The whole mall basically belonged to her

Sara Yi was staring at herself with an annoyed expression in the mirror. The dress she tried on wasn't zipping up at the back.

The size was clearly too small for her!

Her two friends, the same ones that helped her beat Lina up in the bathroom at he ball, were hovering nervously around her, trying to pacify her anger.

"I can't believe the guts of that nobody shop assistant, telling me the size won't fit! Why don't they have clothing in such inappropriate sizes then!?"

Sara continued yelling the entire place down, without realising Lina and Mei had walked in.

Sara didn't know who Lina was anyway. She had never been formally introduced by name at the ball, and since nobody there had seen her before, they didn't recognise her with the mask covering her face.

Lina walked up confidently to Sara and smiled politely.

"Miss, I believe this designer only makes one dress of each kind. They probably don't have the same one in the size you want."

Sara turned around angrily, determined to flame the impudent bitch who dared to talk to her so arrogantly.

"Who the hell are you!? What gives you the right to speak to me?"

Sara's voice was just as annoying as Lina remembered from the previous day.

This woman had just suffered a massive blow just the day before and was still throwing around so much attitude today?

Shouldn't she be shut up in her family house getting scolded for causing such big problems for Yinan Industries?

But Lina supposed a rich missy like her would get away with anything and everything as long as she had her family picking up the pieces.

In that moment, June came out huffing and puffing from the storage room, having gone inside to look for dresses that fit Sara's size.

"Sorry Miss Yi, but there's only one piece of every dress. How about you try these ones? They are better tailored for your body type!"

June was being polite and accommodating, but Sara was not having it.

"No I don't want any of your other stupid dresses, I want THIS one! Alter it to fit my size, then! And what do you mean 'better tailored for my body type'? Are you trying to insult my figure?!"

Sara was by no means fat or heavy. In fact she had a fairly voluptuous figure and required dresses that would comfortably fit her ample chest and back side. The beautiful silvery dress she was trying to force on herself right now was a style designed for narrower women and sleeker body types.

Even Lina wouldn't have fit into that dress, despite her body being quite petite, since she too was generously endowed on her chest and behind. Still, Sara required an even more spacious piece of clothing for her broader shoulders.

"No Miss Yi of course that is not what I meant!" June was nervously fidgeting around, desperate to get her precious silver dress back from the spoilt brat who was about to rip it by all the yanking and pulling.

"Miss Yi, how about I help you take that dress off so you can try this beautiful dress here?"

June showed her another similar silver dress with intricate embroidery with an open back and longer sleeves.

"Take that ugly thing away from me! Are you stupid? I said I wanted this dress! Take my measurements and alter it immediately!"

June was getting agitated. She wasn't just a lowly shop assistant! She had designed and created these dresses with all her love and care, and this crazy, entitled woman was going to destroy it!

"Miss Yi, if the dress had more fabric, it would still be possible to make alterations. However, once a dress is created, it is close to impossible to attach more fabric on it to fit your size!"

Sara finally lost her temper, stomped to the counter and picked up a scissor.

"FINE! If you won't help me wear this dress, you little bitch, nobody will wear it!"

Just as she was about to cut the dress to pieces, Lina intervened.

With one quick motion, she reached Sara, grasped her wrist and squeezed it just hard enough to have her let go of the scissor and drop it.

June quickly picked the scissor up and shut it up in a drawer, breathing hard from anger and fear.

She should have never let this crazy Miss Yi even try the dress on if she had known the tantrum she would throw.

"OWWW" screamed Sara in anger and disbelief, having realised that the cocky woman who had just entered the store had physically made her release the scissor.


As security rushed in, June realised that the woman who had saved the beautiful silver dress was none other than the woman with Shen Moshi!

"Madam, it's you!" she said happily smiling at Lina.

"Yes! I brought my friend here for a date outfit today!" Lina replied, giving zero shits about the security guards rushing at her on Sara's orders.

They were her personal bodyguards so June couldn't tell them to stop and looked worriedly on, wondering how Lina would handle this.

After all, Shen Moshi's woman must have her own bodyguards as well, right? Miss Yi had no idea who she was messing with!

As the security personnel almost grabbed Lina, she spun around to look at them with fire in her eyes.

The sheer force of her glare made them stop in their tracks.

"What are you fools looking at!? Drag this woman out! She assaulted me!" Sara continued to scream.

Without warning, Mei suddenly jumped in front of Lina. Nobody bullied boss, no matter how capable she was!

"Get lost! Don't any of you dare touch my boss or you will be in big trouble!"

Sara's friends laughed at the back.

Friend 1: "Do you girls have any idea who Sara is?"

Friend 2: "This mall basically belongs to her!"

"Exactly! This mall is owned by Moshi my close childhood friend, Brother Shen!" Sara cooed with pride glittering in her eyes.

June's face went red trying to control her scorn and laughter at Miss Yi. She may be Shen Moshi's acquaintance, being from the great Yi family, but this was HIS woman she was speaking to!

Did she have no idea?!

June was about to open her mouth to reveal who Lina really was, when Lina caught her eye and signalled to her to remain quiet.

June just nodded and watch the drama unfold.