Chapter 60: Morning After

"Mei, are you awake?" Yuzu whispered with a smile as she gave a gentle squeeze to Mei's shoulder. It was a little past eight and the sun was starting to dip in through the cracks in the curtains. They were both still snuggled beneath the silk sheets of the hotel, having stayed up into the early hours of the morning, watching a movie and spontaneous intimacy.

Yuzu had woken up early, still feeling the high from the night before, Mei was snuggled into her chest, arms wrapped around Yuzu's waist. Yuzu would never wake Mei from her sleep this early unless she thought the girl was awake, and from the shuffles and slightly tight grip around her waist, she was sure Mei was in fact awake.

Yuzu didn't get a verbal response, rather Mei leaned forwards and pressed her lips to the blonde's naked chest. She could feel Mei smile onto her skin when she stopped kissing her, her fingers tracing her back.

"I am, but I don't want to get out of bed just yet," Finally pulling herself back sightly after a few more minutes of content silence, Mei gave a soft smile to Yuzu as she brought her hands forwards, her eyes searching for the gems on her finger. As if checking yesterday wasn't a dream and Yuzu had proposed to her; The she had said yes.

"Anything you want!" Grinning brightly, Yuzu pushed her lips to Mei's who replied with eagerness at feeling the soft plush skin against her again. She couldn't get enough of the blonde, every touch and she wanted more, she wanted to touch and feel her more. She still couldn't help the fluttering feeling in her heart when she looked at Yuzu or the ring on her finger.

"Don't you think this is amazing! After everything that's happened between us we are really gonna get married, Mei!" Yuzu felt just as surreal as Mei did, she had snagged and bagged the most wanted girl at the Aihara academy, she was good.

"I'm gonna get to bang you for the rest of my life," Yuzu gave a sly grin as she blushed at her words, she would never have said anything so bold about sleeping with Mei, or defiantly not in such a way. It defiantly sounded like it was pulled directly out of Matsuri's mouth, but she couldn't;t help it, it was all true.

Mei's eyebrow raised at the comment, her lip curling into a one-sided smile, "Is that right?" Propping herself up on one elbow to lean over Yuzu who rolled onto her back in response, Mei traced a finger from the tip of the blonde chin to her throat stopping to put pressure when she reached the top of her chest.

"That's quite bold of you to assume, I mean I do quite a lot of the work in that department," Mei grinned as she was now directly over Yuzu, bringing her thigh higher to press against Yuzu's exposed groin.

"Hmm, I thought you said last night you didn't class that as work?" Yuzu lay still beneath her fiance, a challenging smirk on her lips as she pressed further. If she pushed just a little further she knew she would difficulty be getting banged this morning, and that alone made her want to raise her hips to create friction between her needy pussy and Mei's leg.

"Oh did I?... I must have gotten confused because you are a lot of work." Mei brought her finger to her chin as though thinking about the blonde's words before continuing.

A pout was quickly forming on Yuzu's face at Mei taking her words back from the previous night, but her thoughts were put a stop to, as Mei pressed against her, her lips brushing against her ear.

"But I'm willing to put all the work in," She gave a slight lick to the rim of the blonde's ear before nibbling gently, "Because I love you, and I do want to bang you for the rest of my life," Mei's words were sharp in the room, her mouth began working a trail of wet kisses down Yuzu's neck as her hands found the blondes to intertwine their fingers and press them to the side of the blonde's head.

"M-Mei, mnghnm" Yuzu pressed her head back into the pillow when the soft lips met her collar bone, giving a firm bite before sucking at the skin gently. Those very lips made their way back up Yuzu's throat to her lips to take her in a deep kiss.

"I love you too Mei, more than anything in the world." When they broke the kiss desperate for air, Yuzu smiled softly up to Mei who watched her every expression with a blush of her own.


Dipping her head back down, Mei pressed herself fully against the shifting body beneath her, her hand snaking between them to the place she knew Yuzu craved them most.