Another matter

Alicia is on leave today. In fact, Tristan was the one who took a leave for Alicia for one whole year. Until she gave birth, she's not allowed to go to work. That is Tristan's conclusion and the punishment that he gave to her the next morning after treating her to the pizza place behind the alley. Alicia didn't know he had that all planned out. Come the morning, it was all chaos. No matter how hard she try to persuade Tristan and even use her deadly weapon by crying, he still didn't let her off. In the end, she had to concede. Seeing it's her own fault for lying and doing something dangerous when she knows that she's pregnant, she had to at least back down. Otherwise it will be unfair to Tristan who always let her do whatever she wanted to do. She was gloomy the whole morning until she remembered that her banned has been lifted off. Happily she took out her own personal laptop that she customized by herself. The laptop that has been with her through the bad times and even made money from it. With her being left by herself, she end up continuing the investigation for the lethal weapon that they have. Hopefully the one that they got is the only one. It will be big trouble if there's another weapon just like that.

While Alicia was busy hacking as Xero, Tristan went to his grandfather's house. It has been a while he last visited his grandparent. If it wasn't for family gathering, he wouldn't even bother to step inside the house. Due to unpleasant atmosphere where the question on who's going to be the next head of the family, he hated going back there. He's seen too much of fake flattering and poor actors as well as actress trying to pave their way to get some attention towards oneself. Everyone have their own motives. As for Tristan, he's never interested in that position at all. Just like his parents, he prefers on having an easygoing life with his wife and family. If the position fall onto his hand, he will have an endless series of unwanted visitors just like his grandfather who had to hide away inside his own house. The same grandfather who gave unnecessary attention to him, hinting the other relatives that he will passed the position to him making him annoyed seeing the smirk on his face. Just like right now. Sipping his tea in his backyard garden, enjoying a moment of peacefulness while Tristan in annoyance.

"What brought my most wanted grandson who got married without inviting his elders to the wedding and even took several months to remember he have a grandfather but still fail to introduce his own wife to his elders to this elder humble home?" In one long sentence, Duke Cullen Caelan shot his ungrateful grandson. He still feels irked about not being invited to his favourite grandson's wedding.

Tristan who heard him saying that just rolled his eyes. Even after months passed by, his grandfather was still sullen about the fact he married without inviting him.

"You could have come if you want to. Why bother waiting for me to invite you? Don't you always do things your way? It's where i get my genetic from. As well as my parent."

"Bah!!! That parent of yours. They're just horny little couple who can't seem to be away from each other even for a minute. Leaving their kids all around the world. And that's where i enter the scene. Taking care of your siblings really gives me a headache." That's another pain in the neck trouble that always seem to make him feel like his blood boil. That son of his prefer to travel here and there bringing his wife along and would always inform him about the kids that they left behind when they start another journey. Up until now he doesn't really know what he's doing out there and how he manage to create troubles everywhere.

"They're coming back for good end of this year. But they're not going to settle here among hyenas and leeches. So, you'll be seeing them more often." Tristan inform his grandfather. Remembering the snail letter that he received a few days ago. He was speechless receiving that letter. Who would send letter nowadays when they could have ring him up.

"Are they having another kid? I lost count on how many of you guys that i have to take care. Only you would stay here with me." Duke Cullen look terrified hearing the news and at the same time he was glad his son and wife finally going to settle down.

"I don't know. Besides, there's only 5 of us. I'm sure the other four are somewhere out there. It has been a long time i didn't meet them. It's easier to meet them while i was abroad. But don't we always gather together on Christmas?" Tristan retorted as if them missing in action are a normal thing. They do keep in touch with each other but to meet with one another is like making an appointment with the king.

"There's 365 days in a year and i only got to meet all of you 1 day. Do you this old man to remember those ungrateful brats? Including you. Getting married without telling. Huh!!" And it's back to him getting married. Tristan felt like the older people get, the more childish they've become. It doesn't matter if someone sees the person as the most tough man and ferocious but in reality, it's the opposite.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Happy now? But let's not talk about that grandpa. I'm here for another matter." He decided to apologize to stop his grandfather from prolonging the topic. He wanted to talk to him about Alicia.

Duke Cullen squinted his eyes and continuing to sip on his tea. Not bothering asking what his grandson wanted to ask him, he took his time slowly as he let his own grandson to speak up.

"You know who's Alicia didn't you?"