
so that was the end of volume 2 , so i am here to clarify some doubts from previous chapters, so first of all, i see that lot of people are asking why did he leave yasaka alone, the reason is that as a father anyone would want to make sure that their kid would grow in a safe environment so he wanted to tie up the loose ends,

the second one is that people are asking why he did not use the dragon balls to cure her, well, remember i said that dragon ball was a plane higher than the dxd verse, if ikki had used the dragon balls , the energy influx itself would have been enough to destroy yasaka, now before you call bullshit on this, just think if there is anyone in dxd who can match up to the god of earth from dbz, well except great red and ophis, but still, so you should get some idea of how powerful they are, also this is the reasoning i came up with to facilitate the demise of issei,

the third one, now this is a question a LOT of people are asking, why ikki does not kill of all the fallen angels, devils and angels and be done with it, so let me ask you, if a group of terrorists attack a school or hospital, will you condemn the whole human race for their actions, if not then what is so different in humans and any other species, just look at the holy sword project from dxd, or the holy crusades IRL , humans are sometimes more evil than a satan , so does that mean that humanity as a whole deserves to die??, no , because there are also humans whose benevolence and kindness can put an angel to shame, i mean look at mother Teresa, any sentient species is bound to have both good and bad within them, i personally think that persecuting an entire race just because of a few people is very narrow minded thinking, i mean , isn't that exactly what the devils did in the cannon of dxd to the nekoshou , that is why i made ikki have the same morals as my own so if you guys don't like it , i am sorry but i won't change it ,

the fourth one, i see that a lot of people are complaining about ikki's temper, let me say this before , before he met yasaka , that was his original personality, arrogant, short tempered , volatile, crude , battle maniac, but after he met yasaka he slowly mellowed out and started to act somewhat normal, occasionally he does show some of his quirks but you get the point, so imagine if the person he loves very dearly is on the verge of death and the hope for her recovery is very slim, he will definitely revert back to his original personality, hence the temper

so that's that, the next volume will focus on the greeks, so as some of you may have noticed i let hades live , by having his mind controlled by the revizim because we need hades for the percy jackson story, ikki will not have much of an interaction in this volume , it will mostly be EMIYA and kuroka humiliating the greeks, and also this volume will have at most 8 chapters, making it the shortest volume,

anyway thanks for staying and reading my rant if i have missed any other questions then feel free to mention it in the comments ,,,,,,,,,,,,see ya