Painful Experience

Sai was still in pain. He couldn't bare the pain. Doctors were trying to reduce his pain. But they couldn't do anything. His parents were worried much. They gave him sedation to sleep.

While Sai was sleeping he got a dream . In that dream he saw a huge hill and from that hill two hands came and got his neck. He couldn't breath. He started breathing heavily and his neck wound got too red and start bleeding. His mother was sitting near him. She saw him breathing heavily and called the doctor.

Then doctor came and wake him and stitched his wound. The blood didn't stop. Doctors were trying their best to cure his wound. But they couldn't. He was crying a lot in pain and fainted.

After many hours the bleeding stoped. But pain didn't stop. He still didn't wake up.

Again he got a dream. In that dream he saw a village full of ashes falling from the sky. That village was filled with ashes. He look around and walked in that place. No one was there in that village. It was full dark. He walked around and was wondering what is place. He kept walking further to look around to see what's there in this place.

But suddenly he woke up from his dream and came back to hospital. Sai was in confused state by thinking about his dream. He don't know why he is getting dream like this. He don't get any clue about his dream.

He closed his eyes quitely for a min and thought of correlating his dreams. First he dreamt of a village and second dream was about a huge hill with hands and finally a ashes falling place. So he was thinking about his dream. And he conclude that everything was related to a burned place.

So Sai thought of dream again and have to find out the reasons. He started to sleep for a while. After 20mins of his sleep he didn't get any dream but someone woke him up. So he opened his eyes and saw who was that..

But no one was there. Then he was thinking who would have waked me up and he noticed that his parents or nurse no one was there.

Then he called his parents. But there is no response. So he thought of wandering outside the room. He was admitted in a ward room. He woke up from his bed and opened his ward room door. Then he went and looked around. No one was in the whole hospital. It was past lunch time but still it was death silence.

Then he walked around the hospital. Then suddenly the whole hospital Is filled with smoke. He couldn't breath. He got suffocation. He started thinking that he will be going to die here itself.

Suddenly his eye started to bleed with pain. He shouted out of pain. Suddenly his eye sight was lost. He couldn't see anything. He got frustrated. He got scared and got panic too. He don't know what to do.

Suddenly he heard a loud voice, " kill you killll youuuuuu killl youuuuu killl youuuuu...". He replied to that voice " Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing like this? . If you want to kill me then kill me.. or leave me. I want to live my life. What wrong I did?".

Out of frustration he started shouting. Suddenly the whole hospital is filled with death silence, but still the smoke didn't reduce.

A huge flashlight came towards his face. With that much of light he fainted. He waked up after many hours. Then he noticed that whatever he saw few hours ago was not there and his eye sight also is good. His mother is sitting near him only. The nurse is dressing his neck wound. He asked his mom that whether any incident happened now. His mom replied "No my dear, Why are you asking dear?". Sai replied " nothing mom". He was confused about everything.

He got too much mental stress. So he asked his mother to take him to walk outside.

His mom also took him out for fresh air. He relaxed himself for a while. Then he asked his mother " Did any incident happened in past in our family. I am getting some unusual dreams nowadays". She replied " No dear, nothing happened as of I know. Maybe your father might have known. You can ask him if you want". Then he decided to ask his father later regarding this.

Sai mom took him back to his ward to take rest. But he was afraid of sleeping again. So he was just chatting with his mom.

After few hours his father came to visit him after his working hours. Sai want to ask his Father about his family. So he called his father " dad I want to ask you something". Then he asked " What Sai? What do you want to ask me?".

Sai asked " dad whether any unusual incident happened in our family? Do you remember anything?". His father replied "No as of I remember. But why are you asking like this?. Then Sai told everything so happen to him and he told that all incident are related to fire.

His father replied " I remember only one incident that happened years back. When I was 20 years old, that time I joined college, a incident happened on the way to college.

His father started his old story.

" It was in my college days that incident happened which I couldn't forget. I was doing 2nd year of my college.

Daily I used to woke up in morning and used to go for college. I had my own bike. So I will go in my bike to college.

Usually I will pick up my close friend and we both used to go for college.

So asusual I pick him up and we both where going to college. On the way to college my friend asked me to drop somewhere to drink tea as he was thirsty. So I stopped in a tea shop. We drank tea there. Then we started to college.

Suddenly on the way to college a old building started to burn heavily. As it was near the road that flame touched our skin. We could feel the hot flame. So we stopped and went near to look that building.

There fire engine came and that area was fully crowded with many people. We went near to see what happened in that place. We asked a man standing in that crowd. He replied " I don't know anything. I too just came now". So we also just look into that building.

They took a old man from that building who has been wounded from that fire incident. We again asked another man about that incident. Then one man told us " That old man only lives in this old building and because of gas leak the fire started and burnt his full body. We don't know whether he is still alive or not".

We heard that answer and went to college as it is time for us to reach. But that incident got into our mind very much. So we couldn't concentrate on studies. Then after college time we left from college. On the way home we saw that same building. But no one was there. That building was in burnt state. We just crossed that building and we went to home. I dropped him in his home and I too reached my home. I usually used to share my things with my brother. So that day also I shared this incident with my brother. He wanted me not to go near or look that building. It will affect your mind. Then I Said ok . But I was thinking to myself what could affect my mind. I am not even involved in this incident how come it will affect me.

Days pased. That building was in the same state. But we didn't took much care about that building. After many weeks passed , one day while we were going to college we stopped in a tea shop to drink tea. Suddenly one man came in an hurry to that tea shop and asked for water because someone was fainted nearby. That tea shop man gave water in a cup. Then we both also went along with that man to help .

We went near that man who got faint. We sprayed water on his face. Then suddenly he got hold my friends neck tightly and started shouting. I got stunned. I don't know why that man was doing like that. We tried to take his hand from my friends neck. But that man was holding too tight.

Then again that man got fainted. Then we checked that man's pulse. He was dead. We don't have any idea why he hold my friends neck and how come that man died suddenly. Is that man already dead?? Or he died just now?? Confused....."