***title hidden***

earth, japan, kuoh

we could see ikk and naruto along with asia sitting in a mansion which ikki bought, asia was sleeping while her head was on naruto's lap as he brushed her hair,naruto then suddenly turned towards ikki and bowed ,

"Thank you ikki, if it were not for you , i would never have known that my daughter was alive and that she was living in pain " to which ikki nodded but he could understand what naruto was saying as a father himself,while he was musing to himself he suddenly got an idea, since sacred gears were part of the soul , then if he fused a conceptual weapon of same properties to a sacred gear then theoretically, he could increase the performance of the said gear into another level,after thinking this he immediately left the mansion leaving a confused naruto, he used his void powers to arrive at the world of fate grand order , he then located a certain alternative to the witch of betrayal but could not find her , but then he suddenly got a idea, if he were to enter the throne itself then he could get the noble phantasm that he wanted, even though he has every noble phantasm in existence via the gate of Babylon, it only has the prototypes of the phantasms which were not enough for his purpose.

he then used his void to breach a certain throne of heroes and then looked for the witch of betrayal, once he found her , he used his soul force to steal the noble phantasm pain breaker, a noble phantasm which could heal anything other than death, but before he could leave he fels a presence behind him.

"You dare break into a place which is my own, you stole something which you do not deserve , for these crimes you shall die and be reborn as my counter guardian" said the manifestation of alya but before she could so much as move she felt her entire being whether it be in the past the present or the future , whether it be a parallel universe or the root itself , all of her existence was forced into a single point into the avatar she had created, she then felt her limitless power be sealed off and now she was nothing more than a mortal with power equal to that of a heroic spirit, she then felt a strong hand lift her into the air and what she saw terrified her , the being was now enveloped in fiery yellow energy , his hair turned golden and his green eyes turned cyan, the power coming off of him surpassed even all of the types combined together ,and then the being spoke,

"listen well, collective will of mankind, you may be strong enough to monitor over this section of the entire multiverse , but i am someone who has battled against being capable of wiping out an entire universe as if it were nothing , so remember that there exist beings that you cannot provoke , OH! and by the way i want a certain white haired guardian to be released from your service and i want his heroic spirit in front of me now!!!" said the being, and i did not dare to delay, immediately i brought forth my most prized guardian in his full heroic spirit form , the being then looked towards the heroic spirit and what happened next left me stupified, the very soul of the heroic spirit was absorbed into a vortex in space that was similar to the swirl of the root but i could sense that it may even be more powerful than that, and this being opened it through his soul alone, just how powerful was this being, he then suddenly vanished into thin air and i felt all of the restriction on me break.

"Just what kind of a monster was that !!!" she asked herself


after ikki took the heroic spirit emiya he immediately arrived in front of naruto who looked surprised,

"Hey , so you can also travel through dimensions!!!" asked naruto to which ikki nodded but then became serious,

"naruto , i know that you will protect your daughter from now on but still i want to give her some more protection so, can you get away from her for a few minutes??" he asked to which naruto reluctantly nodded, naruto trusted ikki because if it were not for him then his daughter would have truly died without him even knowing.

ikki arrived in front of the sleeping asia and then brought out the conceptual weapon pain breaker , he then used his soul force to break down the mysteries of pain breaker and combine them with twilight healing, after he did that the twilight healing had a major boost , now instead of silver they appeared as golden rings capable of healing people from a long range and cover people in a dome which would heal both the user and the people in the barrier, he named the modified sacred gear as absolute healing because he did not find it's previous name suitable for the now longinus class sacred gear, he then bid farevell to naruto and arrived near his daughter who were waiting while sitting in seiza because they knew that they were in for a scolding by him after their latest stunt , and just as expected ikki gave them an earful for an entire hour by which the ears of the girls were ringing , then he said,

"well, even though i have scolded you three, i know that you will ignore my warnings and again go to help you so called friends" he said friend with venom while thinking of a perverted dragon, unfortunately he cannot kill him because his daughters who had come to see him as a friend would definitely oppose him, however if he were to die during the rating games because his sacred gear suddenly stopped working then no one could blame him,

while he was thinking this he had a very sinister grin on his face which caused his daughters to start sweating pitying the poor soul who was now the target of their father ,

ikki then brought out the counter guardian from the void and connected his soul to all of his daughters, while they were returning from the void ikki made a deal with the guardian that if he protected his daughters for eternity then he would allow the guardian to have a vacation of a month but in actuality equivalent to an entire lifetime in any other dimension to which the guardian quickly accepted , ikki also removed the prana circuits from emiya and replaced it with three dragon cores, thanks to this now he should be able to spam A rank noble phantasms as if they were cheap sticks,

"Seriously , the trouble i go through for you three" he mumbled to himself , then he saw his wife coming towards him but something had changed she looked nervous but also excited , he asked her what happened and what she said blew his mind away," I am pregnant!!" to which ikki showed a dumbfounded look.


chapter title :" I am a father again???"