Personally handle Lina

-- at the agency HQ --

"Agent Tachi, the boss wants to see you in his office immediately."

It was the thin, grave-looking secretary. His face always had the same annoying expression on it.

"Fine, I'll come with you."

The secretary turned and walked towards the boss' office, as Tachi followed behind him.

"Tachi, you've made a mess this time, haven't you?"

The secretary was known to be a quiet, but extremely cruel man. He hardly spoke words beyond the boss' orders, and had legendary skills that no one had lived to witness firsthand.

A shiver ran down Tachi's back.

Why did he have to be so impulsive! But looking at that ignorant woman...he couldn't help himself.

"It's none of your business, Senior."

He was known as 'Senior' by all the agents and employees of the agency. Nobody knew his identity or his real name. Only the boss knew.

Senior just scoffed.

"Watch yourself, Tachi. Or your corpse will be hung out to dry."

The threat was real. Tachi had overstepped the boundary this time. He would definitely be punished.

As Senior opened the door to the boss's office, Tachi took a deep breath before he walked in.

"Good morning, sir."

Boss wasn't in his chair, but his office was dimly lit as usual. No one really saw boss' full face or got a good glimpse of what he looked like.

But today, he walked directly up to Tachi.

He was striking beyond the legends going around. His aura had a hint of madness, but a sense of control was predominant.

The boss's clean cut Armani suit was well fitted, showing off his muscular, well-built outline. The salt-and-pepper hair made him appear experienced and well seasoned. But it was his unwavering, indifferent gaze that seemed to suck a person in.

Tachi smelled a light cigar scent off him as he came close, his handsome, sharp features leaving even a man stunned.

"You've been busy, agent Tachibana, haven't you?" his low, humming voice sounded partially amused, and yet more dangerous than ever.

Tachi owned up and decided to apologise immediately. It was futile beating around the bush.

"I'm very sorry, sir, I let my emotions get the best of me."

"What did you say to her?"

"I was angry. I just wanted to make sure that she really lost her memory."

"What did you say, agent?"

"I told her Mr. Moshi isn't her husband...I am."

There was a pin-drop silence in the room.

Tachi was terrified internally, but he couldn't show this boss any weaknesses.


"Sorry, boss...I don't understand"

"And what did she say?"

The boss' voice was getting sharper as he became more agitated.

He wondered how Lina had reacted when Tachi provoked her.

"She was in denial initially, but that seemed to have sparked some part of her memory. She called me...'Tachi'."

There was a flash of surprise on the boss' face, but it turned indifferent almost immediately.

"I see."

As the boss returned to his chair at his desk, he contemplated the situation.

"Agent Tachibana, you've violated my direct orders not to interfere and even caused a potential problem in the investigation. Lina Dai is Shen Moshi's weakness, and you have alerted her. Even though we lost her as an agent, she is our bait. For this reason, you will be imprisoned at the agency and disallowed to leave until I personally resolve this matter.

Incompetence like yours has no place in our organisation. I will deal with you once I put Shen Moshi's case to rest."

He dictated his sentence as if he was reading a mundane newspaper article.

As long as Tachi was a liability, he would be disposed of without a second thought.

"But sir-"

"Enough. Get out."

Tachi had no power to resist. He walked out of the office, his head hanging low.

Lina had just begun to remember who he was, and now -- he would not get out of here for the foreseeable future.

He told her he would find her again.

But would she ever forgive him if she knew?

Would she forgive him if she knew that it was him who shot her, missing her heart by a smidgeon, before she was hit by the truck?

He didn't know if he'd ever have the chance to tell her or explain himself.

Tachi felt his heart breaking. But maybe that's why he was going to get locked up.

They were trained not to have hearts, but it was hard to keep hiding his.

He slipped his hand into his pocket where two very creased documents were stuffed. He pulled them out, looking at them for the millionth time.

They were marriage certificates.

One his and the other belonging to his wife, Lina Dai.