
Sai was caught by those hands. So he was struggling to escape. Even his friend was not also there to help him.

He shouted , "help me somebody, help me". But nobody came. His neck started to bleed. Then suddenly a flashlight came from that stone. As if it was a bright light like sunlight.

Then he was in his home having dinner with his family members and he was going to sleep.

But he didn't remember anything.

So what happened that time??.

Is he safe? or is he dead??.

What is that flash light??..

Asusual Sai got up in Morning. He had breakfast and doing usual stuffs. His work shift started at night. So he went to office at 9PM. Then in break he went to have cigarette with his friend and again they both saw that man. Same incident happened again and again.

But what happened to sai? Why same thing is happening again. But he or his friend don't remember anything about this.

Again and again it's happening to them like a loop. They got struck in a loop hole. Same thing got repeated. They couldn't come out of that loop.

But how they got into this loop?. Who was the reason for this??

In a fine morning while Sai was going to take bath he noticed that in his neck 5 finger was patched as a wound and it was fresh as if it was wounded yesterday and it is not getting cured. So he started to doubt about this. He asked himself " Who dare to keep their finger in my neck? and I don't remember of fighting with anyone in office also. So how could this wound would have happened?". He was totally confused. So he planned to notice the wound.

But again his wound was fresh. So Sai started to sit and remember what's happening.

He sat quietly and closed his eyes to remember the incident. However he tried could not find any clue. So he thought of consulting his friend about this matter.

Next day Sai went to office and he sat near his friend during break time. He showed his neck wound and asked him " Do you have any idea that I got fight with anybody in office or anybody caught my neck?. I don't remember anything but this wound I just saw 2 days back and it was not cured. It was too fresh." Then his friend answered "No Sai you didn't got fight with anybody in office and you are not that type of person. Maybe there will be some other reason. Think yourself again. Maybe you will remember".

Sai was totally upset that his friend also don't know about it. He was disappointed about himself that he don't remember anything. He don't know what to do next.

He went home with this upset mind. His face shows that he was not stable. His mom asked him " What happened Sai? Why are you sad?." Then Sai answered "nothing mom just work pressure". He answered and went back to his room. He then checked his neck. There is no improvement. Then suddenly his mom came inside his room. She saw her wound and asked her in panic " What happened sai?. How did you get this wound?". Sai told " I don't know mom. When I woke up in morning I used to see this wound daily. But it's not getting cured. I didn't fight with anybody either". Then his mom asked him to put leave for office and she took him to a priest.

Sai told everything about the wound to priest. Then the priest asked Sai to show his neck. He too showed. Then the priest looked his neck and asked him whether he went to any dark place or did he saw any evil thing.

But Sai told that he didn't saw anything like that. Then the priest told his mom that maybe he would have done it himself. And the priest gave him a necklace to hang on the neck. And asked him to be careful while he go out.

Still Sai was not satisfied with the answer which priest gave. He was thinking that the priest is for money. But his mom compelled him to wore that necklace which priest gave. So he wore that and slept.

Next day he woke up asusual and he was having breakfast. His mom checked him whether he was wearing that necklace or not. He was still wearing that necklace.

Then he went to office at 9.PM asusual.

In office he was playing video game in his friends mobile in break. Suddenly there was a scene just like that village with a huge hill appears and he was running in that village and something was chasing him. He was trying to escape but he couldn't do anything. Then his neck wound got severe pain. Then he fainted in pain. His friend then took him to hospital. But that wound got too red and it was burning.

In hospital they applied some medicine and admitted in the hospital. Sai's parents came and asked doctor about his state. Doctor replied it's just a wound so he will recover soon.

He opened his eyes after many hours. Again he couldn't bare the pain and started shouting. Then the doctor had a injection to him to sleep. Then he slept well. His parents confused about the state.

Everybody was in a confused state. What's happening??...