My Story

Sai's father continued his story.

With so much of confusion we went back home. Next day I asked my friend whether he know that person who died near our College and why he hold his neck. He replied "No I don't know him. Maybe if I ask my father he will answer me"..

We got curious about these incidents and started to research the truth behind the incident.

We went to my friend's father's home. We explained everything to his father. His father asked " Have you seen this man before my son?". He replied " No father, I have never met him in my life , but why he snached my neck. I don't do anything wrong for him".

His father replied " I too met with a incident similar to this when I was in my college. But I just ignored and moved on with my life".

Then my friend asked his father " father how we both met with same incident while in our College days. Don't you feel something fishy?".

His father replied "my son many incident will happen in our life daily. so don't get panic. Just leave. Still if you want to know any details go and ask your grandfather. He is in our native place."

Then me and my friend travelled to his grandfather's native place. They traveled for 1 full day and reached their native palce.

It was in a deep forest. A single and rich bungalow. There was a security outside. They asked the security whether anybody available inside. The security didn't allow them to enter.

Security replied " No both of them went to nearby temple. They will come soon and who are you both?". He replied " He is my grandfather". Then the security asked to go inside and take rest.

After 1 hr they both came.

Me and my friend greet them. They both wished and asked them " How are you? How is your journey?". They replied " Nice grandfather , and how are you?." His grandfather replied " we are fine. So why suddenly visited our house?."

He replied " I just want to ask you about something".

Grandfather asked " what answer you want from me. If I know then I will surely tell you".

He explained everything happened in his college and asked them whether they know anything about this incident.

His grandfather told " I don't know why you met with an incident like this. But your father also met with a incident similar to this in his college days. I don't know I don't know...

I don't know .. I don't knowww anything about this and I don't remember anything. Just leave... just leave leave leave...

Then their grandfather fainted. He got sick.

They both don't know what happened to his grandfather. Why suddenly he reacted like this??..

They got disappointed. Then they both returned back to their homes.

But they both felt that his grandfather was hiding something from them.

I just asked him " Do you find fishy about your grandfather's answer. Why he reacted like this?. Now how to find the truth??"..

My friend replied " Yes I too felt the same felling. So what to do now?. Even we ask him again he was not in position to answer us. How to find the truth?. I am confused".

I replied " I too don't know what to do now. We have to leave this chapter as of now".

So both of them decided to drop this chapter because it was related to his grandfather. They don't want to hurt their grandfather felling. They thought maybe his grandfather was hiding for good reason.

Sai' father finished his past story.

Now Sai planned to find the truth by himself.

But how he going to find??

Where he is going to start?? ....

What is the exact truth??....!