Chapter 9:

"How was training?" Henry asked as I opened the door.

"Great, so you guys are going home," I said in an upbeat tone.

"What? Why?" Charlotte asked.

"Because, this isn't your timeline and your timeline needs you," I explained.

"Where did you get these scars from?" Cleo asked as she walked up to me and looked at the scars from the truck crash.

I went silent.

"You're not Carla from this timeline are you?" Gena sadly asked.

The room fell silent.

I shook my head, "No."

"What happened that made you break your own rules? You told me time travel was irresponsible," Henry declared.

"You guys are friends and family; my friends are my family. And-"

"Did we die?" Cleo asked.

I nodded silently.

Gena gasped.

"Who died?" Charlotte quietly whispered. She was choking back tears to avoid crying around us.

"Everyone but who is currently standing in this room," I softly answered.

"Did you save them?" Henry asked.

"I created an alternate timeline," I explained, "To save my friends before they die."

"So you're stealing our friends because you neglected your own?" Henry snapped.

"Listen here mister," I growled, "none of you except Gena and Eclipse are even in the right timeline."

Henry looked at the floor.

"Don't give me an attitude just because I'm sending you home."

"I'm sorry mom," Henry almost whispered.

"As for Gena and Eclipse, both of you are dead in the future so bringing you there will make everyone there happy."

"What about your doppelganger?" Charlotte asked.

"She's going with you all," I explained, "I accidentally threw her into the future though so she'll be there about two seconds after you guys get there."

"Mom?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah Charlie?" I answered.

"How long has it been in your time... since everyone died," she asked.

"A year and four months," I answered.

"I'm ready to go home," Cleo said

"Me too," Charlotte added.

"Me three," Gena jumped in.

"Yeah me too," Eclipse sighed.

"We're all ready," Henry explained.

I nodded and created a portal. They all walked through the portal into the alternate future. I shut the portal and sulked back into the couch. I slowly closed and opened my eyes ever so calmly; taking deep breaths as I did so.

It was over, no more monster, no more spiritual warfare, no more killing, and no more death.

I felt truly calm for the first time in a while.

"God please tell me there was a really good lesson behind that whole experience, because that was horrible," I sighed as I looked up to the ceiling.


Author's note:

I know this is a super short chapter but the constant rewriting of this book had been extremely stress filled and annoying in general. I love you all dearly and I hope you love the books.
