Literally slapped her face

Lina smirked at Sara, finding her too ridiculous. Just the previous day Shen caused huge damages to Yinan Industries because of her, and today she was still boasting about her connection to him?

She even said the mall basically belonged to her as if she was Shen's wife!

The cheek of Sara Yi! She had to be slapped.

Lina hadn't known earlier that this mall belonged to her husband but this gave her more guts to show Sara her place once and for all.

"If you can't call your brother Shen here right now to back you up, you better come down to earth and be more humble!" Lina warned Sara, challenging her openly.

"You crazy bitch! You dare to question my authority and connection to brother Shen?! Who do you think you are? What even is your position? Where did you find the guts?"

June was trying really hard to control her laughter now.

Angered at the mockery, Sara stomped straight up to June and THWACK.

A stunned June held her cheek, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

This crazy Sara Yi actually, literally slapped her face!

"You commoner! How dare you mock me! Don't ever forget that slap. It better remind you that you are not worthy to stand in the presence of people like me!"

Lina was shocked. This woman had gone way too far.

She thought she could just go around beating and terrorising people?!

She was dead wrong.

Suddenly Sara found herself being dragged by her hair.

"June, close the doors to the shop immediately. I need to rearrange Miss Yi's appearance."

Sara began screaming and flapping around for help, but this woman pulling her was just too inhumanly strong.

"Security! Security!!! Do something!! This woman is assaulting me! What do we pay you for?"

The shocked security members ran towards Lina, but even the three of them together were no match.

Before they even came close to her, Lina's extended her leg with such grace and force, delivering expert kicks to every bodyguard.

The kicks sent them flying to side, hitting the ground with a terrifying force.

Unable to get up, the bodyguards just lay on the ground whimpering and shocked at this crazy woman's skill.

Little Meimei stood over them, grinning.

"Ha! This is what you get for messing with boss! You are just ants to her and are lucky she isn't holding an M16 in your face or you'd be pieces of dead meat by now!"

Lina gulped. What kind of reputation was this bigmouth, overenthusiastic assistant giving her?

The bodyguards licked their lips nervously and looked at each other in fear. Did they just get involved with a female mafia boss?!

"Oh my god, please save me!!" Sara screamed to her two friends who were cowering behind the sofas in the dressing room, refusing to come out.

"June, pass me the scissor that Miss Yi was just holding when she threatened to destroy your beautiful dress."

June immediately ran to the drawer and pulled out the scissors, handing them to Lina.

June would have been reluctant to hurt this arrogant, rich missy earlier. But after she delivered that brutal slap to her face, she hoped Lina would show her no mercy!

"Oh god, I didn't know you were June! I would have never hit you if I knew you were June! Please tell this crazy lady to let me go!"

Sara was going mad with fear, begging June to make Lina let go of her hair.

Lina scoffed.

"Really, Miss Yi? So is it okay to go around hitting and bullying people if they aren't important? Even if she was just a shop assistant, would it still be justified to be violent towards her?"

Sara began to cry, scared to death with Lina waving the scissors in her face.

"Please don't hurt my face, my poor beautiful face!! I'll give you anything! How much much do you want?"

Really? Even in moments of dire stress, she was intent on praising herself? Could anyone be more stupid or shameless?

As Sara desperately tried to save herself, she tried to reach for her purse to pull out cash.

"You think I want your filthy money?! I have more money than you will ever gather in your whole life, stupid girl. I will show you how to be humble today!" Lina whispered into Sara's ear with a frightening calmness.

Sara screamed loudly as Lina brought the scissor close to her face, thinking she would scar her forever. She trembled hard, her eyes tightly closed, waiting for the worst to happen.

Snip, snip, snip.

Sara's head suddenly felt light as the force of Lina pulling her hair was released.

It took her a minute before she realised what had happened.

She absent-mindedly felt for her long locks but they were lying on the floor next to her.

"AHHHHHH" she screamed.

Mei couldn't control her laughter anymore.

Now boss was also a hairdresser! This was too funny.

Lina had cut off all of Sara's hair in one swift motion. The arrogant woman was screaming on the floor looking like a shaggy little clown.

"Boss, I don't think she can show her face in public without a hat for the next few months at least!"

June couldn't stop laughing either.

Lina smiled at both the laughing women.

"Good, at least she'll be off the streets. Nobody will be called a 'commoner' or be terrorised by her arrogance!"

Mei and June's eyes gleamed. This boss lady was truly a wonder to watch.

In the next instant, Lina's eyes were bunny-like and innocent again. She transformed so quickly from bloodthirsty to child-like! It was honestly amazing.

"Shall we get back to our shopping now?"

Both Mei and June looked at each other in wonder, and back at Lina who was smiling like an angel as a screaming Sara Yi ran out of the mall tailed by her two idiotic friends and limping bodyguards.

"Yes!" they chimed in unison.