Chapter 8:

I walked up the steps and walked into the first door closest to the stairs. Rachel was laying in a crib beside the bed. Fast asleep, the baby's eyes were fluttering while she slept. The adorable little blonde baby had.. two.. white.. wings. I took a step back.

"She sadly ended up having wings like me," he mumbled behind me.

I turned to look at him.

Rachel... it was my Rachel. My adopted daughter Rachel from the future. Do I tell him? Do I tell him that he dies? That must've been the reason I end up taking care of her right?

How old was she.


I apparently have Charlotte when I'm 23. And I would've been 44 in the future I ran to. And Rachel was 27. I stopped breathing.

That means I adopted her when I was 17.

I'm 17 now.

Bob was rambling about how he wished she was a normal human.

I finally snapped out of it. Why didn't it click before now? Why didn't I do the math before?

I took a deep, much needed breath.

I gently brushed my hand over her cheek, her gorgeous blue/green eyes opened.


Blue eyes, the same blue eyes as the girl before.

Future Rachel can time travel.


It was a lot to handle.

"Charlotte babysat the town's children in the future, let's bring her to the cabin and have Charlotte watch her."

I gently lifted the two month old baby from the crib and held her tightly in my arms. I was holding her tightly because I was terrified of accidentally dropping her.

"What about the demon?" Bob frantically and worriedly asked, "It threatened to kill her too."

I nodded, "It only has as much power as you give it. It can't hurt you."

I took my cross necklace out from under my shirt and put it around Rachel's neck.

He nodded once at me in acceptance and then led the way out of the house.

We walked quickly towards the cabin. Rachel had to stay safe. The way she came to the past just to tell me what the house number was, this scuffle, this issue. The demons wanted us dead so we could never raise Rachel.

We got to the cabin without seeing a demon. As soon as we got into the doorway, everyone was on edge. Eclipse, I could tell, wanted to kill Bob right then and there. My facial expression told him no and he sat back down.

"Awe it's a baby!" Charlotte squealed as she ran over to me, cooing at the baby.

"Her name is Rachel," I whispered to her.

Charlotte's head immediately shot up. I shook my head to tell her no and her facial expression softened from shock to happiness again.

I handed Rachel over to her little... big... ugh... her sister. Not sure whether to call Charlotte Rachel's big or little sister.

"We're be back in like fifteen minutes okay," I told them. Eclipse looked shocked.

"In that time, can you all clean your stuff from the bedrooms, I'm not sure our friends will appreciate you guys taking over their rooms."

Now everyone shared Eclipse's shocked expression.

I waved my family goodbye and walked out the door with Bob. He seemed nervous.

"So what's the plan?" He asked as we walked into the forest behind the house. We got to the field in a few minutes.

"Run to that side before the black haired girl does, distract your past self. I'll explain to everyone that they need to run through the portal to survive. They'll listen since it's me."

"What do we do about Hailey?" He asked.

"After everyone hops through the portal, we're going to your house to bring her before she disappears," I explained.

Bob nodded and we took deep breaths to calm down. A minute or so passed by.

"Ready?" I asked.

"As I'll ever be," he answered.

I created a portal and we both jumped through. It was right before Hannah started walking to the other side of the field. Bob sprinted across the field and into the field across.

My friends, including past me, looked at me wide eyes.

Crap. I forgot I'd be in the past too.

"Everyone in, I'll explain later, just go," I frantically urged them. I heard Bob scream in pain from the other side of the field.

"Go!" I screamed at them. One after another, my friends jumped through the portal. Henry, Charlotte, Cleo, and Gena were at the cabin. I stopped Eclipse from jumping through.

"I need you," I told him before shutting the portal, "Come on."

Bob, the bad Bob, walked through the forest treeline. When he only saw Eclipse and I, he became extremely angry.

"Hailey is in trouble," I screamed across the field, "We need to go now!"

His entire body softened at the sound of me saying his fiancee's name. We sprinted off into the forest towards his house. He practically ripped the door off its hinges and ran up the steps. All the crosses from his future house were nonexistent. I guess the loss of his wife made him realize the real evil in the world.

A high pitched scream came from upstairs.

I sprinted up the steps with Eclipse right behind me. No doubt he probably had no idea what was going on.

A dark figure, this one I recognized as someone I had delivered to the agency for killing someone in a bar fight. He stood in their bedroom, he had a knife going through Hailey's chest. The extremely pregnant Hailey was sobbing in shock.

I ducked under Bob's arm and past Eclipse, using my knife to slice the ankle of the murderer. He pulled the knife from Hailey and shoved it into my back. I felt a rib break under the pressure. I reached up, grabbed his wrist, and quickly bonked the side of his head with the handle of my knife to knock him out.

I rushed to catch Hailey as she started to fall. Her chest was ripped to shreds: her heart was half out of her body, only connected by one aortic pipe.

"Listen, you're going to be okay," I whispered to her as I started to use my power to heal her. I focused a lot of fixing blood and oxygen flow to keep the baby alive as well as Hailey.

"I'm so sorry Carla, the shadow, it-it said to kill you or it would kill her. And I-I"

"I know already, the future version of you told me," I explained, "We were coming to save her."

He looked guiltily down at the ground.

"Can someone explain to me what the heck is going on?!" Eclipse loudly exclaimed.

"You're from the future?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"And you came to the past to save me?" She added.

"Yup," I answered.

"I feel so special," she said with a smile.

I fully healed her and then helped her up. She gave me a smile and hug before I turned to leave.

"You're Carla, right?" Hailey asked.

I nodded, "Yeah but you won't see me around anymore, I'm going back to the future."

She looked over at Bob and he gave her a slight nod.

I smiled at her as she told me that if her baby is a girl, she wants to name her Carla.

"I think you all should pray, you've been through a lot and I know God will help you through any other problems you will have," I explained.

Bob had his arm around Hailey's shoulder.

"Thank you," Hailey said softly.

I gave her a nod, "You're very welcome."

I turned and Eclipse and I left the house. We jogged our way to the cabin and opened the door.