The First Hint From Hell

-Shen Wei-

A laud cough behind him make Shen Wei aware that they were not alone. Despite what he initially thought about the torture he would probably endure when fully kissing Yunlan, the reality had proven him wrong. The moment Zhao had kiss him and he had respond in return, there was no pain, no demons, no war, no suspicious circumstances he needed to take care off, there was no even someone else around, when he had been consume by pure ecstasy.

However, as Chu make himself known that he was in fact behind him, then he had been forced to face the new responsibilities and let go of his blissful momentary loss of reality. Their kiss had probably lasted less than a minute, but it was worth centuries of waiting. He broke the kiss first a bit reluctantly, but he couldn't forget he was the guardian of the underworld for long and there were urgent things he needed to find out.

"Chu... wait for me, I will take Yunlan back to his home and then I will join you here again." He begin.

"Wait, no... Shen Wei, let me stay. I can help you with whatever is going on in here..." Zhao offer, holding his arm and looking at him with a pleading face.

"No. Right now the underworld is too dangerous for you to stay for longer than you already have. News run fast in here, because this side holds more than just demons and ghosts. A single crow can carry news to those who desire to break free and that's why this place needs guardians of their own, to protect your realm from further dangers. It should be safe in your side now, I can't sense any more demons crossing the seal. Besides, you used quite a good amount of your celestial fire, if another attack arises, you will not have enough to summon it a second time." He said seriously looking at him.

"I still have my whip and a few other surprises at my disposal." Shen smiled.

"I'm sure you do, but as soon as your fire dies out, you will become blind, and before you said you have your third eye, I will still bring you back. I'm not going to take any chances with you. Chu, wait for me." And before Zhao could protest more, he found himself back in the normal darkness of the living room of his apartment, as night had already fall and no lights were on.

"Shen Wei..." He begin to protest again, but as his man put one of his soft fingers over his lips, he shut up instantly.

"I know you have many questions that I will do my best to answer, but unfortunately, I can't promise that I will be able to answer them all. There are things that I can't share with you right now, even if you are the Guardian of the human realm. However, I will try to be here by tomorrow morning, to join you in your trip. The pillar of nature must be found as soon as possible. Bare it with me for a bit more of a time, Yunlan... please..." Shen said, coming closer, touching Zhao's forehead with his own.

"You know you will owe me big time for waiting, right?" Zhao teased putting both his arms around Shen's waist, making Shen smile.

"Yes, but I'm sure you will make me pay you back ten times that amount of waiting."

"Of course, I'm a greedy man after all..."

"That you are..."

"Be careful, you are already injured..."

"Scratches, nothing to worry..."

"Still, promise me you will take care of yourself..."



"Then..." Shen repeated, before gently kissing him, ignoring both the heat on his face and a pair of green eyes, he was sure were looking at them with amusement.

"I have to go now... and... the cat is here, please be kind with him, he truly cares for you..." Zhao smiled.

"We may fight, but we are like family..."

"Good, I will see you in the morning..."

"You better come, otherwise you will owe my even more..." Shen smiled once more and then he was gone.

"Ah, this should be a world's record of the fastest relationship ever." Da Qing said from somewhere close, in the darkness.

"Shut up fatty, he even talked well about you..." Zhao said with a sigh.

"I like him already..." The cat said with pleasure.

"You better, because he is going to be my wife soon..."

"You shameless idiot, keep that up and he will run away from you in no time."

"No, he is done running, but even so, I can always chase after him again."

"You know, he is not human."

"Obviously, I'm aware of it, but you see, fat fuq, I have the feeling I know him from long ago. Call me a love sick bastard, but what I feel for that man is deeper than love at first sight."

"Oh, then I guess you really fall for him."

"All the way down."

"Then I hope it ends well for you. Ghosts and humans are not exactly a good match."

"Yet, this is the first time I have truly fall for someone else this easily. I have no doubt it was meant to be."

"Well, if it's the will of the gods, you will had your price, not matter what."

"I hope so, trust me, I truly hope so. Now, I need to do some packing... Ah, damn, I need really clean sexy underwear..."

"You sick pervert, I pity your handsome ghost already... I need warm milk. Hey, make me some before packing!" Da Qing yelled, Zhao however, simply ignored him. Eventually Yunlan will give in, but it will take a bit when he was that exited.


True to his word, the Ghost Slayer didn't take long to come back and Chu was amused to witness his flushed face before his usual black cloak cover him again. He was more comfortable with this side of him, it make him look stronger and focus on the underworld matters, not that he minded for him to have another way of life, but the human world was not his thing.

"Your Honor..." Chu slightly bowed.

"Tell me what happen. How weaken is the seal already?" The Ghost Slayer asked right ahead.

"I don't have enough power to sense the strength of the whole seal like you, but for what I could feel, the seal is not in that bad of a shape to let that many demons and Hell hounds out. Back in the palace, there are some rumors about an awakening. No one seems to be sure of who, but giving the fact that Ye Zun had been fully awake for centuries, I doubt they are talking about him."

"Well, that's odd. I could swear that I felt Ye Zun's energy in the demon that crossed the ward at my dorm."

"Yeah, but curiously enough, the energy I sensed from the Hell hounds felt different somehow. Could you tell, if the demons we fought just now have his energy?" Chu asked.

"No. It's similar, but different. Let me have a full taste..." The Ghost Slayer closed his eyes and raised both his arms, letting some of his energy go forth and spread with the wind. He focus in the seal of hell first. As a guardian appointed by the gods themselves, he had the ability to sense the seal and barrier of the whole underworld. It took a few hours, but when finally covering all, he found that the seal of hell had indeed weaken, but not as badly as he had thought initially.

"You are right, the seal had been weakened, but that alone can't explain how so many demons had gone out. There is something unmistakably out of place back in the deepest part of Hell."

"Ye Zun?" Chu asked.

"I thought so at first and maybe he is involved, but it's not his doing. As we were once one, before the flame that create us was separate, I can feel Ye Zun's energy better than anyone else. What lies in the deepest part of Hell is something else entirely."

"A new kind of demon?" Chu asked curiously.

"I'm not sure... but I believe that the crossing of demons to the rest of the underworld is done by other means other than the weakening of the seal." The Ghost Slayer said with a hint of worry.

"But only Ye Zun had enough power to send something beyond the seal, even if he could not cross it himself."

"No, there must be something else. I now believe that Ye Zun really wanted for me to meet Zhao, thus he send the demon that will bring him to me, but..." He hesitate.

"But what?" Chu urged him.

"Perhaps the power ruling Hell had changed." The Ghost Slayer let his fear out. The whole thing was highly strange from the very beginning.

"Is that even possible? Who could be stronger than your brother aside from you?" Chu asked in disbelieve.

"Who indeed?" That was the question that would hint them, of all the unusual things happening in the underworld lately. If he could find the one who apparently was sending hordes of demons out of Hell, then he would be able to act accordingly.

"Regardless, the seal must be remake. If there is a stronger ghost or demon trap whiting Hell capable to weaken the seal and send out so many demons, then we are still in deep troubles. A new seal will give us more time to find out what's truly going on back in Hell. I will do the trip myself." The Ghost Slayer said.

"What? Your Honor, you can't go there now... before Ye Zun was its ruler, but if things had change..."

"If things had change, the decisions remains the same. I was given a duty that I need to fulfil, even if it cost me my life. Kunlun save me and before he enter reincarnation he ask me to look after this place."

"That was very selfish of him..."

"Selfish or not, someone had to do it, nonetheless." Chu sighed.

"I'm jealous, humans are so damn lucky..." For more than one reason, he inwardly added. At this, the Ghost Slayer half smiled, as he thought that Yunlan would had said the same.

"Let's go back, whoever is sending demons out, must be very tired now. I doubt he would be able to send a single one out after spending that much energy."

"Agree. I will go back to the temple and have Guo ready for tomorrow's trip." He said before disappearing and after removing his dark cloak and back to his other self, he did the same. However, his destination wasn't his dorm, but Yunlan's apartment. By the time he was back, it was past midnight.

The apartment was cover in darkness, which indicate that Zhao was perhaps already asleep. He took the liberty to open the door of his room and find his god indeed, resting under the thick covers. The cat was also sleeping in a soft cat mat in a corner. He was about to close the door again when a soft voice call for him.

"Don't go, come in and join me..." Zhao said a bit sleepy.

"That won't be appropriate..." Shen whisper back.

"Please... I had a nightmare." Shen doubted he was serious, but then again what if he was telling the truth?

"Fine..." He whisper again and after taking his tie, eyeglasses and shoes out of the way, he slide under the covers, to be tightly hugged by the half sleep handsome man, that was now his.

"Zhao, I'm not exactly warm..."

"Don't care, I'm tired…" Zhao whisper without opening his eyes, already molding himself to Shen's body, like a serpent, but almost instantly, his perverted and mischievous Chief Guardian was fast asleep, making Shen quite content and happy.

"I guess you truly are tired..." He said kissing the crown of his head. There was some pain after his heart accelerate big deal, but Yunlan's fire was soothing it again, for which he too fell asleep in his lover's arms, soon after.

AN: Oh, I really love writing this story, because I never know what will happen next, so I hope it's coming out well.