Toxicology report and a date

Mei looked at Lina as if to gain approval. But, she wasn't sure she even wanted to accept this lab technician.

Yes, he was quite good-looking. He was young and there was a boyish charm about it. He was quite tall, but didn't in the least bit match up to the experienced-looking sexiness of Dr. Hayama.

Before Mei could open her mouth, Lina already answered for her.

"Yes, of course. Mei would be happy to go out for coffee with you!"

Mei's jaw dropped quicker than she could breathe.

She was planning on politely rejecting the man, but when the madam needed something, HOW COULD SHE REFUSE?

This was her precious boss she was talking about! Even if the man wasn't Dr. Hayama, for her boss, she could definitely have coffee with a decent, good-looking man, couldn't she?

Mei just smiled and nodded politely at the lab technician.

However, his next sentence froze both women.

"So you both have the same first name...Mei?"

Mei and Lina looked at each other in utter despair.

How could they have been so silly as to let it slip in front of him?!

"Uh yes, actually. I changed my name to match boss' name. I look up to her so much, I wanted to be just like her!"

Poor Meimei, she came up with the worst possible excuse in reverence of her boss.

Lina just nodded sheepishly.

There could have been a hundred more believable stories, but little Meimei could only think of the stupidest possible excuse.

How could she be such a brilliant assistant for a capable woman like Lina and be the worst liar on the planet?!

The lab technician didn't seem to mind, though. With a bemused expression, he handed Mei a piece of paper with his name and number on it.

"You'll have the toxicology report by this evening."

Both women nodded and left the room.

Mei would definitely have to hold up her end of the bargain.

As they sat in the car, she looked down at the piece of paper the lab technician had given her.

His name was Shu Yi.

Next to his name, he had written his number.

Mei sighed and entered his number into her phone and quickly sent a text.

*This is Mei. Please let me know when and where you would like to meet.*

"Boss, I've never been on a date. I'm only doing this for you." Mei grumbled to Lina.

"What!? Never been on a date?!"

"No, boss..."

"We need to pick something for you to wear!"

"No, please, boss, it's just coffee!"

"Meimei's first date, of course we need to go shopping!"

With that, Mei gave in to her boss, yet again.

"You know, Meimei, you shouldn't be at the office so much! You'll turn into a haggard old granny. Learn to enjoy life!"

Mei: "..."

Was boss seriously telling her to stop working so much? Her own entire office would collapse!!!

Lina was in a seemingly great mood.

She was impressed with herself. Without her powerful husband, she had managed to take control of something in her life.

She committed a successful double bribery all by herself in one day!!

Therefore, she continued to give Mei some more 'life advice'.

"Meimei, that lab technician didn't look too bad at all! Stop looking so sad and try to make use of this opportunity to find a romantic connection..."

"Boss, you actually sold me out..boohoo" Mei whined.

The truth was that the lab technician was actually quite handsome. Mei had just stopped taking notice of men after she was infected by Dr. Hayama.

Who could blame her? The only man possibly comparable to Dr. Hayama was Shen Moshi.

Nevermind. It wasn't like she could reach someone as prestigious and refined as Dr. Hayama anyway. A simple lab technician would have to do...

Lina decided to bring Mei to the same mall Shen had taken her to before to shop for her ballgown.

When Mei saw where they were, she blushed and tugged at Lina's sleeve like a bashful child.

"Uhh...boss...I can't really afford this place..."

Lina smiled pleasantly. This girl was so silly.

"Since you were part of a successful bribing mission today, you are getting a payday bonus! Whatever you shop for today, is on my account!"

Mei's eyes sparkled.

"B-b-boss..." she tried to speak, choked up on happy tears.

Why couldn't boss be a man? She would definitely pursue boss!

This shopping date with boss would undoubtedly be better than the date with that cocky lab technician!

As Lina pulled little Meimei along inside the mall, she was amazed to see the sparkling lights and interiors of the mall filled with people.

Last time she was here, it felt like a beautiful but deserted wasteland. Today, it was brimming with the richest people of capital city.

Women with designer bags and their assistants flocking around them made Lina feel like a cliché. But she reminded herself that they were only here for a purpose.

She must transform a working Meimei to a dating Meimei!

"Meimei! I know the best shop to go to!"

With excitement in her eyes, Lina made a direct beeline towards the discreet, small boutique store owned by June.

As Mei and Lina walked in, the 'shop assistant' from last time was nowhere to be seen. In fact, there were just three prissy ladies at the dressing room area.

A loud voice echoed from within.

"Get that stupid shop assistant to bring me another dress in the same size! I'll have her fired for disrespecting me!"

Lina recognised that arrogant tone and high whiny voice immediately.

She sighed deeply to herself. Another encounter with this troublesome woman would do her head in.

But today she would put her rightfully in her place without a mask covering her face!

Sara Yi had better watch out!