Clash of the titans (2)

"What pastries do you want?" Loren asked the women, sweetly, in his soft voice when they reached the dessert stall. 

The beautiful cakes and confectionaries were lined up elegantly, each a masterpiece. 

There were opera cakes, neatly layered, domes that were glazed to perfection with the daintiest decorations of tempered chocolate, tarts with meringue and the most mouthwatering short crust pastry shells...there was an endless choice! 

The line was long, but Loren had a word with the young girl standing at the counter, and she let them come through before everyone else waiting without hesitation. 

She was clearly mesermized by the beautiful man who had so politely asked if he could bring his friends forward.

Even though everyone else waiting was annoyed, they couldn't help but remain silent and stare at the god of a man who was escorting two ladies to the front of the line. 

Lina kept looking away from the crowd in embarrassment.