
After having reported to Shen, Ro-kun and Ayu left the Moshi mansion.

Ro-kun drove Ayu home before went back himself.

They drove in silence. The atmosphere between the two was strange. Both were introverted workaholics devoted to their work and their boss. They didn't interact very much personally.

Ever since Ro-kun had confronted Ayu about her feelings towards Lina, their relationship had become even more strained.

Ayu tried to hide her franticness and her anxiety when Shen called them and ordered them to try track her somehow.

She could have been dead today. It sent shivers down Ayu's back.

Ro-kun dropped Ayu off at the front of her apartment complex. Before she got off the car, Ro-kun grabbed her hand.

As she turned to look at him, he had a complicated expression on his face.

She scanned his face, the scar above his eyes, his rugged jawline and strong grip.

"What is it?"

He didn't say anything for a few moments.

"Ayu...get some rest. Don't think about her."

Ayu became agitated. Just because he uncovered her feelings didn't mean he had the right to interfere.

"That's none of your business."

Saying that, she yanked her hand away and stalked off.

Ayu made her way up to the 18th floor. The apartment was large, but very minimalistic.

She didn't spend much time at home. So she didn't make it very comfortable or warm.

There was one huge living room which was adjoined to the kitchen. Ayu couldn't cook either so she called for takeout. The kitchen hardly had utensils and the fridge was only stocked with leftovers, some wine and energy drinks.

Her bedroom had a single bed, a study table and a desk lamp. Everything was clinical and white.

Her closet was stocked with pant suits, a couple of formal dresses and track pants to go to bed in.

She called for some pizza and sat on the kitchen table, opened the bottle of wine.

But she had no appetite.

As she tried to eat, her eyes filled with tears. With every bite, tears rolled down her cheeks harder. She had nobody to talk to. The pent up fear and stress was too much for one person to handle, when they cared so much about another person.

Every day she had to watch the woman she loved oblivious to the fire that burned inside her, loving someone else.

Ayu wasn't idiot. She was a logical, rational woman. She didn't just fall for Lina for no reason.

When Lina met Shen, he was always distracted from work. Ayu was always left to clean up, finish incomplete assignments and approve or reject things that required Shen's attention.

She hadn't slept for a week, or eaten properly and was close to collapsing at the office one evening.

Lina had come to look for Shen who was busy in a meeting and found Ayu passed out and burnt out on the floor of a corridor.

When Ayu came to, she was covered with a woman's coat in the office cafeteria, lying on a sofa. She glimpsed Lina cooking some warm soup at the stove but didn't have the energy to ask who she was.

Lina had come over, fed her and looked after her all evening.

It wasn't until Shen walked into the cafeteria after his meeting that she realised who Lina was.

She quickly got up, and apologised for her misconduct. But Lina scolded Shen for overworking his employees and not looking after them well.

He apologised to Ayu and gave her a week off.

Ever since, Ayu hadn't forgotten a moment spent with Lina. She always acted like Lina was the cause of trouble at Moshi Corp and that it was because of her Shen had lost part of his focus.

But the truth was, she would steal glances at Lina when nobody was looking, arrange her study table if it was messy and make sure her lunches were sent to her on time at work.

Nobody saw. Except Ro-kun.

And then the assassination attempts on Lina. Ayu couldn't be at her side. All she could do was help Shen run Moshi Corp while he stayed with Lina at the estate where she recovered, hoping to hear news of the woman she'd given her heart to.

The only one who cared that she was human and not just a machine at Shen's side.

She never knew what it felt to love someone before Lina. And now all she knew was heartbreak.

"Why...why do you have to be so far away...why did you fall in love with him?"

Ayu's voice was weak, tears still running down her cheeks, the wine bottle almost empty.