Clash of the titans (3)

Mana turned around to see whose hand it was that tapped her shoulder. 

The voice sounded eerily familiar, as if from a bad memory. 

As the woman standing behind her came into focus, she thought her eyes would be blinded by the elegance and unearthliness of her aura. 

But at the same time, she felt a dull ache in the pit of her stomach. She knew who this woman was. 

Lila Lim. 

Her very first bully. 

She always knew Lila was beautiful and rich. 

But she had grown up even more since univeristy days. 

Today, she stood before Mana like a queen bestowing grace upon her humble subject. She seemed no longer snobbish, and arrogant. 

Instead, she seemed cold, untouchable and indifferent. She hid her hate towards Mana very well. 

She despised Mana and Lina since day one. Lina had thrown her around when she protected Mana, and not even her powerful family could get Lina thrown out of college.