the warning

after spending a few days in fairy tail, it was time for the two gods to leave, naruto asked erza to come with him to her home dimension, at first she refused to leave her friends but after she was convinced by her friends she agreed to go, before her departure jelal had come to give his good bye to his former lover , just when they were about to leave irene who had recovered from her death thanks to naruto asked to come with them so that she could spend time with her daughter like a real mother , to this naruto agreed but ikki had his own doubts about irene's reason but shrugged it off, just as he had activated his void to transport everyone , he was pulled away from the group much deeper into the void, after sometime he saw his self proclaimed mother come towards him with a warm smile,

"hello my son, how are you doing??" she asked to which ikki nodded and replied

"i am doing fine mother , can you tell me why you brought me here??" he asked to which she shook her head while smiling and said

"straight to the point, just like me, anyway, the reason i called you here is because i have already threat-**ahem** persuaded the guardian council into making you the guardian of the dxd universe , however i am also here to tell you your responsibilities as your master and mother , first of all you are not allowed to tamper with the future of any native race of that planet, second , you are to answer any emergency summoning from the council in case of threats that threaten the multiverse, third you are not allowed to mess with the souls of those that are from much higher planes from your own, however the third rule doesn't apply to you and me as we are from the alpha universe which is the highest plane in existence, well that's it ,

have fun my son but you must also focus on increasing your power soon because i heard that after your recent stunt the omniking from the other plane has started to search for you, he too is a guardian just like you so you better be prepared for the eventual confrontation, oh and also i will be visiting in the near future to meed my grand children , see ya" without giving ikki time to reply she threw him back to the group which traveled back to home.


a few days had passed after they returned from their expeditions, however there were two surprised waiting for the two gods, naruto got a surprise or should i say a shock of his life when he found out that the spartan and his daughter were now in a relationship and were sleeping together , ikki had to physically restrain naruto from vaporizing the spartan with a rasenshuriken the size of a mountain, naruto then spent the next few days in depression which he spent at the bar which was run by ikki's company , he made a special drink for naruto so that he could get drunk,

the second equally shocking information was received by ikki when he learned that his eldest daughter and the hero of charity had become a couple, this time it was naruto and asia both who had to restrain ikki from destroying the soul of the hero , ikki took it better than naruto and calmed down after some time, however he did threaten to make the hero into alaya's personal dog if he ever harmed his daughter in anyway,

naruto helped irene and erza get used to the new world, he brought out his new daughter to walk around the town to help her fit in, he did the same with irene,

after a few months things had calmed down a little, issei had now become the useless piece of the peerage since he did not have the boost ability anymore, kuroka and asia gave their fathers another heart attack when they declared that they were soon going to be married, that night ikki and naruto spent in the bar getting smashed, talking about daughters growing up and what not , a few days later , it would seem that destiny was hell bent on giving ikki a headache from the shocks he was receiving, he learned that irene had fallen for naruto and had jumped him in the night, the two were now a couple , erza was very happy to have a complete family again,

ikki had decided that he needed a break from all this and went to his secluded mansion in mt.fuji,

after a few days while he was meditating, ikki felt a strong presence in his garden, when he walked out he found a black raven standing in the field watching him with blue eyes, before ikki could think anything it said in a deep voice

"you are a hard man to get a hold of ikki souma" it said this immediately made him alert

"who are you???" he asked to which the raven replied

"i was once known as metatron , the archangel of justice, i have come here to talk to you about my dear sister gabriel" he said