried that it may turn out to be some kind of weapon and would harm her family, she then came to a decision , she would try to inject her chakra into the tablet in the forests near her father's mansion in mt fuji.

she flew towards a secluded area in the forest and started to channel chakra into the tablet, slowly the strange drawings on the tablet grew brighter and brighter until suddenly the tabled split into two and fell down on the ground revealing a small scroll with another strange design of kaji that she could vaguely translate into it's meaning which was picture. she then sent her chakra in to the design but unlike the tablet , the scroll rolled out to show a single holographic picture which stunned kuroka, because

"What is this?????, Why is there a picture of dad in an ancient artifact????" shouted kuroka,

yes, the image showed ikki in his base form fighting a woman with strange horns and three eyes, kuroka immediately stopped supplying chakra and the image stopped , she then carefully stowed away the scroll into her kimono and flew away from the forest, she was unaware that a moment before she left a woman with 9 tails and fox ears was walking towards her , she looked towards the ground from where kuroka had flew away in panic and picked up the two parts of the tablet she left behind.

"Just what are you hiding from us , kuroka" said the woman now revealed to be none other than yasaka.