-Yunlan/Shen Wei-
Three months passed after the successful restoration of the barrier, by the combined strengths of Kunlun, Lord Yanwang and Zillah. Now, the world was beginning to go back to what it used to be centuries ago, as humanity regained control of their nights and with the careful watch of the two newest gods, Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan, no demon or ghost, who escaped before the restoration would dare to act against them. The world had been fixed and the holy artifacts back to their original temples, with the only difference that the flame of the soul lantern will burn eternally, ensuring the peace between the underworld and the human realm.
Because Guo was in fact the lantern wick, he was highly regarded the same as a god by many of the tribes, even if he was only a human. His virtue in fact was no less impressive and it was because of that, they could use the holy tool to grant ghost of souls and restore the barrier. At the end, Gou decided to return to Shen Wei's temple, in which both, Lady Yue and him, welcomed several tribe people each day, giving new life to the temple that was now quite busy hosting multiple visitors. Chu had also stayed with him, as he wasn't going to let him unguarded now that he had been recognized, as he should be and also because there was no way he will let the shy easily frighten young man out of his grasp. Eventually he was going to be his and now that he had been granted a soul, he had no reason to not peruse him anymore.
Ye Zun had initially stayed with Shen Wei, in the teacher's dorm for a month, after the government had grant him of an identity, to be an official citizen of Dragon City. Shen Wei had integrate him to his world, making him his assistance in the university, which make many female students go crazy for him as much as for the now forbidden professor, because it was quite evident to anyone who had seen Zhao Yunlan come to take the even more handsome professor home, that he was taken. Zhao Yunlan was simply too obvious teasing the still shy Shen Wei to not notice they were together, yet the equally handsome twin brother was free to chase.
After Ye Zun had learned to live as a human and work as one, that first month, he manage to convince Shen Wei to move in with Zhao Yunlan. His relationship with the godly guardian had become tensed, yet cordial for Shen Wei's sake, but he wanted for his brother to be fully happy with the man he had chosen so many eons ago. He honestly didn't want for his Ge to keep coming home at the early sunrise to stay with him and go early in the night to spend the night with his lover.
He didn't wanted for him to divide his life between the two men he loved most, so he urged Shen Wei to let him live alone in his room at the university and fully moved with his lover. As they now worked together in the same place, it was not like he would stop seen him and Shen Wei could fully keep himself devoted to his god. That of course, had pleased the damn Guardian so much, that he even sent him a 'gift' in a golden portal, which was none other than the fat cat with emerald eyes.
Of course, Shen Wei had brought back the indignant cat almost immediately, apologizing deeply on behalf of Yunlan and severely scolding his lover for the disrespect. He learned later that Da Qing had took his revenge scratching the god all over, when he fall asleep at work, too exhausted for the duplication of his work as a Chief Guardian of the order. As a full god, he was pretty much busy with the tribes, the same way Guo was back in the temple. All Guardians were quite busy between removing the wards from public buildings and handling the small conflicts of the different tribes. So the work duplicated tenfold as literally hundreds also wanted to work for him, even if it was removing wards.
"Ahhhh, this is nuts! How can they expect me to read all this applications and hire the ten percent? I don't even remember how many had already been hired to remove the 'millions' of wards in the city, not to mention those in rural towns." Zhao said as he read some more applications he wanted to throw out of the window.
"One hundred and fifty for the city, two hundred and eighty for rural areas." Shen Wei remained him and Zhao raise an eyebrow, looking back at his lover. Of course, he should not be surprise that Shen Wei remember such numbers, not even if he remember the names of each one of them.
"Babe… why don't work for me? You will make my life much easier and happier too, if you agree to be a full time collaborator. I can always close the office earlier and have some office se…" Shen Wei went deep red, while looking at the cat playing almost at his feet.
"Yunlan! Da Qing is here…" Shen whisper, making Zhao laugh. They were sat over their couch, in a lovely nightfall. It was still a bit cold, so Shen Wei forced Zhao to use a warm sheet, while he half rested over Shen Wei's chest. He had a pillow on his lap, because Yunlan will eventually throw the papers over the table and rest on it, saying he was too tired, even if he was now a full god.
"Don't mind me, Shen Wei… I had live with the pervert for longer than it should be considered sane." Da Qing said.
"Well, I can always send you back to Ye Zun."
"Yunlan! Don't you dare to do it again." Zhao laughed more.
"Babe, you are so cute when mad. I was joking." He said, winking at him, now resting his head over the pillow in Shen's lap.
"Seriously, both of you will be the death of me…" Shen sighed.
"Nonsense. You are such a lovely full god now, nothing will ever touch you again, right you fat cat?"
"Except the perverted hands of another full god…" Shen Wei blushed even more, making Zhao laugh lauder.
"That was a good one, Da Qing. I love him most when he flushed." Zhao keep up.
"You certainly do, you embarrass him enough for a lifetime."
"But he is just lovely. Such a beautiful wife…"
"Yunlan, I am a man, not a wife."
"Babe, you are even better than a woman. I had never seen a woman more charming than you."
"Seriously, you…" His ears were now deep red.
"But I was praising you…"
"That's not praising, just teasing." Zhao laughed.
"Ah, I love you all over again. So cute… so shy, yet so sexy… you are definitely a turn o..." That one simply make even Shen Wei's heart blush.
"Well, it has been a while since I called Lady Yue for an extended visit…" The laugh stopped instantly.
"Ah, I just remember I have a date with one of the applicants I interview a few days back… She was quite a beautiful lady cat. Don't wait for me." Da Qing said, transforming into a human and almost running towards the door.
"Hey! Don't be such a coward… come back!" Zhao yelled, although he swallow when Shen Wei took out his cellphone. "Wait, Xiao Wei… please don't call at the temple. Last time she came to visit, she looked like she wanted to eat me alive." He shudder and this time Shen smiled.
"But it had been such a long time and both Chu and Guo will be happy to visit too. They will be here in a second." One number was marked.
"Wait! I promise I will make up to you for the teasing. Please babe…" Zhao said seriously, as he knew that Shen Wei never make empty threats. Last time he had make him angry, he had indeed call at the temple and the lady fox was there instantly.
"How so?" Shen asked curiously, but Zhao simply moved up to kiss the professor.
"Nice try, but not enough Yunlan…" Shen whisper, but Zhao deepen the kiss, in a way he knew Shen loved, while he got rid of the pillow and sat over Wei's lap.
"What about now? You know… we are still in our honeymoon period." Zhao suggestively said on his ear as he begin to unbutton his shirt. Then looking at him with full desire. He was already turned on and he knew Shen Wei was no different. Soon, the gentle god was going to transform into a hungry dragon that he loved even more.
"Better, but still not enough and we will always be in a honeymoon. Come here Zhao Yunlan, the eternal teaser…" Shen Wei said, pulling the smiling Yunlan back to him to kiss him more and then portaling him back to their room, in which they will show each other just how much their love had grown. He was so crazy in love with the teasing god that he would never had enough of him, not matter how many centuries passed. He had wished for his happy ending for so long that having him close, even when he embarrass him like that, it felt like a dream, yet that dream had been one that have come true.
In all, he had achieve the previous elusive happiness at the end of his road, making all sacrifices worthy and as their story keep going on, they will keep loving each other for an eternity. They wouldn't have it any other way.
AN: 😢😢😭😭 My dear readers, this is the end of this story and I love it so much while writing it. Thank you.