Restoring The Barrier

-Shen Wei-

"Nnnnnoooooo! Yunlaann!" He screamed as he watched the fake Yunlan been stabbed in front of him. He knew that Yunlan was a copy created by Zillah, because the real one was waiting for him to make those two reveal Ye Zun's to him, so they could take him away, retrieve the stolen sundial and restore the barrier, yet he couldn't help himself but to suffer watching his deepest fear becoming true in an alternative reality.

His anger raised tenfold and he instinctively tried to break free from his bonding, but he was securely tied with black magic. Then, the half god, laughed so cruelly, that it remained him of GongGong. His every fiber felt, like when he was under his creator care, when younger.

"Oh... I guess he really was Zhao Yunlan. My bad, Ghost Slayer, but you know what? It's not like he cannot be revived..." The purple haired said as he came closer to him. Shen Wei then, was almost sure that the one speaking to him was none other than the former god, although he had no idea of how could that be. He looked past him to the cocoon in were Zhao's fake body rested bathed in his own blood. He could distinguish a dormant figure inside, so he guessed that GongGong was still there, then how? Was GongGong spirit possessing that body? It was supposed to be impossible, yet...

"Who are you?" Wei finally asked curiously and the half god with crow wings came even closer and raised his head with one cold finger under his chin. His fake smile was damn right evil, as he force him to fully look into his lifeless eyes. He was a ghost without soul, so he understood a ghost nature better than anything else and what he was been forced to look at was nothing less than a puppet. He found himself hating the sight and more than glad to have chosen to follow Kunlun instead of him, as Ye Zun did.

"I know it had been centuries since you last see me, my son... but even so, you should recognize me." The man said with a rasped voice. "And you have been such a naughty boy, falling for a god I wanted to destroy and leaving my side when I was the one who create you in the first place..." He coldly said.

"You may have put together the elements to give me life, but the one I was fated to follow was the one whom you stole his fire, Kunlun." Suddenly the goddess moved, slapping Shen Wei quite hard, making his still long hair from his previous uncontrolled fury, hide his face.

In that second in which his head was facing his right side by the slap, he manage to see Zillah move closer to him, even if his image was nothing more than a trick on the eye that only the ones Zillah chose could notice, because his power over time and space was absolute and not even GongGong in his prime, could break nor defy it and right at that moment, that same power was hidding them all in four different points in a dimension connected to this one, yet unreachable to those who wanted to destroy their current world.

He knew the time god was ready to intervene, so before he looked back at the ones imprisoning him, he slightly moved his head in negative, so he would not come to his aid, otherwise it will put their plan in jeopardy and Yunlan, as well as the rest of the team at risk.

"Don't you dare to speak to him like that, you insignificant ghost! Now your place!" The goddess shouted in anger. Still, Shen Wei looked at her with defiance.

"Even as insignificant as you called me, I don't fear you nor bow down to none of you." Shen Wei said and a blast of energy stroke him, making him cough up a bit of blood.

"Shen Wei... don't provoke them like that. Your Guardian will not be pleased and who knows what he will do when he see you all bloody." He heard Zillah voice said inside his head.

However, for them to believe it was all real, it was necessary to taste a bit of pain. He ignored Zillah's warning and keep up provoking them. Eventually they will reveal both, the sundial so he could be tempted to use it on Yunlan's fake body and Ye Zun, which were his two goals. Once he have the sundial in his hands, he will join the real Yunlan to complete his task, while Zillah and Rong take care of both the troublemakers.

"Is that all? Do your worse, I have nothing to lose anymore. I destroyed a full level, when I stop sensing Ye Zun's energy, only barely sparing Yunlan in the destruction, but now he is gone too, so go ahead and just kill me, because you will not force me to use the sundial to revive the biggest demon of all." He said, making the puppet crow laugh.

"Ah, yes, you indeed take down the upper level. Even here we could sense your rage and your dark energy going out of control. I which I could see it with my own eyes... You had become so strong, it will be a waste to kill you. I tell you something... your brother is not dead yet... help me come back to life and I will give him back to you." Shen laughed.

"As if I will ever believe your words... father. You can stay frozen in there for the rest of eternity for all I care. The gods know what you are trying to do, so they eventually will get rid of you for me. I don't even need to move a single finger and even less be alive."

"The gods you said? Like Rong, for example? He was stupid enough to be fooled by my lover..."

"I'm sure he, more than any other god will be more than willing to rectify his mistake."

"He can't win this time! I have a holy tool with me, and now I also have their beloved Ghost Slayer. With Nuwa gone in the first sacrifice to the barrier, which I have been weakening for centuries, they don't have another god, nor a god substitute like yourself to reinforce the barrier any longer." The god said and Shen panic for the first time, even if it was for a second.

That information, was something he was trying to hide from Yunlan. He already had part of his essence infused in the barrier, so if the thing required another sacrifice, it will be his. He just hoped that Zillah didn't pass that information to Yunlan, otherwise, the game was already over, because there was no way he would allowed him to sacrifice himself even for the sake of the world.

"Shen Wei... he is right. Nuwa sacrifice herself to the barrier, She is no longer fit to do it again. No one even know what truly happen to her after the creation of the barrier." Zillah's voice came in again, as if reading his thoughts.

"Don't let him know, please..." He pleaded back, inwardly. Then, he focus back on the ones in front of him. "I will die first before letting you use me against them." He said to his creator.

"Don't you want to see your brother again?" GongGong asked.

"He is gone! You kill him!" Shen yelled, his fury renewed.

"Ah, you have so little respect for my intelligence. What good is your brother to me dead? I need him to get my real body back to life. I'm sick tired of hell... now, let me see that shining fire you carry." Shen Wei moved a step backwards but he could only paste himself to the foot of the statue in where he was chained.

"You can't take it off me. The magic keeping it there is too strong to break it." Shen said, as the chilling hand undo his first two buttons, revealing the pendant with Kunlun's fire, which shined like a star in the darkness.

"Who said I will take it from you. My ghost, you will do it yourself, because I'm afraid you will had no other choice." Then, suddenly, Shen Wei felt his brother dark energy back, even when it became too weak for his liking and soon after, a body appeared in the floor.

"Ye Zun!" Shen Wei yelled, trying again to get out of his bondings. His brother seems unconscious, but at least he was sure he was still alive, which was good enough for him. However, as he was relieved, the goddess, just like the dark prince who held, his creator spirit, put a dagger over Ye Zun's chest. This was when he was going to be forced to do things and he inwardly smiled, glad that his Yunlan had a plan, even with such outcome.

"Wait, don't kill him!" Shen yelled, really meaning it.

"Then, do as I said. Make a fire from the one in the pendant for me and melt that damn barrier your gods created... if you want to keep your brother still alive that is..."

"Lord Zillah... are the others ready?" Wei inwardly asked the god.

"All in their respective points, be careful, the holy tool is still to be shown."

"I know. Tell Yunlan to get ready, this will be over soon."

"What if the barrier requires..."

"I truly hopes it doesn't come to that." Shen said back before he moved one hand to grab his pendant, feeling the heat from the fire within. He concentrate on Kunlun's fire, managing to create a tiny flame into his now open hand, then it begin to grow larger.

"Release me..." Shen demanded.

"Sure thing, but before that..." Shen Wei yelled as a burning sensation hit him all over his body, when the chill hand touched his shoulder, right over where his previous curse should be. He knew GongGong was trying to curse him again, probably to control him, but unfortunately for him, no curse, strong or weak will have an effect over him again.

"Now you belong to me, Shen Wei." The former god laughed, releasing his bonds. "Go ahead and free me with your lover's fire..." Shen Wei transformed back into the Ghost Slayer and walked toward the cocoon holding GongGong's body, but as he passed Ye Zun, suddenly his leg was held. It was a good thing that he had chosen to use his shield to hide his expression, because he was quite surprise to see his brother conscious again and trying to stop him.

"Shen Wei! Please don't... not even for me." His brother said in a whisper, which make him smile inside his cloak.

"He will not bow to pleas, he no longer think for himself, just watch him become your worst nightmare." The goddess said, putting her foot over Ye Zun's arm, so he will let go of his brother, then Shen Wei move forward again.

"Shen Wei! Don't do it!" Ye Zun keep yelling, then, just before he reached the shining cocoon, something unexpected happen. A horde of demons came from below, probably hiking the stone wall and surprisingly, they went to attack the crow prince and goddess, instead of Ye Zun or him.

He extinguish the fire and welcoming the distraction, he portal himself to Ye Zun, who had stood up and grab his shoulder. Instinctively, his brother try to use dark energy to blast him away, but he easily dodge it.

"Ye Zun, it's me. I need to get you out." Shen said, transforming back.

"Wait, she have the sundial..." Shen was unable to act fast enough, as Ye Zun portal himself in front of the distracted goddess and sent her backwards with a blast of lighting, the same way she did with him, then instantly portaling himself, as she fell to steal the pouch on her waist, where he had seen her put the holy tool.

"I'm still the king of hell, taste my rage! Get them!" Ye Zun yelled to his demons, just before his brother grab him again, disappearing along with him.

"Ahhhhhh! YEEE ZZUUUNNN!" GongGong yelled in fury as he killed every demon that came to him, too late to stop the brothers from going out. A second later, Shen Wei was back to Yunlan.

"Ah Lan, it's done." Shen said smiling proudly.

"Yeah babe, very wonderfully." He said pulling him closer and held him dearly for a second, before shamelessly kissing him again, whispering words like 'I'm sorry to put you through this' and 'love you, my Xiao Wei'. This time, Shen Wei didn't even try to resist him, he only responded accordingly to his lover's passion.

"You damn mountain god, stop devouring my brother!" Ye Zun yelled angrily moving to separate them, but Zillah put a hand over his shoulder.

"Get use to that, because Zhao Yunlan will not change the way he loves the Ghost Slayer, even if you try to kill him again. Give me the sundial, this is not over yet. Rong... go and take care of your mess."

"Yeah, yeah... this time, I will make sure he will never come back." He disappeared to finish the fight that had started it all.

"Zhao Yunlan, it's time." Zillah insisted and Zhao finally let go of his blushing ghost and soon after, his brother was taking him away from Zhao.

"Ah, don't get jealous, I'm not stealing him from you, just sharing him for a while." Zhao joked.

"Get lost!" Ye Zun yelled.

"Ye Zun, please..." Shen Wei reproached him.

"It's okay, Shen Wei. We will get along eventually..."

"In your dreams, Kunlun."

"Sorry, but my dreams and nights belong to your passionate brother..."

"Yunlan!" Shen reproached his lover while blushing even more.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing. Give me the sundial and let's end this," Zhao said.

Once with the sundial on his hand, his eyes became gold, his body slightly shining. He closed his eyes, letting his memories guide him, momentarily becoming the god Kunlun. He had make sure to give his other self, enough of his godly energy to take over when the time comes.

"Zillah, put your hand on my shoulder. I need cosmic energy for this." He softly said and he moved to transfer Kunlun some of his energy, but before he began, he said...

"If you are Kunlun right now, then you most know that the barrier needs..."

"I will never sacrifice Shen Wei, not even to the barrier. This is something Nuwa, Yanwang and I agree. Worry not, my other self and his lovely ghost will be granted eternal happiness. Shen Wei's birth was in fact our salvation, as he defy his nature and help us keep the balance, even when he was experiencing great pain and sorrow."

"Oh, I fully agree, Kunlun." A deep voice said, from behind, taking Zillah by surprise.

"Lord Yanwang, how...?" Zillah try to ask.

"I have been around for longer than you, so I know a trick or two and as the guardian of one hell, then I should merge them and take over the Ghost Slayer place. This had been planned for eons." The Lord said, coming closer and putting a hand over his other shoulder.

"Do you bring the box?" Lord Yanwang asked, ignoring the surprised Ghost Slayer, brother and cat.

"Yes, I told Yunlan to bring it with him before coming to the underworld." Kunlun reply, taking out the small golden box, which grew bigger and open. Two golden talisman papers came out of it and Kunlun took it, looking at his lover deeply.

"Xiao Wei, come here." Kunlun said and his ghost, just like he always did came to him and bowed.

"Lord Kunlun..." Kunlun sighed.

"Why you always feel the need to bow in front of me, even with a different body? I'm also Zhao Yunlan, the pervert that just kissed you senseless..." Shen Wei blushed, as he found odd such remark coming from the perfect Kunlun he had never dare to approach in a more intimate way.


"It's obvious he preferred the less refined and perverted version of you. He is less formal and cuter." The old god joked.

"Never mind. Come closer." And so he did, then Kunlun placed the paper on his right hand in which shined for a second, before disappeared inside his skin, leaving a symbol behind.

"Lord Kunlun, what...?"

"You will know, later. Ye Zun... come here. Your punishment had been lifted, although you will never regain your powers again." Kunlun said, as the sound of a big explosion was hear, coming from the fight between gods above.

"I guess the fire god is having fun..." Lord Yanwang said, wishing he could join him.

"Let's just finish this Kunlun, before the idiot destroy this level." Zillah urged him and Kunlun gave Ye Zun a deeper look.

"Ye Zun, please..." Shen Wei almost begged him and seen no other choice with so many gods gathered, he reluctantly came closer. Kunlun then placed the golden paper on his right shoulder, close to his heart and just like the one with Wei, it also disappeared, only leaving a symbol.

"Now we start..." Kunlun said while raising his arms. Instantly four pillars of light raised from the holy tools in different points of the cave, as they the floated up getting lost above their heads. Then, it shined even more as they gather near the center. The soul lamp, which had initially a tiny flame from Guo's insane virtue, grew so much, it make look like the whole sealing of the cave was on fire and then everything begin to shake in and out of Zillah's dimension.

"Lord Yanwang..." Kunlun urge him, as his arms begin to tremble with the energy of the four holy tools. He was still short of cosmic energy, so it was actually quite hard to maintain the power released under control. But then, the Lord of hell, took over, as he reshaped the underworld and hell as he wished, granting the previously eternally dark realm of light and restoring the barrier of hell and the new underworld. The dark energy that was everywhere underground, diminishing to almost nothing.

At that particular part, even Lord Yanwang begin to sweat and Zillah was no different, as the energy was still not enough, but as previously planned several centuries ago, the golden box on his feet, changed form and a woman with her lower body resembling that of a snake, replace it. Shen Wei was surprised as too see the powerful goddess back.

"My dear Nuwa... please watch over us." The older man said, making the goddess smile, then she tuned to face Shen Wei, who was looking at her with widen eyes.

"Come with me, my dear ghost. I will grant your deepest wish." She said and Shen looked at Kunlun, a bit uncertain what it meant, because he had not asked her for any.

"Go, Shen Wei... you will be rewarded, for your all your sacrifices, pain and devotion. I promise we will be apart for a few minutes only." Kunlun said, smiling at him and that was enough to trust in the one he had willingly chose to follow until the end of time.

Da Qing watched in awe, as both Nuwa and Shen Wei disappeared inside the intense fire. Ye Zun was restrained by Kunlun's seal and a few seconds later, a blinding light went all over the realm, incinerating GongGong's body, as well as the dark prince and the treacherous goddess. In a way, it felt like the Jade Emperor giving his judgment and punishment.

Then, the fire from the lantern which had also grow too big exploded, sending fires all over the place and realm. Four of them crossed Zillah's dimension, three smaller ones find their way inside both of Ye Zun's shoulders and between his eyebrows. The last one, a bit more bigger and with a certain golden glow into Kunlun's left shoulder, his missing fire finally returning to him, giving him back his godly power.

At first, the former king of hell yelled in pain, but it soon subsided, making him fall to his knees. He looked even more surprised at the three gods, working in granting souls to those in the underworld they deemed worthy of it, which was both a blessing and a curse for those who proved to be unworthy by the new king of hell. He had been giving a second chance.

Shortly after that, a hole could be seen in the middle of the fire and Kunlun smiled pleased, moving to place himself just below it. Soon, Shen Wei's unconscious body slowly fell from it, right into Kunlun's arm. His three soul fires shining over him before disappearing under his skin, which was now warmer. He will never be cold again, nor freeze everything over, even if he attempt to become a Ghost Slayer by pure curiosity.

Zhao then, replaced Kunlun as they were fully integrate, almost falling to his knees with Shen still on his arms, as he felt weak for a second, but soon after, he kissed his lover's forehead and after, his very tempting lisps, glad it was all over and now he had a beautiful deity as a wife and their bond eternal.

"It's over, my Wai... you no longer need to become the Ghost Slayer, you are free now, from all your previous burdens..." He whisper to his lovely ex-ghost, which open his eyes after that. Then, as usual, he wasted no time in tasting his new god lips, forgetting about everything else, because they had been granted a new life and he was planning in enjoying it to the fullest.

AN: 😢😢😢😭😭😭 I'm so sad this story is over, with only an epilogue left! I love it so much and it make me so happy while writing it and so I truly hope it make you happy too. I'm so greatful of all of you, my lovely readers, for making one of my dreams a reality. I hit number one in a few categories a few times, which I honesty never even dare to dream about it. So, in thanks for all your support and kindness I will give you some love bellow, as well as some extra story.



A special behind the scene as Zhao and the others waited for Wei to bring back his brother.


As Shen Wei's heartbreaking scream resonate inside the cave, decreasing the strong noise from below like that of an initiated car in comparison, Zhao shuddered with the emotion behind his lover yell. He had said he could pull it off, but he honestly wasn't expecting it to be so good, so real. He had even manage to sound more devastated than when he thought Ye Zun was gone for good, which make him feel guilty for making Shen pass through a painful experience, even when he wasn't really gone.

"Ah, my Wei... please remember I'm still alive..." Zhao whisper more to himself than to anyone else, while they walked through the mass of zombie-like demons to their designate point, in which they would wait for Wei. They could do so, because they had with him the god of time and space and he easily created a dimension within a dimension that only them could notice.

"He so obviously loves you in such a way that even if the body he carried in his arms was not the real you, he still lose another version of his Yunlan, so his pain is no fake, you can be sure of that." Zillah said.

"I kind of feel a bit sorry for him..." Da Qing said, back in the form of a black cat.

"I hope he can fool them long enough, before they realize it's a fake body and the real one is just below. I honestly don't like to keep Wei in such pain for long." Zhao said.

In a way, two dimensions were sharing the same space at the same time, absolutely under Zillah's flawless control. In all, it was a crazy thing to walk around hundreds of zombie-like demons, as if they were ghost who could go through them and it felt weird. Zillah had created four copies of him, the same he did with the one Shen took with him, so all the groups could be connected to one another through him.

The real Zillah, was closely guarding Shen Wei, to make sure the professor was not harmed during the whole ordeal or go out of control if things turn for the worst. However, Zhao was quite confident that they could accomplish Ye Zun rescue as well as the full restoration of the barrier. There was only one thing bothering him, after seen the so called dark prince. He was too far away from him, but somehow his presence felt odd. When he heard the laugh coming from somewhere inside the cave, he wonder just how was GongGong manifesting when he was supposed to be tightly sealed or dead.

"Zillah, is GongGong truly sealed inside that cocoon of light? Can a part of him, like his spirit for example, go out of it if someone extract it?" Zhao asked, not able to hold his curiosity.

"Normally, no. Extracting the spirit of a god while dormant or even dead is impossible for any demon or even for a half god like Shen Wei or that bastard who wants to play with the realms. However, he had a goddess with him, although not a powerful one like Nuwa, which can at least manage to retrieve some of his essence, sealed inside. Why?" Zillah asked back.

"Somehow, I think GongGong essence had been transfer into that purple haired idiot, which would explain how so many demons could be portal out at the same time when no one except Shen Wei could actually accomplish that in or out of hell. Even with the body of a half god which is his son and with the help of a minor goddess he could make some impossible things happen." He said and Zillah stopped his advance to look at him, then he closed his eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Zhao Yunlan, you are indeed right. No wonder Lord Yanwang liked you so much. As Kunlun you were very perceptive, which make you hard to defeat in the game the Lord of the fairies Hell love so much." Zillah said without looking back.

"So... The purple haired guy is just a puppet of GongGong?" Da Qing asked.

"Yes, the real one pulling the strings is actually the goddess. She is the one that had manage to extract the former god spirit as well as to steal the sundial from the beauty obsessive Rong. She had fools us all..." Zhao said.

"Does that change our plan?" Da Qing asked again.

"Not really, just pass the information to Shen Wei. He need to be careful with her." Zhao said, hopping everything goes as planned, because if something happen to his beloved ghost... Well, he better not think about such a dreadful thing that would end his world.

"Actually, there is no need... The Ghost Slayer already knows and..." Zillah paused, as he closed his eyes to see what the real him did. He was unsure to whatever or not tell the Guardian about the hard time his lover was facing up.

"And what? Did something happen to my Wei?" Zhao asked seriously.

"He is pushing them too hard... I'm afraid, he will suffer a bit." The Guardian anger was evident, still after cursing a few times, Zillah was relieved that he keep his cool.

"Just a bit more, Shen Wei... hold on for just a bit more." Zhao whisper.

"Hey, you old cat, hurry up, We need to be in place before Shen Wei comes to us."

"I'm moving as fast as my paws allow me." Da Qing protested.

"Then move faster..." Zhao said with worry, still the cat keep his pace. After a minute, Zhao sighed and the black cat glanced at him.

"It's unlike you Yunlan, to take things too seriously... you work far better when been shameless. By the way Zhao, are you aware you may fight against your father in law?" Da Qing joked, as the tension was begging to rise. Zhao smirked despite himself. He knew Da Qing was trying to distract him for darker thoughts for which he was grateful.

"Ah damn, you are right. It's quite hard to get to the good side of my in-laws. The mother is foxy scary..." He shudder. "And I guess the evil father will not approve of our relationship, not to mention that the brother already try to kill me once. I wonder how my dear Xiao Wei become such a lovely ghost. He must be adopted..." Zhao joked back.

"For Lord Jade, can't you bunch take anything seriously?" Zillah asked in annoyance.

"Nope. We Guardians of the Order are idiots like this..." Zhao begin.

"Speak for yourself, I'm no idiot." Da Qing said.

"Says the fat cat..." Zhao said.

"Hey! I'm not fat either." Da Qing refuted.

"Sorry, that you are. I will make sure to give you less rations of dried fish once this is over. I will put you in diet."

"Don't you dare! Shen Wei will never allowed it, anyways." Zhao laughed.

"Ah, my Wei is such a kind darling, you are so lucky, he will be there..." Zillah sighed, resigning himself to follow the immature bunch to their destination. He only hope the Ghost Slayer could hurry up and end his babysitting.

Thanks for reading.