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After hearing his father's story Sai was really curious to find the truth behind these incidents..

He was just sitting and staring at the window. The white clouds are passing slowly. He too watching the clouds moving. The white clouds turned to black clouds and started raining. He could smell the rain water.

By seeing this he suddenly got an idea.

He asked himself " Why should I not got to that building where it's all started. Then I may get a way to find the truth".

He asked his parents to get discharge from hospital. The doctors refused to discharge him because he was not still got cured and his wound was also not got cured. So they thought he was not in good condition to go out. They got scared whether he may encounter the same experience again. His parents also got scared of his sons condition. But he convinced everybody and got discharge finally.

He was bit happy to see outside. His mind was fresh now. He was ready to face the situations.

He took a day rest in home. Next day asusual he went for night shift. He saw the building . But he didn't go near that building. He started his work.

At 12PM he came down to have cigarette alone.

Then he planned to go inside that building.

He finished his cigarette and went near that building. He heard a lady crying sound inside that building.

He went inside that building and checked the hall room. But nobody was there. So he went upstairs to check.

There also noone was there. Then he checked the stone. In that stone a lady half body inside the stone and half body outside the stone standing and crying.

Her face was turned in opposite direction where he couldn't see. Then he went near that stone

He got scared too much. His wound started to Pain too much. He almost shouted in pain.

His wound started bleeding.

Somehow he managed to see that ladies face. He went opposite side . Finally he saw that ladies face. It was all bleeding in her face and skin got peeled all over. A heavy burned smell came from that lady.

He got scared. Then he tried to face the fear. He asked her "who are you? What do you want from me?". Then he heard a sound some one shouting for help.

He just turned and looked around. But he got stun to see his parents were floating in air on top of the building. It looks like somebody was holding them. Finally he saw that man again. He was holding his parents.

He shouted and asked them " What do you want from me?. I will do whatever you want. Let my parents down". He shouted and almost cried. Then the lady showed her hand and asked him to come inside the stone.

He finally released that he want to go inside the stone. So he told them " If you want me to go inside the stone , I will go now. Leave my parents right now. Then I will go inside".

His parents shouted " No Sai , don't go, you have to live". But he said " No mom , I will go and face the situation without fear. Don't think about me. I will be back soon after finding the truth". He told and fell inside the stone.

He waved a Good bye to his parents with smile and said to that man " I am going inside , now leave my parents".

Then the man dropped them and disappeared. His parents started crying a lot.

Sai went to that another world.

There he saw a village and a huge hill. He remembered that this village he saw while he was playing video game. He don't know which place is this. He was in confusion.

This is the story he was telling to Aarav.

Aarav asked " But how did you survive in this place".

Sai told " Once I came here nothing was there. I roamed myself with fear. Whatever you experience, the same things I also experienced. But after long days search I found this temple. I lived here only. Because of this temple I survived these long days".

"when I reached this temple only this mandap alone was there. I digged and found inside this mandap a big underground room was there. I was staying inside this room only. So as of now you can also stay here , then will find the solution together".

Along with Sai ,Aarav and Neethi too stayed inside that underground.

But how they are going to find the solution??...