
Tristan was searching for Alicia when he no longer see her inside the ballroom. He even went to the ladies restroom dragging one of her best friend with him to look if she's in there. When it was confirmed she's not in, he asked around. His heart start to feel restless when no one saw her. He was about to tear the place down when Delilah mentioned that she saw Alicia went out to the balcony. To get some fresh air. He frowned because it she have been missing for a long time. Ralph who heard that also came with him to check. When Ralph follow suits, the other tend to follow as well. Tristan's instinct is not something that can be seen lightly. Plus, this is about Alicia. They are worried about her well being considering it's her first dinner party.

As soon they went out, the scene that they saw is heartbreaking. Alicia, being held on the ground with her mouth covered, her dress was torn, her right arm are in a weird angle as the other guy who's holding her arm is about to break another. Without wasting any other time, Grey and Jason rushed towards guard A as they both kicked him in the face. Daryl and Zack slammed Guard B on the floor. None seem stopped beating until the guards are all bloodied and unconscious. Aaron in on the phone calling for ambulance. While Tristan and Ralph rushed by Alicia's side who's not looking good at the moment. Her beautiful face are once again covered with bruise. It's black and blue and her eyes are already bulging from the punch. It was an ugly sight for anyone to see.

"I'm here now. I'm here now. I won't let you attend this stupid dinner anymore. So you have to stay awake with me." Ralph said after he heard her saying she's scared. Alicia nodded her head once again. Her eyes wondered at Tristan who kept his silent but still holding her hand gently as if he's scared he'll hurt her more. She tried to smile despite her tears pouring down endlessly.

"'ll ss..stay with me right?" She forced the words out.

"Will you still be safe with me by your side?" He asked instead of answering to her. She smiled and nodded.

"Then i will never let you off my side any longer." She tried to nodded again but end up groaning when the pain seem unbearable at the moment. She could feel her ribs are broken and something poking close to her heart. She knows her situation are a bit dangerous if she moved wrongly.

She gasped trying to tell them.

"I,,,I can't move. I think there's a bone poking close to my heart. I need...need to be operated straight away if they move me. Tell them they only have 30 Farrah and Rachel. They know what i meant." After that she coughed once again. And no matter how hard she try not to move, with all the coughing she accidentally cause the poking bone finally punctured her heart. Ralph immediately yelled for Aaron for the ambulance. Tristan who saw her face start looking pale and losing conscious finally felt like something inside his inner demon snapped. All he see is red. He looked towards the bloodied guards and with his signal, his shadow guard understood what he meant. They showed up suddenly and took the guards away. Leaving without any trace. But Tristan still wasn't satisfied. He looked around the balcony and finally found something left on the floor. It was an earring. Ruby earring that are limited edition. He gave another signal and his assistant took the ruby earring to use as a proof besides to find the real culprit. Tristan is still holding her hand and never move from her side when he gave out the order. He shouldn't have left her side. He promised to stay by her side for the entire dinner party. But seeing that she's fine after that, he decided to just watched her from far. Now it has turned to this, how could he not forgive himself. For years he's been protecting her from far, why is it just this one night he's unable to do so.

"I want every name of your guest tonight Ralph." He said in a low voice. Ralph who's already felt like his soul flew away when she lose conscious only nodded his head.

"Where is she?" a hurried voice with few pairs of shoes heading towards them. Tristan kept his eyes on Alicia not caring who came. Ralph who saw Alicia's bestfriend immediately got up and let them see Alicia's condition.

Rachel and Farrah almost came into a halt before gasping when they saw their friend's situation. Immediately they rushed at her not caring the dress they wore any longer.

"How long has she been unconscious?" Rachel asked to no one particular. She was trying to see Alicia's other injuries.

"Don't move her. Before she passed out a minute ago, she said something poking her heart. She told us, she can't be move. But then she start coughing heavily. After that she lose her conscious." Ralph told them what Alicia said a moment ago.

"Her right arm is broken. We need the ambulance now. Or something fast otherwise we might lose her." Farrah said without realizing she was crying when she tried to set her arm. Her hands are trembling.

"She'll be fine. She will be fine." At this time, it was Tristan who said those words. Farrah and Rachel just nodded their head and do hope it's true. Not long, they could hear a helicopter rumbling close by. As soon as it landed, few paramedics lift Alicia's carefully and record the situation by far. Tristan who still holding her hand refuse to let go and they just let him follow them to the helicopter. Seeing the helicopter left, the others soon follow.

Ralph went back to the ballroom to inform his parent about the situation and to end the dinner immediately. The others rushed towards their car and left for the hospital. The guests are all puzzled by the abrupt scene and how Ralph immediately end the dinner party. The Xander are leaving in a rush without answering nor commenting about what happen. Many try to guess but they just left feeling confused and bizarre.