A Guardian's Fire

-Shen Wei-

"Yunlan!" Shen Wei shouted when seen Zhao by his side. Somehow, he had get a hold of him when the portal was closing, pulling him inside by accident and now, Shen barely had the time to push Zhao out of harm's way, when a demon suddenly launched an attack in his way out of nowhere. Only his experience in previous fights with those and his good reflexes had save Yunlan from being slashed by the demon sharp claws.

As he didn't have the time to use his Ghost Slayer disguise because of Zhao's unexpected presence, Shen summon his blade, although with a different form. This one was more of a spear than anything else, which gave him the advantage of keeping the still coming demons away from his love one. For his safety, Wei didn't hesitate in use it to slay anything that came closer to Zhao, who was still adjusting himself to the sudden darkness. Chu was already busy slaying those who have come for him in equal waves.

Zhao knew a battle was being fought around him, but as the underworld didn't have a permanent source of light, like the moon for example, he was mostly blind at that moment. As Shen realize, his Zhao was in disadvantage in that particular fight, desperation took over him and he summon his dark energy to engulf Zhao's body completely inside of it. In a way, he had giving Yunlan his black smoked cloak protection, so the demons would not be able to touch him, but that leaved him more vulnerable.

The demons were ferocious creatures and Shen's movements were limited to the area he could protect Zhao and although he was a master at fighting, when a few demons attacked him at the same time, he had more difficulties in handle them. He used soul fire in those, incinerating them in the act, but more demons came, replacing those burned.

"Chu! Take Yunlan back!" Shen yelled, but his right hand man was forced to move further away and had problems of his own. Damn it! This is nothing more than an ambush! Shen thought, as he keep fighting with all his resources to keep his beloved one alive.


"Shen Wei! Shen Wei!" Zhao yelled from inside the dark energy that surround him, the one that didn't let him go out of it. He knew both, Shen and Chu Shuzhi were out fighting a good number of demons and knowing the kind Professor's nature to protect him, he was going to put himself in even more danger in order to keep him safe.

The underworld wasn't his thing, he didn't have an idea of what was happening in that world of theirs, but if there was a thing he knew, it was that as a Guardian, he wasn't defenseless, not even in a realm it wasn't his own. However, Shen had trapped him in a very strong barrier, of dark energy he wasn't able to get away.

"Shen Wei, please, I can help you fight!" He yelled, while punching the barrier Wei had created around him. He punched quite a few times all around him, but he could be sure that Shen Wei was not going to expose him to whatever war he was fighting outside.

"Come on babe, let me out!" He tried again, but to no veil. Out of frustration, Zhao screamed, he couldn't see anything, nor hear anything beyond his small cocoon of a barrier. There was no doubt in his mind that Shen Wei was in fact quite strong, he could feel it, sense it all the way to his core.

"Alright... let's tried something else." He said to himself. He calmed down a bit and closed his eyes, as they were useless to him in that situation. So he try to see through his third eye. He concentrate in the area between his eyes and try to see the world through it. At first there was nothing for who knows how long, but as he keep his focus, he begin to distinguish things.

Apparently, the barrier that surround him wasn't exactly as solid as he had imagine it, but more like a mist, a very thick one. Beyond Shen's protection, he begin to distinguish movements, there were a lot them and all fast ones and after focusing in search for his beloved, he finally saw Shen outnumbered by many hideous creatures of all sizes. He was fighting with a kind of long spear, deadly and fast, shredding anything who dares to come close to his range of attack, but even as lethal as he was, his enemies were too many, which was probably the reason why he could distinguish traces of blood on his previous impeccable clothes and that did it for him.

"Hey, you damn you bastards, no one touches my man!" He took out a talisman he always carried with him and use it to summon his whip and another to summon celestial fire. Since young, he had learned how to summon it, although the times he could, were extremely hard to do so. However, as he grew older, it became a bit easier and he begin to store it in talismans, just in case an emergency arised and he wasn't able to summon it in the heat of the moment. He could also summon lighting, but he never learned how to control it, so he gave up on keep trying.

"Sorry babe, but this beautiful protection of yours, needs to go dawn. I will make it up to you with something even better, I promise." He whisper and the white fire he was holding in the palm of his hand, begin to grow and take form. Then, in a blinding flash of light, a white dragon created out of his flame bursted out of the barrier, taking it down completely.

He saw Shen suddenly stopping his next wave of attack and look at him with a surprised expression, as his third eye was making him have a clearer view of what surround him and he smiled, feeling proud of himself for prove to his soon to be lover, that he wasn't a damsel in distress, but a man that could also protect him when in need.

His white serpent dragon, now fully manifested and longer than a second ago, didn't waste time in engulfing the demons on its deadly flame on his command, and in a few minutes, the dragon's rampage incinerated them all, including those who were giving Chu a hard time. Soon, the only thing that remained, was the remnant of his dragon's fire, which give him the needed light to use his normal sight. With it, he could clearly see Shen still in shock, as well as that of the other one, who's jaw almost reached the dark soil.

"My lovely Xiao Wei, I am a Guardian... I can protect you too, you know..." Zhao said, charmingly smiling his way. Shen stared at him with deep anger first, then with resignation and after sighing, he let his spear disappear from his hand and simply came to hug him tightly, like his life depend of it.

"Idiot." Shen whisper in his ear. "Don't you know how much energy is needed to summon celestial fire? Do you want to die? Stop being so reckless... or you will make my heart blow up in pieces with worry..." He added, still gluing himself to him.

"Don't worry babe, I have been storing it for a while, but... don't I deserve something good for helping you out?" He joked.

"I told you not to call me that... but, yes you deserve the best reward..." He said, looking at him with such devotion that Zhao couldn't help himself. He steal another kiss from him, although this time Shen didn't ran away, but kiss him back even with more passion and desire than him.

Closeby, Chu rolled his eyes with a hint of jealousy. If only he could do the same, with the one who he cared about, it would be great. However, despite his love one having a lot of virtue on his favor, he was only human while he was a ghost. The two things didn't mix together, because it could be said it was against the will of the gods. He just hoped that in his Honor case, as his lover was a former god, their story could finally end well, because if there was someone who deserved happiness was the Ghost Slayer who had suffer and sacrifice more than anyone knew and in his opinion, it was only right for him to be granted of the thing he cared the most, even if he didn't exactly liked him.

AN: On my, LOL. Hope you like it.