On the run

"Huf… Huff…Huff…"

I'm regretting this. My steps are getting heavier and heavier. I'm so tired. I should have taken a horse with me. But riding a horse from home will make it easier to be tracked down. Usually, it only takes 10 minutes by carriage. Yet, it's already been 30 minutes of walk. If I know it would be like this, I should have exercised more seriously.


At least I should have eaten something before setting out. My stomach was growling asking me to feed it. I want to stop and eat for a while but given that I'm still inside the estate, It's dangerous to take a break now. I started to imagine the breakfast meal, a toast with butter and honey, the fruits and pancakes. Everything that was prepared by the head chef was so good.

Freya, Mr. Grant, and everyone must be enjoying their breakfast right now. That was the reason why I choose to set out from home during their mealtime. The back gate will be left unguarded and they are usually so immersed with their meal they probably won't notice I will sneak out.

They also won't have any slightest idea that I the Evette Rose Herrington plus the pampered daughter of the lord of the house to run away from home. I never mention anyone about this wicked idea of mine including Freya my personal maid. I just hope she won't freak out when she saw my greatest gift on the bed.

Ah. I am acting just like a villain should be.

A couple of minutes later, I reached the Capital of Herrington called Goxgina. Yeah. 30 minutes of walk just to come out from your own house. It's crazy. Basically, the duke estate is located on a hill in the center of Goxgina Capital.

Now that I successfully sneak out from home, I hide behind a large tree to properly disguise myself. I take out a magic gem from my sling bag. This gem can change your hair and eye color for 20 days. Without wasting any time, I activate it and imagine myself with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Instantly, my hair and eyes color change just the way I wanted.

I checked myself in a small mirror that I brought with me. Right now, I don't think I ever look like a girl instead, a commoner boy. I'm wearing a green moss long sleeve shirt with a dark brown vest, a black long pants and a pair of brown boots. I also put on a dark brown robe to cover my body as well as my head. I tied my short hair to the side. For self-defense, I equipped myself with a dagger that I hide behind my waist. All of this I bought it second hand from a store in the town. Two days before I met my father yesterday, I went out to the city in pretends that I need to buy a book. But actually, I bought everything that I need for this journey.

After done checking on myself, I walked to the direction of the carriage station near the east gate with a thrilling heart. Forget about strolling, I need to move fast or else my family would catch up. My next destination is Herbugh, a town situated east from here. From what I know, it will take about 10 hours by carriage. I'm a commoner in my past life so I should be fine, probably. Later, I will regret that I've said this because a carriage and a car or even a noble's carriage, felt totally different.

Soon as I arrived at the station, luckily the carriage to Herbugh was just about to depart. Yes! After this, I can finally rest for a while. I take a peek at my watch inside my pocket. It's only 7 am. This means, Freya probably is cleaning the house and in one hour, she will go to my room to wake me up. By the time they realized that I have disappeared, I will be already out of their reach. I won't say that they will never find me but it should take some time. Even though it's not the largest in the entire kingdom, the Herrington domain certainly is quite large. Goxgina is located at the center of the Herrington domain and it has four gates, north, west, east and south gate. So, if they want to find me, they have to start in every direction from Goxgina.

My heart was beating like crazy right after the carriage was finally out from Goxgina and entered the highway. I did it! I can't believe I actually ran away from home. I am so excited. It's insane. What have I done? I've become a sinner. I just hope father won't kill me the next time he saw me.

Who cares? It's gonna be so much fun! I'm going to get a lot of new exciting experiences. This is life! But the retainers are gonna have a very hard time. I'm sorry guys. Just hang in there. I'll be back in no time. I just hope father will still want me back.

No! To begin with, I am running away from home because of father. The meeting with my father yesterday was totally a disaster. I shouldn't have gone to see him in the first place.

After I said that I want to become a royal mage and request to annul my engagement with the prince, he became so furious. I can feel the dark aura arose from him. His red hair which looks like the color of blood and his slant violet eyes so sharp he looks like he can kill only with his glare. I can't believe the eyes of the same color as me can look so devilish. Yes. Just looking at him makes me scared. However, I can't give up.

"You see, father. I realized that I have a high affinity for magic. So it will be a waste if I don't-"

"You are talking nonsense. Get out!"

Hah… now he doesn't even want to listen to me. I always feel hurt by my father's behavior towards me. Am I really his daughter? This is surely not the best example way of parenting. Good parents should listen and communicate more with their children. No wonder Eve in the game has become so distorted and thirst for love.

"But father! You promise you going to hear me out."

"I don't have time to listen to something absurd. Grant!"

Father touched a magic device on the right side of the table to call for Mr. Grant.

"Father, please. I am serious. I want to be a royal mage."

"You call master?"

Without realizing it, Mr. Grant was already standing behind me.

"Show my daughter the way out. Tell her to reflect herself in her room."

"No father. Ugh! You are going to regret this!"

After receiving father's order, Mr. Grant slightly gives a bow. Without touching me, he urged me to get out of the room as polite as he can.

In the end, I was sent out. I already don't expect that talking to father about this matter would be easy. He doesn't even want to show any interest in hearing me talking. I know he is busy but won't it hurt to at least listen to your daughter's request once in a while? I guess he really never cares about me. I never felt like I have a father in the first place anyway.

And now I ran away from home. I bet he really hates me now. Then, the feeling is mutual. The carriage continues to moves further and further away from home carrying a girl with a heavy heart.