Chapter 67: Preperation

Yuzu sat on the couch as she scrolled through her phone, earbuds in as she sat under her blanket. It was a little past nine in the evening, Mei was still in the bedroom working as she had been all weekend, and rather than sitting in the bedroom in silence with Mei she had opted to sit in the living room with her music on.

Yuzu was nearing the ninth month of her pregnancy there was only a couple of weeks until her due date. Her stomach looked like a giant balloon, she struggled to walk some days, Mei put her shoes on for her and she now liked to spend a lot of her time perched on the couch. The school year was over, Yuzu and Mei were both thankful for it, as Yuzu knew she would if she had to, but Mei dreaded the idea of Yuzu having to walk around campus in her 'condition'; Her wife struggled to go for a walk most days of the week.

Yuzu had sat her finals for her honours degree at the start of the month, it was a relief that she was grateful for. Studying for her finals, looking for a new house and being heavily pregnant wasn't easy for the blonde. Mei, on the other hand, had finished her fourth year as well, however with her choosing to stay on for her masters, still had two years left. So she was having to transfer to a school closer to where Yuzu would be studying medicine. Which happened to be a well-round university in Tokyo, Mei had originally been accepted to this University however, had attended their current one as this was the one Yuzu got into. The pair were supposed to be moving back to Tokyo this week, giving them a little more than a week to get everything set up in the new house before the babies would be here.

With the due date approaching fast, Mei had been trying to get their new house in order along with packing up the last of their current apartment. Everything had become so hectic with studying for their exams, finding a new house had fallen into the back seat for a few months, then before the pair knew it, it was only a few weeks away. Tomorrow they were going down to collect the keys from the estate agent and finally look at their newly acquired house.

They had both opted they didn't want to live In her grandfather's mansion and didn't want to move again, so they were really looking for their family house. It took a little while of looking, but they finally found the house they were looking for, and it was finally time to sign the last documents and collect the keys.

With the babies being born this spring, Yuzu had made it clear that she would be taking a year out from her studying to look after the girls. She just couldn't imagine diving right into medical school with two newborns at home. Mei had offered to do the same, however, Yuzu had said it was silly for Mei to put back her degree, the university was only a short train ride away and she would come back home to her family. Yuzu had her degree and she knew Mei needed to get hers.

The two had spoken a little less or conversations were rather short over the past couple of days. Yuzu knew Mei was stressed to the point that she felt a little worried for the girl, Everything was going to be fine. They already had plans for Sho and Ume to come round to help them assemble all the furniture and such in the house as Yuzu wouldn't be much use, it would take a day or two for all that then it was adding the small things. Yuzu knew they had time, she just wanted to spend tie with Mei. Being cooped up in the couch surrounded by cardboard boxes wasn't as fun as it was made out to be. the only thing that hadn't been packed away already by Mei was Yuzus new favourite place- the couch-, their bed and Mei's desk. Aside from this, the house was completely blank.

But Mei had said she would just be a couple of hours, that was at two this afternoon, and she hadn't left the room since. Yuzu sat gloomily on the sofa, hand resting against her large bump when her phone pung with a message from Harumi.

Listen to this song! I just got sent it by one of my friends and its soo good

Yuzu looked at the name (As the world caves in) and shrugged as she clicked the link. A rather sad song started playing, but she round the deep bass pulled her heart a little. And as she listens to the lyrics it made her want to tear up a little. She continued to listen to the words as she shuffled under the blanket. When she came to the chorus a small tear trickled down her cheek as she got off the couch slowly as the song was coming to its end.

Making her way down the hall, she pushed the bedroom door open to see Mei still sitting in the bare room, fingers still typing away on the laptop. Without looking up, Mei spoke "Sorry Yuzu, it's taking longer than I thought, I'll be done shor-" Mei's apology was cut off as Yuzu, having tossed her phone and earphones onto the mattress, pulled Mei's chair out slightly and before the girl had time to question Yuzu or the fact that she was crying was pulled into a tight hug.

Slowly rising from the chair to hug her wife properly, Mei was confused, to say the least, but she pulled the blonde close as she rubbed her back.

"Yuzu?" There was obvious concern in the young Aiharas voice, she wasn't aware of anything that would cause her wife to be in tears at the moment, but with her emotions being hit and miss the past few months, she thought it may have been possible that her lack of an appearance over the past week may have been the cause.

"I love you." Was all Yuzu managed to cough out as she continued to hold her arms around Mei's neck, her head buried in the crook of her neck.

"I love you too," Mei said immediately, it being a natural response to the words now, she placed a soft kiss on the blonde's head as she kept her grip firm.

"C-Can you finish whatever you are doing in the morning, please? Can we go to bed?" Yuzu pulled back slightly, when she did Mei quickly rose her hands to wipe the tears off her cheeks, the emerald green eyes still held tears in them, as if the slightest thing might induce more to spill over.

Mei, being used to these outbursts, turned to save her work and close the laptop as she lead the blonde to the bed, slipping beneath them beneath the covers as she pulled the blonde into her front.

One thing Mei had grown accustomed to the last few months as she was no longer the little spoon in this set. She rarely was the big spoon when it was just the two of them, Yuzu was always attached to her back and laying kisses on her neck; now that was her job. And Yuzu thought Mei made a damn good big spoon. She already felt a glow of happiness as she felt her wife pressed up against her back, one arm under the blonde's head the other tracing soft patterns on her stomach.

"I'm sorry I've been distant the last few days, there is just so much going on and in less than a month we'll have two babies to look after as well. I guess it's just getting to me. But I'm here now," Mei said quietly as she placed a few kisses to the side of Yuzu's neck, happy when she saw the blonde relax into her embrace.

"I know, I just missed you and I love you, everything will be fine," Yuzu smiled,

"I'm sorry about crying like this, Harumin sent me this song to listen to and it was really sad and made me miss you. You really have been great these past couple of months with me, I know I've been... a lot recently." Yuzu gave a nervous laugh as she slipped her fingers into Mei hand that was still on her stomach.

"I think 'a lot' would be putting that quite mildly, just last week you no longer wanted to sleep in the bed with me because I didn't cuddle you when we got into bed," Mei said as she gave a small laugh, amused by the argument they had the week before. It was a lot to handle, but Mei was happy than she had ever been.

"Haha... Yeah, sorry about that, I would say it won't happen again but I really can't guarantee that, mnm," Yuzu said, giving a small grunt towards the end of her sentence, moving her hand from Mei's to the bottom of her stomach, trying to soothe the baby pressing against her.

"Everything alright?" Mei raised herself onto her elbow to look over Yuzu's shoulder, seeing her face scrunched as she tried to rub soothing circles on her stomach though looking to have little luck with calming the child.

"She kicking me again," was all Yuzu had to say for Mei to know which one of their babies was active at the moment. Moving away from Yuzu's back, Mei tugged on her wife's shoulder, motioning for her to lie on her back.

Yuzu immediately felt better when she realised what Mei was going to do, and she eagerly turned on her back, propping her head up with pillows as Mei shuffled down so her face was level with the bulging belly.

"It's bedtime little one," Mei gave a soft smile as she raised a hand to caress the bump, feeling the slight kick to the palm on her hand.

"Mama is trying to get to sleep, it's late and she's been up all day and needs her rest. You really need to stop doing this you know, It makes me happy to see you growing so strong but you have to give Mama some rest okay?" The entire time Mei was speaking, she was rubbing her hand against Yuzu's belly.

They had found out a little while ago that Mei's voice seemed to calm both twins, even if one tended to be more active at night, Mei usually managed to calm them both down in a matter of minutes.

"Thanks, Mei," Yuzu smiled at the feeling dissipating in her stomach. Mei placed a soft lingering kiss on Yuzu's stomach before making her way back up to Yuzu's side.

"No need to thank me, they're our kids after all. The least I can do is try and calm down the twins so you can sleep better," Mei placed a soft kiss on Yuzu's cheek as she lay down and wrapped an arm over the blonde again.

"We need to be up early tomorrow for the ride down so let's head to bed alright?" Mei said as she shuffled a little before placing a final kiss on the blonde.

"Yeah you're right, goodnight Mei, I love you," Yuzu smiled as she let her eyes close, feeling relaxed in Mei's embrace as she let her tiredness take over her.

"Love you too,"

[Hello everyone, I'm back again this chap is based after the wedding and approaching Yuzu's due date. i know a few of you guys had wanted to know what happened with Jasmin and the engagement, I do plan on writing something at some point for the moment I wanted to write a little more about Yuzu and the babies. I wanted to make it clear to you guys, that Yuzu does want the twins, she is just having a hard time adjusting to her current body, which at the size I imagine Yuzu's body, is not surprising. Also, the start of this chapter is a crap tone of info about the girls and the time jump to this point so please forgive me!

So here is a little timeline I put together just so you guys are all following along :) Enjoy the read as usual.

Yuzu proposed in the spring of their third year.

Married in the autumn of their third year. gonna say Octobre ish, just so it lines up with her school finishing before the birth.

Yuzu finished her 4th year at the start of May

Yuzu's due date is early June]