Mrs. Boss is a little stupid

Within the next half an hour, a curly haired, bespectacled doll-like creature entered the Moshi Mansion.

"Ms. Mei, madam and young master are waiting for you in his study."

Mei nodded at the butler and hurried in quickly up to the study. Her boss was finally back, and she was so relieved. They needed her or the world would pretty much implode.

She was THAT important.

Lina's consultancy operated from a small region in the north for the last three years, where she had founded the first headquarters with a small group of people. Mei was one of them.

In the last year her influence had grown and 9 months ago she moved and rebuilt the headquarters in the capital city.

They were a low key consultancy, not your typical flashy corporation that everyone everywhere knew about. Not everyone could acquire Lina's services. She had far more important matters to attend to, instead of settling classroom disputes.

As Mei knocked on the door of the study, she was invited in by Lina who was going through a stack of files while Shen, who had been displaced from his own desk, was sitting on a lounge chair doing his own reading.

The stunning couple looked in perfect harmony, their pride and competence hanging in the atmosphere. But there was something different about her boss.

Lina looked up and smiled at the stunned assistant. Mei couldn't believe she was looking at her savior after three whole months and had involuntarily teared up.

"Boss..." she managed to speak in a choked voice.

"You must be Mei! I've heard such wonderful things about you and your abilities. Come sit down here in front of me!"

Ah yes. Boss had amnesia. A wave of fear gripped Mei's heart. She had forgotten her. What if she had forgotten her work?! They needed her to get them back on track!

"Boss, I'm so glad you're back. We're trying to hold up on various fronts. I'm going to reintroduce you to our small, but highly trained teams (thanks to you)!"

With that, Mei showed Lina pictures of the office and the employees. It took a while but Lina sat there focused, registering all the information. Mei noticed an air headedness about her, but suddenly saw a change in attitude - steel and determination in her eyes.

She smiled to herself, that was her boss right there.

Lina was surprised and overjoyed at their status and organization. She had a team of analysts, international lawyers, secretaries and communications officers, legal aides and junior advisors under her. They were all relying on her, including the detail-oriented Mei.

As she switched on the new phone with her backed up contacts, thousands of messages assaulted her eyes. She quickly turned it off and decided to deal with it later since she could feel a headache coming on.

First things first.

"Mei, the case files and correspondence from B nation and the prime minister please."

As she familiarized herself with work, she started falling back into a rhythm and the answers began coming to her naturally. As Shen listened to her words and actions quietly without even looking up, he felt a sense of ease and comfort wash over him.

Mei was overjoyed. She handed Lina the files and sidled up next to her.

Lowering her voice, she spoke her mind.

"Boss, thank god you're back. Mrs. Boss might be a little stupid. This war in B nation may escalate if we don't sort it out with the PM this week."

Lina suddenly had a wicked glint in her eye.

"WHAT? What did you say, Mei? I couldn't here you, speak up!"

She raised her voice on purpose trying to get her assistant to openly insult her husband.

The over confident Mrs. Boss who had caused havoc at work while she was away, would have to deal with slander at her hands.

Shen's head snapped up from his documents, the devil's glare in his eyes directed at Mei.

He knew his wife's tone, and he knew exactly what was happening.

Mei trembled, wondering why she just had to say something so silly in his presence.

"Boss, I just said that nation B needs to be sorted out in a week's time or they might sustain severe damage."

Mei tried to cover up.

"I thought I heard something about someone being too stupid?" Lina kept prodding.

"Too stupid? Is my wife doing it again?" Shen teaser her back.

Mei was wondering how this ended up with her being served dog food. They were still so loving even when attacking each other.

This was how two high IQ people flirt, apparently.

Somehow, another pillow hit Shen's face and then he was ignored the rest of the day. He made a mental note to coax her later by praising her brilliance.

Within just one day, Lina's appetite for her work grew. She had always been a hands-on boss, and she remained true to her nature. She spent hours going through the progress they had made without her on several fronts.

Mei left late at night. But Lina remained in the study and continued reading until she smelled food.

She saw Shen entering the study with a tray covered with various dishes that smelled just divine.

Without a word, he sat next to her and began feeding her. He just seemed to know that she didn't want to be disturbed, and found a quiet way to support her.

She ate as she immersed herself back in work, her henpecked husband caring and tending to her on the side. The duo found a moment of peace in their new chaos.