Chapter 61: Settled

Mei had managed to coax her wife back through to the couch, she currently had her tucked under one of her arms as they mindlessly watched the movie on the screen. Yuzu had her feet up on the coffee table and wrapped herself in a blanket as she gripped onto the fingers interlinked with her own.

Once she had gotten over the slight shock of Yuzu being pregnant and managed to get Yuzu to stop crying, Mie had picked her blonde lover up in a tight embrace to spin her around in joy. She was scared to the bone about raising a child, it was unknown territory, but they were going to start a family, there was no amount of fear that would make her not want this.

Bringing her hand down from around Yuzu's shoulders, Mei circled her waist and wiggled her free hand beneath the blanket and blonde's shirt to rest against her stomach again.

"Just think, in eight months we'll have a little one here with us, the start of our family. It may sound strange because this small apartment is our house, but I'm excited to start planning where you would like to go to medical school and mostly to start looking for a home. A place for our family." Mei smiled softly down to Yuzu who was looking up with a worried expression.

"Aren't you scared, Mei? We are still so young and what if by drinking on our holiday I've hurt our baby? Or what about you possibly wanting to live in gramps house, don't you want that?" A look of pure worry was laced over Yuzu's face as she spoke, it was quite clear to Mei that she was concerned for the heath of their baby. They had drunk on their honeymoon though they hadn't done a lot of drinking when they arrived home. Besides Yuzu had already known for a week so she hadn't been drinking since she took the test.

"Hey, a lot of women drink in the first few weeks because they don't know, just like us and everything turns our fine. The only possible night you could have gotten pregnant was our wedding night, so that makes you about four and a half weeks, isn't the first ultrasound around the eight-week mark or so? We can book an appointment in as soon as you are far enough along to make sure that everything is alright. But I'm willing to bet they're a little fighter, just like you, and everything will be perfectly normal... About my grandfather's house, I grew up there but I don't think that's the house I want to raise our children in, I want a place of our own." Mei confirmed with a sure look as she watched the worry drain from Yuzu's face.

"You know just what to say don't you?" Pressing her lips to Mei's for a kiss, Yuzu brought her legs up under the blanket to lean completely against Mei, her hand joining Mei's beneath her shirt.

"I think you're going to be a great mum Mei," Yuzu whispered as Mei started to trace a pattern on her stomach with her fingers, her chin resting on the top on her head.

"I know you are going to be." Mei said as she pressed a firm kiss to the blonde's temple.

After a few moments of silence, Mei spoke up, her tone slightly firmer than before. "I think we should register you with my private hospital instead of the general clinic you're currently with. It's nothing against them, but I want to make sure you are in the absolute best hands when it comes down to it. I don't want you to be stuck in a ward full of other woman and crying babies when you're tired and sore. I'll make sure you have a private room with a comfy bed and the best healthcare before and after the birth... For you and the baby," Mei's said, her fingers never stopping as she spoke. It wasn't too often she showed her protective side so strongly, they had been together for years and had never mentioned anything of the kind to Yuzu, but she needed to know that if the slightest thing went wrong she could trust the doctors taking care of her wife.

"... We can make the call tomorrow, okay?" Yuzu gave a wide smile of her own to Mei, she really did love the moments where Mei showed she truly cared about her. She knew The Aihara loved her deeply, but when she said things like that it made her heart swell.

"Okay," Her grip strong around Yuzu's body, Mei couldn't help the subtle smile as her thought drifted in and out of their future together.