the change of plans

just as ikki used his power to travel he felt a deviation in his destination, it was as if someone else was forcefully deviating his course, he watched as the group flew threw the void and arrived in a unknown world,

"ikki, was there a change in the vacation destination??" naruto asked to which ikki said nothig while he used his soul force to search the planet for any anomalies and what he found astonished him, he sensed the group of counterparts that he had sent back when he was summoned by rin into the kaleid liner world, he also sensed a massive power source which rivaled his own power , this surprised him to no end because even beerus was incapable of emitting the sheer amount of power that this being was emitting

he informed naruto and the rest of what happened ,naruto suggested that they first find a shelter after which they would meet this being to know more about this world , ikki agreed to this and went about setting up a base in the nearby forest,

after the group had set up a base, ikki and naruto arrived at the place where they sensed the power ,

they were standing outside a bug house the size of a mansion , ikki could sense many powerful signatures in there each of them was on par with naruto in terms of power,

the two looked at each other and nodded, ikki reached forward to press the button to the house and finally meed a being who was actually his equal