
Sai was scared to see things happening around. But he was also curious to know the truth. So he thought of inspecting that stone.

Sai continued, " I was really curious to know the truth behind that stone. The fire start to cool down. So I thought of go near. But suddenly I felt someone touched my back shoulder with hand. I got stun for a min. Then I slowly turned back to see who touched me.

Thank God it was my friend who touched me. He was my colleague and his name is Ishaan. Then I asked him "Why are you here?, you told me that you won't come with me then why you came now." He answered me " You went for long period of time, so I came to check whether you are alright. Are you alright?. Is there any problem here?."

Then I answered him " Ya I am alright. But something fishy happening in this place. I saw that man whom we saw from our office . But before I talk to him he got disappeared. So I was searching for him." Then he asked me " oh you saw that man finally. But he didn't reply to you why? and where is he? I didn't see him on my way to upstairs. He was not in downstairs also ". As I was talking to my friend I saw someone behind him. I stopped talking and had a look behind him then there was a lady standing with a baby in her hand and she was crying.

I wondered "who was that lady? and why she was crying?". Then I told him to turn back and see their was a lady with a baby standing behind him . Ishaan turned back and saw but he didn't see anyone. Then that lady got disappeared.

Sai again was confused why Ishaan couldn't see anyone but only I am seeing things around me. Whether these incidents somehow related to me? . He was talking to himself. Then his friend asked him "ok Sai let's leave this place now?. Its time. We have to leave for home. I think it's all your imagination. Nothing wrong with this place. it's just a old building which was burned before years. So as of now leave ". Then I replied "No, I am not coming. I have to inspect this place. You leave if u want." Then my friend finally left that place and went back. I am not willing to leave this place untill I know the truth. Then I planned to see that stone again.

But suddenly I saw many people standing in that upstairs including that man and that lady I saw before. I again got scared and went near them. I asked them "who are you people?. what do you want?. Please answer me".

Then those people showed their hands towards the stone. Then finally I realized that something was there in that stone.

That burning stone started to cool down. I slowly went near that stone. I saw someones name was written but it was not clear. So I could't identify anything. There was a stick near by me. So I took that stick and started scratching that stone. Then some names slowly started to appear.

Once I scratched fully suddenly automatically many names started to run on that stone. Its like names running on nameboard. I was scared to see that. But I could't see even one name. Then suddenly many hands came from that stone. Those hands hold my neck very tightly. So I could't breath at all. And those people I saw also surrounded me. I don't know how to escape now.

I must escape from this place otherwise I may die here by these unknown forces.