As The Morning Comes

-Shen Wei-

It was still quite early in the morning, the sun barely beginning to rise on the horizon, when Shen Wei wake up with a wave of pain. As he open his eyes and moaned for the sudden assault in his senses, he came to be face to face with his beloved Yunlan. He smiled happily when seen his lover peaceful face resting over one of his shoulder. The pain could go to Hell for all Shen cared, because there was nothing in that world that could stop him from stare at the man he had yearned for so long.

Zhao had hug him during the remaining of the night and he was still clinging to him in the morning, as in fear he would go away or disappear. With such a lovely sight, how can he feel nothing? Ignoring the increasing pain, Shen removed some messy locks of hair from his forehead and go right ahead and kiss it. He took in his sent and warmth and engrave it deep inside his fastly throbbing heart.

He couldn't tell for how long he would be able to enjoy such sight, nor for how long Zhao would remain his, but regardless of time, he was quite pleased to have experience at least that much. He was fine with calling him, his even if it was for a short while.

"Yunlan…" Shen whisper over his morning messy hair, and as he didn't respond, probably still asleep, he bent down a bit more, to slightly kiss his closed eyes, then his tempting lips. Another wave of pain pierced him at the innocent act, but he bare it.

"I have love you for longer than you can imagine…" He finish and using a bit of his dark energy, he make sure that he would remain asleep for a bit more, even when he untangle himself from his tight grasp.

As he go out of Zhao's bed and make sure to keep him warm with the covers, he found himself facing someone else eyes. The cat, who had been sleeping in his comfortable mat, was staring at him with those big emerald eyes of his.

"As you have make sure Zhao will not wake up soon, let's have a talk, shall we?" The cat said, walking out of his mat and waiting for Shen to open the door for him. Seen no way out of the conversation, Shen give in to his wishes and open the door, following the cat to the living room. Having a sit in Zhao's couch, he waited for the fairy cat to begin the questioning.

"Who are you?" Was the first one and Shen ponder in whatever or not he could be honest with that one. He knew about Kunlun's cat. They have travel together for a long time, although his memories of him were probably erased when Kunlun enter the reincarnation system to become human.

"A ghost." He honestly said, although he was sure that alone will not be enough.

"I already know that, I mean who truly are you? Just now I had the feeling I too, know you for a long time. So you must be someone from my past, the one I can barely recall at times." The cat explained.

"Can you keep the secret, Da Qing?" Shen asked, watching the cat's eyes grow even wider in surprise.

"So I do know you from the time I can't clearly remember…"

"Indeed. Can I trust my secret to you then?" He asked again.

"As long as it doesn't hurt Yunlan, I promise I will." Da Qing respond with even more curiosity.

"I am what you call… the Ghost Slayer…" The cat wide eyes went even wider, if that was possible.

"No way, you are kidding me, right?" Da Qing asked back in shock and to show him just how much truth were in his word, he summon back his black cloak, almost freezing the room in the act.

"Hey, don't fully transform in here or you will wake up Yunlan, your unrestrained energy is too strong." The cat warn him and Shen retrieved his cloak once again.

"So are you convince now?" Shen asked with some amusement.

"Of course… Oh, the idiot really did it this time. He is definitely trying to chew a bone too big for him to do so." Shen smiled.

"Not really, the one who did it was me, a very long time ago. I wasn't born a half god, Kunlun make me like that…"

"Kunlun? Kunlun… ah… yes! He was my first master… wait, are you… are you that ghost kid that fallow us around?"

"I see you are beginning to remember now…"

"Being old is not joke. So Yunlan is truly Kunlun's human reincarnation… I had such troubles remembering things from back then, but I always find myself looking after the same foolish human over and over…" Shen smiled.

"He is not fool, just… different from his godly self." Shen added.

"Hum, you haven't spent as much time with him as I have. Well… there is no need to question you further. This must be the will of the gods and who I am to interfere with such devotion? Does he knows who you truly are?" The cat asked with expectation.

"Not yet…" She said nervously.

"I see, then, if the opportunity arises, I will help you out as much as I can. As I see it, no one will be better than you for him, he had also waited for your return for generations." Shen couldn't help but blush.

"Thank you." He said, truly meaning it.

"No need, you were too precious for my master back then, so looking after you is something I also owe him. Now, can you please warm some milk for me? The sleeping beast will not wake soon enough now…" Shen smiled.

"Sure. I'll make some breakfast for Yunlan too."

"Damn, move in already, I approve…" The cat said, happily purring and moving his tail, making Shen laugh for the first time in a while.


What awakes Zhao Yunlan from his blissful dream was the delicious smell of food. It had been such a long time since he had wake up in such manner, but he welcome it. Unconsciously, he move his arm to take a hold of Shen, but find his side empty.

"Hummm, Shen Wei?" Zhao called opening his eyes and searching for him, but aside for the morning light, the room was definitely empty. Then, the smell of breakfast fully wake him up. He throw away the covers, smiling with such happiness, that it was hard to believe. His wife has make him breakfast, so who was him to make him wait.

He go out of his room in haste and found Shen Wei already serving him a plate over his not that long kitchen island. He notice Shen had changed clothes and was wearing his eyeglasses again, but what took Zhao by surprise, was Da Qing, who was resting over the table, waving his tail in delightful happiness. Did Shen already won him over?

"Hey, old cat, don't be too happy, he is mine." Zhao said jokingly.

"That he is, worry not you fool." Da Qing reply, returning to his delicious milk.

"Good morning, Yunlan… I hope you don't mind me making you breakfast."

"Of course not, the wife can do whatever he wishes…" Shen's face was flushed instantly.

"Ha! Wife my ass, husband most likely." The cat intervene, sensing Shen's slight tension.

"Shut up, fat fuq, who ask you?"

"Yunlan!" Shen reprimand him, finally finding his voice again, after the initial shock of being called a wife so shamelessly.

"Yeah, yeah… don't get mad at me…" Zhao came closer and gave him a morning kiss, making Shen unconsciously moan in a bit of pain.

"Hey, wait… are you still hurt from last night? You told me it was just a scratch…"

"It's okay Zhao, seriously, it's nothing."

"Xiao Wei, don't go saying is nothing, you are in pain." He said in worry.

"Leave him be, just eat your breakfast, we will be going on our way right after. Things are getting messier, so we need to be there before nightfall." Zhao looked at Da Qing with suspicion, was he covering for Shen? He had known the cat since childhood and despite the bickering, they had a special kind of relationship, more closely to that of a family member. However, in all those years, he had never seen Da Qing covering for anyone else whatever he like them or not.

"Da Qing, you…" His cell phone begin to ring and vibrate over the living room table, momentarily distracting Zhao, as he moved away to take the call. Shen turned his back and pretend he was busy cleaning something. Closing his eyes, he try to hold back the pain.

"You are cursed." The cat whisper, earning a surprised look from Shen.

"I just remember… go, I will tell Zhao you need to prepare for the trip." Shen bowed his head in appreciation.

"Thank you. I will come back shortly." He open a portal before Zhao could stop him.

"Ah, wait… Shen!" Zhao yell when turning to see Shen Wei gone.

"He will be back soon." Da Qing said lazily.

"Where did he go? The team is already on the way to the office…"

"Idiot, didn't you hold him the whole night? He went to prepare some things for the trip, it's your own fault for keeping him here this long." Da Qing said jumping from the table.

"Old cat, just what is it with you? What secret are you keeping from me?" Damn, he know me too well. The cat thought.

"It's nothing, I just like your lover. He cleans, prepare food, give me milk and fish and love you blindly. What else can I ask for?" Zhao's suspicion transformed into understanding.

"He is gem, right?" Zhao asked proudly.

"Yes, so don't go calling him wife of he will leave us in no time, then who will pamper me?" Zhao laughed. You did well, Xiao Wei. You really earned this grumpy cat's loyalty.

"Alright, go ahead and do your things, because we leave as soon as Xiao Wei comes back." Zhao said opening the door of his apartment to let him out. Then pretty much run to have a taste at Shen Wei's cooking and after one bite at the soft omelet, he was in heaven.

AN: Another light chapter, full of love, because things will become a bit more serious soon.