Great Spectacle

"First Style, Simple void slash!"

Whispering the technique silently. I executed the first sword style. It's just a simple movement of slashing yet not too fast but not too slow. This action alone was not noticed by others. It was too obscure action in the first place, No one will pay attention to me since the others are too busy attacking.

After slashing. The void above the countless swarm of zerunos cracked. Like a glass breaking. Finally, everyone noticed the void cracking as they stopped. Of course, the zerunos are included.

The zerunos who are in front of the crack observed this peculiar crack. Despite their unintelligent brains, they are confused about what's going on.

Until it was already too late for them to act. The crack suddenly crumbles into pieces just like shattered glass. Behind the crack was a dark void, No it's a black hole!

The zeruno became horrified as they tried to escape. Unfortunately, No one can escape the black hole. The black hole began to swallow all the zerunos around its perimeter. The ocean below was also not spared as the sea was siphoned by the black hole.

I don't have to worry about harming the students. The skill was executed far away from them. Also, I have full control of the technique. It has an area limit where it could swallow everything. If I say everything it means it's everything.

The students watch the phenomenal scene before them with their jaw-dropping. It was too terrifying and amazing!

No, I'm the only one who can say it's amazing. Such skill is very deadly. One wrong move, Earth would also be swallowed.


Lily couldn't talk properly as she pointed at the scene before her.

"Yes, Nanami-san?"

"D-Did you possibly did that?"


Hearing my honest answer. Lily looks at me as if she's seeing a monster. However, that disappeared as her eyes sparkled.

"Sensei that's amazing!"

Hmm, It seems someone can appreciate it. I tried very hard to master that technique you know.

I nodded at her while smiling proudly.

The other students from my class were looking at me in awe. Zasha who looked so tired became more resolute as her eye was burning with passion.

Honestly, She's easy to read. This girl wants to be strong. I don't know the reason why.

After a while, The black hole calmed down as it faded after all the zerunos were sucked into the void. The Zeruno became hesitant after that. They suddenly became cautious but as if their mind was controlled. They became even more agitated as they rushed in this direction.

"Okay girls. Do your best! I will give you all a reward later if you can survive this round... Because I also want to play."

After saying those words. I disappeared from my previous spot and reappear at the center of the swarm. The jet booster is fast but not fast enough to travel at the speed of light. Within a second, I cut hundreds of Zerunos into countless pieces.

Am I cheating? Do you say?

Yes, I am! I am too overpowering and my skills are over the top. That 10 years gave me a sufficient amount of time to train and practice. Shiroe a great teacher and wife, taught me everything.

If you don't like it. I don't care.

Enough with that. As I slash through the flesh of these hideous monsters. I feel very excited as I continue to slash and stab. Everything around me was so slow, No I am just too fast.

As the swarm keeps coming out from the vessel. I also keep obliterating them. No matter how many they are they cannot escape my bloodbath.

I laughed hysterically like a psychopathic maniac who loves cutting flesh and bathing in blood. The ocean below was dyed red like the red sea. It would be a great sight if not for the countless bodies floating.

I do not know how much time has passed as I continuously minced my enemies. I completely forgot about my students and did not even care how they see me. They might be horrified when facing me tomorrow.

While I was chopping Zerunos here and there. Lily and the others were watching me with amazement but were also pale. They wanted to throw up at the sight of the gory scene before them.

"H-Hey Nanami is that Sensei?"

Honoka asked Lily. Honoka was also pale watching the scene unfold.

"Yeah, it's sensei."

Lily watch me killing dozens of Zerunos at once with admiration. If I were here I would be horrified by her instead of the gory bloodbath.

Lily was also afraid. However, her heart beats wildly as she continues watching. She grips her hand over her chest.

Zasha was watching intensely as she study my every move. Somehow her heart was also beating furiously. Though different reasons from Lily.

"Hey forget that. We should also work ourselves. The teachers are all professionals and monster themselves, look at the class 2 teacher. They are also stupidly strong though they shine less compare to our Sensei... There will be a time we would be able to achieve that kind of power. For now, let's train and remain dedicated to becoming strong."

Shuuna clap her hand loudly as it snapped the others back to reality. When they heard her speech, They nodded their head and agree with her. Someday they will also become strong like me.

Shuuna glanced at me before sighing exasperatedly. She then whispered under her breath.

'Idiot Shido.'

She then led the others to attack the remaining Zerunos around. Striking these poor imbeciles.

The fight continues as the vessel keeps spewing Zerunos. I want to destroy the vessel to end this charade but I was told to just exhaust the mana reserved. Too bad, I wanted to use my second style. Welp, I will have a lot of opportunities to test it in the future.

For now, let's enjoy ourselves. I'm so stressed because I can go all out when I'm training. So this is a chance for me to relieve my stress.

On the other side, Shina was watching me with a lovely smile plastered on her face. She is so proud to have a strong father and man like me. (AN: Cringetopia)

Shina even forgot she was in the middle of the battle. Not that she cares, Her Tenne will protect her.

To further secure her safety. Tsugumi is on her side protecting her from the ugly monsters. She wanted to serve Shina after the fight. Shina was already used to this kind of thing, she did not have reason to decline either. What's more, she already told me she will accept Tsugumi as her maid.

Shizumi on the other hand was grinning happily as she watch my bloody fight. She was so excited as her blood pumps up. She also releases all inhibitions in the pretense of giving others a chance by doing teamwork. She rushed to the massive horde and go berserk while also laughing hysterically.

The others watch her and me and whisper silently.


Everyone gulped down their saliva as they turn their heads to her, Shina. They saw her fervent expression while watching the fight as they conclude.


[20] Advance Chapters
