Every morning I woke up at 5 am. After I get myself ready, the first thing I do is help Mr. Bart, the apprentice cook to prepare for breakfast. Then, the servant will have our breakfast together in the kitchen. After that clean the house. Finally, when it is 8 in the morning, I'll go to the young lady's room to wake her up and help her to get ready for the day.
As I am about to get inside the manor, I look up at the clear blue sky and smile gleefully.
"Ah. Today is just another peaceful day."
My name is Freya. I am 13 years old, the same age as the Young Lady. Before I came to Herrington manor, I was living in an orphanage. I don't remember my parents. As long as I remember, I was already living in the orphanage.
One day, Young Lady came to visit the orphanage. I was so excited because it was my first time meeting a noble. I practice greetings a lot so that I can give her a good impression. However, during the actual day, I messed up. When I was about to bow to the Young Lady, a boy purposely pushing me from behind. Unable to keep my balance, I fall on my face in front of Young Lady.
I look at the boys behind me. They were snickering. I also notice that the others around me are trying their best to hold on to their laughter. I was so embarrassed. Even though the boy only pushes me lightly, since I was so short and plump, I always fall easily. However, suddenly Young Lady reached out her hand for me.
"Little Miss, are you ok?"
I was so mesmerized by the way she looked back then. Even though I was just a commoner girl, she still willing to help me. She was so beautiful and cool. In the end, since I was frozen for a long time, our guardian was the one who helps me to stand up.
It's been three years since then but it still was the most precious memory I ever had. Even now, I still don't know how it happened but I end up working as Young Lady's personal maid. I also have become thinner from everyday labor though I am still shorter for my age.
As I was in front of the Young Lady's room, I knock on the door three times before I enter. I look at the bed. It seems like she still fasts asleep. I call for her a couple of times. But still, there is no answer. It's strange. Usually, she would be already awake by now. I might be rude to the lady but I decided to take a peek under the blanket.
I was so shocked I fell to the ground. Under the blanket, Young Lady was not there but a pile of pillows stacking together. My mind went blank. I don't know what to do. What happens to Young Lady? Was she kidnapped?
'When you're nervous, slap both of your cheeks to calm down…'
In a flash, I remember the words that the young lady used to say to me. I immediately slap both of my cheeks as hard as I can.
"Ouch! It's hurt!"
I cried. But it works. I manage to calm down a little. I promptly stand up and search for her around the room. Unfortunately, she's nowhere to be found. For instance, I notice that there was something else on the bed. There are a bundle of long pink platinum hair tied together on a piece of paper. On the paper, there is only a clear single line saying, "don't come looking after me".
"Wha-! This is Young Lady's hair and what does she mean by 'don't come looking after me'?"
So, the young lady must have ran away. but why would she do that? If there's something that upset her? If there is, I would have known since I'm the one who is the closest to her. Nevertheless, I must report to Mr. Valmort this instant.
I ran out of the room to search for Mr. Valmort. Thankfully, I spot him instantly along the long corridor. I ran towards him.
"Mr. Valmort!"
"What's wrong Freya? You know right it's wrong to run inside the manor."
I ignore his complaints as I stop right in front of him.
"Young lady is missing!"
His face petrified for a second.
"Have you searched properly?"
"I only search around her room but she was nowhere to be found but she left something outrageous on her bed."
"Show it to me."
He held out his hand to receive the things that I'm mentioned. Unfortunately, there is nothing to deliver.
"I'm sorry but I'm so afraid to touch it. So I leave it there."
"It's ok. Good job reporting it to me. Now go tell everyone to search for her around the manor. But tell them not to cause panic. We don't want our masters to worry yet. I will immediately tell master myself after I check on the things that you mention before."
Understand his instruction, I nod my head.
"I understand. Please excuse me."
After Mr. Valmort and I part ways, I briskly walk to the servant area to search for the others. My mind cannot stop thinking about Young Lady.
"Please be safe my lady."