In his arms

Pacing back and forth in front of his work room, her previous bravery suddenly flat out. She became worried for many things. Whatever happen to her motivation, it flew away out of the window. Now, she's standing in front of the door, staring it hard as if she have the power to see beyond the door. Her hand is like an automatic robot. Lifting and pulling back. Lifting again and pulled it back again. She didn't know how long she have been standing in front of his door until Tristan who already notice her presence ever since she stand in front of the door open it and let her in. She was startled when the door open. But it was only for a few seconds before she rushed herself in and into his arm. Hugging him tight without saying anything.

Tristan who was unprepared for the hug almost stumble over when she suddenly rush towards him and hug him. Thankfully, he's good with his reflexes manage to stabilizes his center. Otherwise they both might fall on the floor. He's not scared of the pain but he's worried of her who always seem to make things seem dangerous. Before he could say anything, he heard her apologize.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore your calls. But i didn't want to add more lies. I wish i could tell you what i'm doing but for the mean time, could you give me plenty of time to sort it out all? I promise one of these days, i'll tell you everything." She said hurriedly. She was scared if she didn't say it now, she might won't be able to say anything and would pretend nothing ever happen which eventually would lead to trouble in the future. She didn't want to lose him.

"I wasn't angry at you, sweetheart. In the future, it's fine if you still can't tell me the truth but i want you to promise me that you will always pick up my call from now on. Can you do that for me?" He said gently. He expected this from her, that's why he doesn't want to prolonged on this matter anymore.

She looked up at him and smile between her tears.

"Uhm. I promise you, i will pick up your call from now on. But, not to worry. I was asked to take my leave since i'm pregnant." She grinned. But he frowned.

"Why do i feel like i'm regretting this already? Are you doing something dangerous, previously?" He forgot all about being considerate and tolerating husband.

Alicia felt like biting her tongue for slipping that out. How could she not know that he will pay attention to every word that she use?

"That,,,hahaha,,,you could say that. But dear, i'm on leave now. Until i gave birth and a few months after. Which would take about a year or a year and a half. Other than that, i can't tell you much." She said almost pleadingly. He sighed.

"If i found out you're doing something dangerous during your pregnancy, don't blame me for tying you on the bed." He threatened.

"But our baby would not like that."

He squinted his eyes when she have the nerve to talk back at him making her kept her mouth shut and immediately agree with his threat.

"When did you find out you were pregnant?" He abruptly change the topic.

"Ermmm,,,the moment i reach S city." She said spontaneously. Not bothering to lie anymore.

Tristan however went stiff when he heard her saying she was in S city. He tried to take a deep breath, calming his inner turmoil or some sort. S city. His mind however played every scene that worried him the most. S city. The abandoned warehouse. The emblem. Googol. His grandfather's voice. The voice that he heard among the rows of trees.

Each scene played like it was yesterday. It took him so hard to erase that ridiculous image of her doing something dangerous but when she mention she was in S city all along, how could he not think otherwise?

Feeling him stiffen up, she looked up at his face who's looking calm but his body says a different thing. She frowned. Still thinking what she says isn't wrong. Not until she realize she mention she was in S city where they had encounter with the Princes of Hell and knowing him as one of the Princes of Hell as well.

"If i had known you were in S city, i would have gone to you. The next time i have my business trip, i'll bring you along. I hate parting with you the most now that i married you." He didn't asked about the thing that he wanted to know nor do anything about his doubt. Although he said he'll wait for her to come out with the truth but if she's involve in Googol, he couldn't wait that long. He'll need to visit his darn grandfather later.

Seeing that he didn't ask anything nor the look of his faces changes, she almost sigh in relief aloud but manage to catch herself in time.

"Oh? I thought you would be happy hanging out with my brother? My brother seem to welcome the day he had to go on a business. I guess a having married with each other for so long can change a person." She sneered.

"What does your brother had to do with our marriage?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrow up.

"Simple. Since he's my role model in everything but i somehow hated him when he left for business trip. Leaving his wife alone to tend to their kids alone. Delilah also needed her vacation as well."

"You do realize he's leaving for business trip. Mainly for business and not enjoying himself. Plus, how do you know he's enjoying himself? He might be busy trying to finish his work so he can shorten his trip and come back home." He retorted. He really wondered why they start talking about other people's marriage problem. This Ralph really giving him problem. Him, as a role model? Hah!!! Might as well she chose someone else to be her role model.

"Says all of the men. You're annoying. The point is, men they're only lovely and romantic on their first 5 years of marriage. Do you see how lazy my brother have become? He left his kids for me to care the moment i enter the house while he goes off with his wife."

"Isn't he's just trying to find time alone with his wife? With you as his sister, of course he'll make use of that. And sweetheart, you can't just conclude every men in this world in your ridiculous theory."

"I'm your wife. How could you sided with my brother? And i don't care if you're men, but you shouldn't sided with every men in the world either by giving me that ridiculous excuses. You're my husband." She eyeballed her husband in anger but her action hugging him seem to be contrasting. He felt like laughing seeing this side of her. And either it's because they're married or he understood her well that he actually knows the unseen and unrelated answer that she wanted to hear.

"Sweetheart, do you want to eat the pizza behind that alley?" He asked out of blue and completely out of topic. To others it might be out of topic but due to his instinct when it comes to her, the pizza behind that alley has been nagging his head when she mention the thing about marriage. Don't ask him what's the connection. He too wished to know what's the connection.

Hearing his question, her angry face brightens up before she dragged him out of the work room and made him change his clothes so they can go straight away. She's been craving for that pizza behind the alley ever since she's at S city.

It was as if the topic on her brother's marriage life never happen, they're now headed towards the pizza place behind the alley. If Ralph ever heard of their conversation, he would puke blood in anger. And he would definitely have a lot to say to defend himself. Unfortunately, for the sake of Alicia's happiness, Tristan don't give a damn about what he thinks. What wife says goes. And that's that!!!