
— at the agency HQ —

"Sir, agent Tachi has arrived."

The crazed aura of the boss was emanating danger as his right hand man informed him of Tachi's arrival to the HQ.

"Send him in."

His right hand man nodded and walked out.

In the waiting room outside the big boss' office, Tachi paced nervously. He was now reporting directly to the big boss regarding Lina's disappearance for three months.

As a thin, serious looking man walked out of the boss' office, Tachi stopped pacing and stood still.

"You may enter agent Tachi. The boss will see you now."

Steeling himself, Tachi went inside.

"Close the door behind you, agent."

The chilling voice was authoritative and magnetic. Tachi obediently followed his instructions.

"Begin your report."

Tachi could not see the big boss' face, since the office was dimly lit. It was not common for even a high level agent like him to come in direct contact with this man. He only dealt with the most serious of matters and his background and identity was almost entirely shrouded in mystery.

The one fact that was known, though, was that he ran the agency with an iron fist.

Tachi complied.

"After the order to terminate agent Dai three months ago was given, there was another attempt to assassinate her that eclipsed us.

Subsequently agent Dai was rushed to the hospital and believed to have survived, and gone into a vegetative state. But we were unable to actually locate her body."

The big boss suddenly let out a mirthless laugh, shutting Tachi up.

"I'm aware of these facts, agent. I don't get my news three months late. Tell me the state of things NOW."

His voice was sharp enough to slice Tachi's throat.

"Yes sir. She is indeed alive and well. She has returned to the Moshi mansion with Shen Moshi. She is currently recuperating."

"I don't care, agent, whether she's recuperating or not!"

With that, the big boss slammed his fist down on the table. Tachi's knees almost gave way.

"I want to hear about the damn amnesia! Your competence is lower and lower every time I see your worthless face, agent Tachi."

"Sir she does indeed suffer from traumatic, retrograde amnesia. The doctor has confirmed that she is diagnosed with memory loss. However.."

As Tachi paused, the temperature dropped in the room.


"Yes sir. Well, she reacted when she saw me."

The boss' attitude suddenly changed. He went quiet, almost like he was not breathing. A sinister smile played on his lips.

"What do you mean she reacted?"

His tone was a low hum now, the wheels were turning in his head. This was when the boss was at his most dangerous. His reputation was not just all smoke.

"She froze when she saw me, her demeanor changed, and she looked terrified. Everyone in the room noticed that she was stunned at seeing me with the doctor."

"Could it be that she remembers it was you...?"

The boss seemed to be enjoying Tachi's report on Lina. A smile was playing on his lips.

Shouldn't he be angry that she possibly remembered him and her ties with the agency? Especially now that she had turned?

"There's no way, sir. Her memories are being further suppressed by PTSD."

The boss now laughed out openly.

"PTSD? That's what we've come to now?"

Tachi suddenly felt a pang of guilt attack him. Her past was a complicated story that had caused her to suffer ceaselessly. The boss knew everything.

"This is a messy situation isn't it...agent Tachi?"

"Uh, yes sir..."

Suddenly Tachi felt short of breath in the Boss' presence.

"Agent Tachi, this brings us to the matter of three months ago."

Oh shit.

"Aren't you supposed to have Grade A sniper shot testing results?"

Tachi swallowed hard.

"Wasn't it also you, agent, who successfully assassinated the leader of the militant Xin group in a vehicle moving over 80kmph with a single head shot?"

Was this boss praising him or preparing his head for the guillotine, Tachi couldn't tell.

"Uh yes sir, that was me"

The boss now rose from his seat. Tachi almost choked on his own saliva.

"Then, how is it, that you missed her heart by a millimeter the day you received her termination order...Victor?"