Chapter 66: New clothes

Yuzu sat crossed-legged on their bed, a frown on her face as she sat waiting on Mei to return. It had been a long day for the blonde, she was larger than she had ever been and she was hating it. Not only had she had to go back to the maternity store for larger clothes but Mei and Matsuri had commented on it.

11 hours ago

"Yuzu can you hurry up, we are all waiting on you and we are late for our table?" Mei said with a sigh as she walked into the bedroom, shoes already on as she had been ready for the better part of half an hour. Only Yuzu was standing in front of the mirror tears in her eyes as she held her leggings in her hand. The already several sizes bigger leggings.

"They don't fit." Yuzu said as she used the fabric to shield herself as much as she could. Yuzu hadn't left the house in quite a while, and such hadn't changed out of her sweat pants in just as many days, she hadn't had to try on any of the clothes she had been using when leaving the house and now she was facing an issue.

Losing the impatience in her voice Mei made up the distance and placed a comforting kiss on her cheek, before gesturing to the wardrobe. "Have you tried anything else on?" While thinking nothing of her statement, Mei was taken slightly aback when Yuzu sighed at her.

"Of course I have Mei, none of my jeans, leggings or shorts fit me! The only thing I'm not too fat for is my joggers which I cant wear!" Yuzu stated as her voice rose slightly, gripping the leggings tighter as she spoke.

"Calm down Yuzu, it isn't the end of the word, I can go to the maternity store and pick you up some things and then we can go together so you can get whatever it is you want. Though I wish you had tried on something yesterday in preparation, surely you can see you've grown a little bit in the past few weeks-" As she spoke Mei seen her wife face drop and the tears just about spilling over. She had in fact fucked up.

"No no no don't cry, I didn't mean anything like that. You are not fat Yuzu, you are several months pregnant with our babies. It's my fault, I should have picked something up for you... Listen, how about you put on one of your dresses, I'm sure that'll work for you, hmm?" Pulling her in for a quick hug, Mei kissed her again on the lips before running her thumb under her eyes to wipe away any possible tears.

With everything going on and moving rather quickly, the one thing Mei had noticed was Yuzu did not like her weight increase. She didn't like changing in front of her the past few weeks, they didn't shower or bath together and they hadn't slept together in longer than even Mei liked to admit.

"...Okay, I'll be out in a few," Yuzu said, as she offered a small thankful smile to Mei. "You're beautiful," Mei said as she left another kiss on the blonde's lips before leaving the room.

Slightly more confident, Yuzu left the room several minutes later wearing a dress that just fit around her belly. This had also been on the other dresses she ad previously bought. Walking out of the room she was met with Matsuri and Harumi standing in the living room waiting for her, Mei offered a smile as she picked up her purse in preparation to leave.

"Waow Yuzu, you are getting big!" Matsuri said with a laugh as she mimicked with her hand the size of the blonde's stomach. That was all it took before Yuzu had burst into tears before turning around and going back into her and Mei's room to change. While Matsuri got a smack on the back of the head and a barrage of words from Harumi, Mei lowered her purse with a sigh as she pinched her nose and made her way back through to the bedroom preparing to have the same conversation she had had several times with the blonde already.

Just before she left the living room, Mei turned back to the now bickering pair. "She isn't going to leave the house now, so you two can go to the reservation or I can cancel it?" Mei asked as her tone showed her annoyance at the situation. "It's fine don't worry about it Mei, I'll cancel it, you go and deal with Yuzuccuchi."

And so Mei had walked down the hall relieved she didn't have to worry about that and could focus on her wife who was now back in her hoodie and joggers as she sat on the bed with a textbook next to her. Obviously knowing she had no intention of going anymore.

"Yuzu, we've talked about this before. You are not fat, and you know that. Nobody else thinks you are overweight..." Mei came to sit on the bed facing Yuzu as she placed her hand on the blonde's stomach. "You are an amazing wife, carrying our beautiful children and feeling fat because of that is not something you need to worry about. Listen, you haven't left the house in a while so I'm going to go to the mall and pick out some leggings, and t-shirts for you that will fit you and we are going to go out over the next couple of days. You need to get out and about again," Mei said, bringing her other palm to rest on her puffed-up cheek.

She didn't get a verbal response from the blonde, rather a slight nod before she glanced away from the younger Aihara.


Mei had been gone for some time, and Yuzu was getting slightly impatient. Though her mood had improved slightly from earlier in the day, all she really wanted to do was put it behind her. Luckily she didn't have to wait long before the bedroom door opened and in walked Mei holding a shopping bag.

"I'm home, how are you feeling?" Mei asked with a small smile, not that she expected a joyful answer but she wanted to make sure.

"I'm feeling a little better, why were you gone for so long... I missed you" Yuzu mumbled as she waited for Mei to come closer. And that she did. After placing her bag down and taking off her cardigan, Mei crawled onto the bed over to her wife.

"I have been thinking about what I could possibly do to make you see that you are not unattractive or overweight, and the best ways I couldn't think possible to show you that I still think you are beautiful is by doing not telling. So tonight.." Stoping her sentence to push the shocked blonde onto her back and lean over her and place a firm kiss on her lips.

"- I am going to do just that," Mei said as she attempted to deepen the kiss, only was pushed away slightly by Yuzu.

"Mei it's not that I don't think you find me attractive, but my belly is impossible to miss, it's just not me..." Yuzu said with a warmer voice, and this tie she held a smile, only that turned to a smirk shortly afterwards.

"No, it's not you, it's our babies." Mei kissed her again, "And as you are the mother and carrying our children..." Leaning in to whisper in her wife's ear as she pressed her into the mattress, Mei gave a short breath "You can call me daddy.". Any with that said she took the blonde in another slightly more heated kiss ... she was definitely getting laid and she was sure she had helped the blonde out too.