Swarm 3

IC chapter 149•

Swarm (3)


All sides of the vessel had been bombarded with a series of attacks causing massive explosions. The vessel couldn't hold any longer as it descended. The zerunos flew to attack the attacking students.

The students who specialized in close-quarter combat meet the zerunos head-on. Of course, the first-year students also defended the incoming zerunos. I assigned two leaders in my class, Lily was assigned as the leader in the group of long-range assault and Zasha who seems to be fairly strong in close combat took the front line leadership.

It was a simple tactic but was sufficient for these barbaric and dumb monsters who can only do a simple movement. They aren't even fast, though not too slow compare to an ordinary man.

Watching these monsters' simple movements made me realize that they are not even a threat to mankind. However, that's only applicable on a single zeruno. These swarms of hideously looking monsters can be catastrophic if left unattended. Fortunately, mankind develop rapidly in a decade.

I watch the fight goes on. It was a monotonous fight if I were to describe it. The vanguard will take the aggro while the damage dealers will strike if there is an opening. The long-range units will also attack the zerunos with sure kill attack. To simply describe it, It's like an RPG game.

These zerunos can't even do anything but crudely do simple attack patterns. It's like straight-up RPG game monsters as if they can't think on their own. Stupid and monotonous.

It led me to suspect these creatures. Where did they come from and how did they appear in the first place? There are so many questions unanswered.

As the fight goes on. The students felt fatigued as the large number of zerunos keep coming.

Watching Zasha the cool beauty dripping with sweat kinda makes me feel giddy. She wipes the sweat on her forehead as her eyes did not lose focus. I know she is already tired but her will didn't falter. Burning with power, Zasha shouted as she beheaded a zeruno with a single slash. That slash was so inch-perfect without leaving any blood on her blade.

Zasha Smirnov, a quite an excellent student. She doesn't have only beauty but also beauty in a sword way. It was so mesmerizing as I watch cut zerunos on her path. I might be biased but I can't help but admire her skills but also her cool beauty.

Though, the others were also doing great. As expected Class 1 is also known as the genius class.

Shuuna for example was a vanguard with a shield and a sickle. A quite peculiar combination if you tell me. She's doing great at taking aggro, she can even handle 4-6 zerunos at once. Well expected for a Chikushodo I guess.

Lily and Honoka are both long-range weapon users. Lily is using pair of handguns but the other is bigger than a usual pistol, It shoots photons and is a bit explosive when in contact. The small shoots are energy bullets. Honoka was quite aggressive, She should be in the rear line but this girl is frisky, but I can understand her. Because her gun isn't suited for long range. It was a shotgun that shoots particle bullets that can even penetrate titanium. So she gets close to the front line. Lily did not say anything because she knew well that Honoka's weapon wasn't suited for long-range.

Things were pretty monotone for me but not boring. Because I can watch beautiful girls sweating, rough breathing. They look so attractive and erotic. Bouncy mounds when they move.

an hour has passed since the fight began. Zeruno still keeps coming without ending. This is suspicion there are already thousands of zeruno corpses floating in the ocean. It's weird.

"That vessel may have a way to summon a zeruno endlessly. I counted all the enemies earlier and roughly 5-6 thousand have appeared. The first year already killed more than a thousand while the other classes already obliterated a good 4-5 thousand in an hour. Thanks to the powerful bombardment of some long-range damage dealers.

The warship on our side also attacks a couple more than ten thousand. Weirdly, these monsters wouldn't dry up. There is something about that vessel."

I tried to use my magic perception to pry the vessel inside. However, something was preventing me from doing so earlier. To think that my level 5 magic couldn't see through this vessel speaks that there is more to this zerunos thingy.

Whilst I was thinking. My smartwatch turned on, and someone is calling. It was Kira-nee.

"Kira-nee, What's the matter?"

"Oh Shido, you are hereby free to make a move. It's been an hour since the battle. All the teachers can now attack. If you have a question, you can ask."

Finally, I smiled a little bit since I was already getting bored. I don't like watching and my nerves are getting itchy since the beginning. I want to fight too. My blood keeps pumping every time I watch the intense fight going on.

"There is a question I want to ask. It's about the vessel. I think it is summoning these monsters without end. When I tried to investigate inside with magic, something was preventing me. Why?"

"About that Shido. The vessel is a magical architecture that also makes our family very interested. It's not uncommon for it to summon countless monsters. Though it will eventually exhaust its reserved. You know that to use magic one needs mana to amplify the spell. If it will dry out, you know what will happen right?"

The answer shocked me. That vessel is also made by magic? Hmm, Things are getting complicated and interesting. I want to find out about this vessel and where they did come from. Kira-nee told me that the family also obtained many vessels such as this and study the vessel. Also did reverse engineering.

"There is also a barrier that was constructed around the vessel to keep being scanned. We don't how it was made... Though it would have been a different matter if Shiroe-san helped us. Too bad she didn't want to be part of worldly matters."

The end of her words ends with a sigh. Yeah about that, Shiroe my lovely wife didn't want to involve herself with the world too much. I also respected her decision and she's free to decline even if it's my family. We already discussed it, She would only support me and do everything to make me happy.

While thinking about my wife. I can't help but reminiscent of the time when we are confined inside that locked space. It may be less than a week has passed in reality. But, Shiroe and I spend a decade lovingly creating memories together. It was a long honeymoon.

"Shido oy! Shido can you hear me."

I snap out of my thoughts when I heard Kira-nee call me out.

"Ah! Yes, I can hear you Kira-nee."

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Hmm, None I guess."

"Okay good... Anyway, after the battle. Can you accompany me for a little bit?"

A grin suddenly appeared on my face. Oh!

"Alright, I'm not busy and I have free time anyways."

"O-Oh! I-Is that so... Then later."

She hung up before I can reply. Shaking my head while smiling wryly. To think this lesbian would make a move first before I could. It's surprising.

Now then. Let's stop this boring and monotonous fight. The teachers who receive the orders already joined the fight. As expected of professionals, They defeated hundreds. From afar, I saw Mai going berserk as she cut multiple zerunos in a blink of an eye. While Sachiko was using an old customize Barrett sniper. Penetrating through the horde of zeruno. Because Zeruno is packed together side by side it was really unfortunate they face such weapons that specialize in penetrating through hard armor.

Okay, I don't want to be left behind. Readying myself, I was only using a long katana with an energy edge. Making a stance I trained. This style was the result of my training in the past decade inside the locked space.

"First style, Simple void slash!"

I have bad naming sense, you don't have to tell me.


[21] Advance Chapters

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