Night of chaos

The Anderson's family are on the run the moment Tristan and Ralph enter the scene. They quickly left the balcony without anyone realizing they're there. Thankfully they focus on the guards who are holding onto Alicia. Within a second, Anderson already pulled Lady Elaine and Stephanie away from the scene. While the others were busy trying to save Alicia, they were already inside their car making their sweet escape. Although feeling regret they couldn't take Alicia with them but each have a satisfied smile seeing how bad she was when they left. The three of them gleefully went home as if nothing happen.

"Dad, what do you think will happen?" Stephanie asked timidly as they enjoyed their expensive wine as if celebrating something.

Anderson laughed out loud.

"What else could happen? No one knows we were there and no one saw us."

"Won't they figure out it's us since we're at the dinner party?" Lady Elaine asked. She was scared the moment she saw all the great names went to the balcony. It was her husband who pulled them as they ran away.

"It's hard to say since we went to the party using someone's name. I had to bribe him with the land that he wanted. Do you think someone like us are great enough to be on the same level as them? If it wasn't because of that s*** daughter, we wouldn't have to stoop so low." He squinted his eyes whenever he remembered how he can't locked Alicia up.

"But what about Alicia?" Stephanie again asked.

"What about her? She's almost dead when they arrive. And even if she survived this, i already ordered my men to finish the job." Anderson snorted. Clearly looking down on his opponent. Lady Elaine and Stephanie wasn't convince at first but after knowing there's a backup plan, they enjoyed their wine without worrying about anything else.

At the hospital, the situation became tense. Even the atmosphere turns gloomy. It was almost like war zone where no unauthorized people to enter the hallway where The Xander and The Great 5 families gather together for Alicia. All of them know Alicia and treated her like one of theirs. But the one who's bearing all the pain the most are The Xander. Even Ralph's grandparents came looking haggard when they heard the news. They have been taking care of Alicia from the age of 15. She wasn't perfect when they adopted her. She was fragile, timid and very wary. She would be trembling so hard is anyone older than her went near or when she spill a little bit of tea. It was as if on instinct she would run away and hide behind the bushes outside the house whenever she make a mistake. No one will be able to lure her out as she close her heart to others. The only people she open up to is Ralph. She sees Ralph as her shield and felt the safest when he's around. The first two months, Ralph had to be by her side to calm her down. Slowly, she start to open up to everyone else and instantly they were captured by her. Including the elders. They have been protecting her ever since but now that she's inside the operation room in a critical condition, how could they sit still. No one knows how long the operation will take but they just stood there waiting anxiously.

It's close to 1 a.m. Only Tristan and Ralph stayed behind. Ralph had to persuade his grandparent and parent to head home since it's getting late. Worried they might get sick, he made Delilah to take them home as he stayed. He promised to inform them if anything happen or when the surgery is done. With just him and Tristan, the hall turn so quite and empty.

"Grey and Jason already look through the guest list. There isn't anyone suspicious. Most of them are our acquaintance and business partner. And you know i won't invite just anyone to this party, Tristan." Now that they have their alone time, Ralph told him all the info that he got. Tristan kept his eye on the door where Alicia is being operated right at this moment. He never left his gaze even for just a second. Not bothering to look at Ralph, he gave his question.

"The earring?"

"Aaron is looking into it. It's a little bit hard to find since it can be easily find on anyone. But Aaron is gathering the names of the people who bought it and try to match it with our guest list."


"Zack is looking into it. It's unfortunate because they didn't install any CCTV around the balcony."

Tristan turn chilly. He's not happy with the investigation at all. Everything just came out negative. Without any lead nor clue, it is back to zero. The only one who knows about it is Alicia. Seeing how scared she was when she was found, he doesn't want to ask her anything about what happen tonight. Ralph turn silent as well. He was frustrated with the findings. Just like this, they spend their time waiting for the operation to end.

However, that quite turns chaotic when a group of men trying to barge their way into the hall. The 15 bodyguards that Tristan and Ralph put up front are now fighting against 200 men coming out of nowhere. Tristan and Ralph frowned as they both turned around and see some already made their way to them.

"Make sure no one gets in. Call more backup." Tristan ordered to his assistant who are hiding nearby.

Tristan and Ralph didn't waste anymore time as they knocked the one who are trying to enter the operation room. It was a chaotic night and the noise start to make the people inside the operation room lose focus for a second. One of the doctor almost slips up before Rachel shouted at the doctor. They immediately focused themselves on the patient.

Farrah who went out from the operation room trying to see what happen were shocked and quickly went back in and lock the room. She was only watching from the side as Rachel operated on Alicia was stunned by what she sees just now. Knowing it was dangerous, she automatically lock the door to the operation room fearing that it would disturb the operation in progress. She wasn't scared because of the fight going on. But she was shocked to see the look in Tristan's and Ralph's eye. Anyone could tell how dangerous they were when Tristan easily slammed two opponents on the floor and Ralph punched one of the enemy like throwing a useless thrash inside the bin. It was as if she was looking into a real demon. Full of murderous and heavy aura. She just hope no one will enter this room and harm Alicia much further.

Tristan and Ralph are still looking fine but the number of unconscious people at the hallway just kept piling up. As much as they wanted to find out these people's purpose and who sent them with the enemy keep on coming at them endlessly, they knew they would be overpowered. The backup still haven't arrived and it pisses Tristan all the more. He was about to hit the forbidden button on his phone when another group came and beat the group who was making trouble with them. Ralph was confused. Tristan on the other hand finally relaxed. He knew this group. It's the people that Alicia gave her free treatment to. They're the gangster that have been watching Alicia under their leader's order.

"We're good now. They're with us." Tristan said and start to breathe in relief. It wasn't long before all of the enemies fled and was chased by the gangster. Ralph sat down on the chair when everything is finally over. He looked like a mess while Tristan is still Tristan.


The door open, Tristan and Ralph straighten themselves up. Farrah's head poke out of the door and trying to see the situation at the moment. The hallway was full of unconscious bodies.

"Is it safe now?" She asked.

Ralph nodded.

She closed back the door and inform it to Rachel. Not long, they wheeled out Alicia so they can put her inside the room. Ralph walked up to Rachel anxiously.

"How is she?"

"The surgery was a success. But we still need to wait for her to wake up and from then we will know more." Rachel answered. Ralph nodded his head and took out his phone to inform his family members.

Tristan didn't bother to listen as he immediately held onto Alicia's pale hand, following them as they wheeled her to the private room that was prepared for her. He did not say a thing despite someone was trying to talk to him. His eye only have her in his sight. Anything else doesn't seem to exist. How did he fall so hard for someone like her? How did she became a big influence in his life? And when did it all start? He couldn't answer any of those yet as he wait patiently by her side.