Stay by my side

Shen rolled into bed next to Lina, immediately circling her waist with his arms.

A moment of peace engulfed them both. It felt right. Lina felt safe. Nobody could touch them here.

As much as she simply wanted to enjoy the moment, she knew their tranquility wouldn't last if she didn't talk to Shen about what happened.

Lina knew he wouldn't ask her that night. He cared too much for her, the pressure she went through and the exhaustion.

But it was her turn to make the move. She should be the one to take the first step, and meet him halfway.

Still wrapped in his arms, her face was buried in his strong chest. She loved the smell of him. It relaxed her.


She was mumbling, and he couldn't make out what she was saying. Shen pushed himself back slightly to look at her face and hear her better.

"Today...when you found me..."

She began to explain, but her stopped her.

She felt his soft lips brush against hers. The words were stuck in her throat. All she tasted was sweetness and his warm breath.

Her entire body began to tingle.

"Stop, angel. We don't have to talk about it tonight. You've dealt with enough today. We will find the person who attacked you. You're safe now."

Lina smiled slightly.

"Shen. I know who it is. He revealed himself to me."

He looked at her, slightly shocked. He hadn't expected her to be so direct. But at the same time, an uneasy feeling clung to his heart.

Another man getting close to his wife, threatening her...his blood began to boil.

"Who was it?" he said through grit teeth.

"Please calm down, and let me explain. It's hard for me to process this too."

Lina didn't want to anger him right now. She wanted his affection and comfort, not his anger. Or he'd leave her alone in bed and send people to look for Tachi.

His breathing became easier, listening to her voice soothe him.

"Baby, I'm here for you ok? Just talk to me.."

Her eyes softened as she gazed at his face. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlighted his face at the right angles, his soft hair hanging over his forehead making him look angelic and dangerous at the same time.

Why was this man so stunning?

"I want to be upfront with you. My secrets from before have left our relationship exposed to danger and now its too late to discuss things we should have before until I get my memory back. That's why I want there to be complete transparency.

Shen...I'm sorry about keeping you in the dark before. Whatever my reasons, you're my husband, and I trust you.

The man who ambushed me today was Victor Tachibana, the assistant who came with Dr. Yoshi the first day I got my check up here."

Shen's gaze remained trained to her face. The information was all too much to process. His love for Lina was overwhelming, especially when she exposed her thoughts so trustfully.

His hand reached up to stroke her petit face. Her chin was so delicate, and her long eyelashes were like feathers covering her big almond eyes.

She trusted him. And that was enough for him.

But then his gaze turned dark.

"I knew there was something wrong with that man, the moment your reacted badly after seeing him here. There must be some sort of complicated connection with him in your past."

Shen's mind was also turning. He had never seen Victor before. A strange sensation enveloped him as insecurities began to seep in.

What relationship did he have with Lina? Did she secretly meet with him when she was being secretive before the coma?

Seeing the expressions on his face, Lina felt guilty. She didn't know for a fact what her relationship with Tachi was, but she had to tell Shen that she instinctively was averse to Tachi's presence!

"Darling, don't let your mind wander. I may not have my memories but my instincts are fine. My body can tell who I want to be around, and who I don't. His presence makes me sick. But being with you makes me happy."

A look of relief washed over Shen. She had never given him a reason to doubt her. Before she had been attacked, she had been honest with him. She had told him there were issues with work that required secrecy, but he had no idea how much of it intersected with their life together.

Her eyes had always been pure and confident, after the first month they were together.

In the beginning, she had trouble meeting his gaze and then something switched.

Of course he trusted her.

"Shen...he said you're not really my husband. He said that he was my real husband."

Shen sat up straight in an instant. Lina got up as well, holding his hand, praying all would be okay between them.

"WHAT? How dare he spew that nonsense! We have our marriage certificates! We've shared our hearts and our bed for 9 months - how dare he!"

"He was angry at me, saying that he had to deal with a lot of trouble because I was with you. I'm so confused, but for a moment I remembered who he was. I didn't remember his face or anything about how I knew him, but just that he was...Tachi."

Her honesty made Shen feel better, but he was seething internally. How dare this bastard barge into their lives and fill Lina's ears with bullshit.

"Baby, I want to protect you, but you have to allow me to. I don't want this man coming near you again. He might be stirring up trouble and feeding you false information knowing you've lost your memory."

Lina looked at Shen, suddenly emotional.

Was it too easy to rip her away from Shen like that?

" promised you'd be my husband forever. No matter what happens, please stay by my side. I'll face anything if you're with me."

"Angel, no matter who you used to be or what you did, you are mine now. The day you remembered in the café, that day on, you were mine. And I will never let go of what is mine."

With that he kissed his wife, and wrapped her up close, next to him, vowing to protect her to the very end.