yet another poll

so guys as you know ikki is going to steal another servant from alaya which is karna, but he will need another man to protect shirone , so here is the poll your restrictions are that the character must be from the following series,

fairy tail, naruto, percy jackson, persona, rwby , halo , gundam (IBO), marvel (MCU), DC (justice league only), code geass (except suzaku, because i seriously hate him),one punch man ( except saitama, i have a different plan for him)

so that is it , if you guys like you can also recommend a wuxia or xianxia as well but yun che from ATG is definitely off the list ,

i will wait for two hours to see the replies in the comment and decide accordingly so go ahead and make your choice!!

ps: sorry guys forgot to write before, whoever you choose will also hook up with asia so choose carefully